2004 bros

2004 bros...

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It was fun until 2007

I still hear the theme. The update after Barrows ruined Runescape.

for me, it's pest control

You have been frozen.

>ruining that magic nigga's day by hitting him with seercull's special

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why does everyone say 2007 is peak runescape when runescape 2 came out in 04?

Fucking hell this shit was dope
somone died by tree ent auto alch'ing mage longbows. I got all his shit gained 30 mage levels and made milllions

The updates were fine until god wars which made range and mage obsolete. They also removed PvP the same year. Now that I think about it they probably removed PvP because they destroyed the game balance

I have a feeling you’re either autistic or don’t know what peak means.

For me, its [mindless, repetitive task].

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As a kid with all the time in the world, it really fucked me up.

Castle Wars didn’t come out until 2005

It actually came out in December 2004.

>Set up barricades
>Magic/ancient fags guarding flags
>Spam freeze spells over and over


2008 was a major turning point year for Runescape 2 as a whole. It saw the addition of the GE, the graphics overhaul, and a host of changes to trade and PVP. 2004 RS2 barely had half the shit the game is known for, and would lack something like half the quests and minigames that 2007 RS2 would have. To be honest, as much as I enjoy a lot of the 2007scape private servers, I wish someone would make a version of the game with 2009's content/quests/graphics, but with no GE/free trade/free PVP. The fact that you can render RS2 at a decent resolution is really nice, among a host of nice content/QOL stuff they added. Just stop after the release of While Guthix Sleeps, that'd be perfect.

Ah, i remember being a kid and playing castle wars. I didnt contribute shit, I just ran around the map looking at all the other players.

good times.....

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>just ran around collecting arrows from archer players
>tfw some fag was shooting addy arrows one day
maybe I was the jew all along

>That feel when no private server has enough population to replicate the true castlewars experience but realscape is dumb and filled with bots
Hurts just a little bit.

>realscape is dumb and filled with bots
Exactly the way it was back in the day

I think it's just a side effect of the OSRS re-release, the new content and direction for the community was bound to overshadow the minigames.

Trust me when I say 2007 scape didn't have an entire country trying to make a living by botting literally every conceivable thing that can be botted. On f2p worlds you can't use a lot of the shops, just because a lot of them sell things for lower than the GE price, and bots will sit there all day buying out the stock. Iron bars are worth less than bronze now because bots camp every remotely profitable iron spot. There are bots that are programmed to do entire quests now. Groups of them coordinate to bot entire minigames or farm PVP/Boss monsters. Shit has gotten a lot more advanced.

Jesus Christ what a throwback

Dungeoneering was comfy.

castlewars always sucked.

ah yes the sound of PTSD

>tfw you slip by them all, grab the flag, and manage to get the fuck out their castle.

>keep getting the urge to come back to osrs
>buy a bond and play for a day or two
>repeat every other month

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Stealing Creations was the best minigame.

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jagex deserve to get fucked up the ass after all the shit they've pulled over the years
>no gambling in game!
adds the squeal of fortune which is so bad that the UK started looking into gambling laws for vidya
>no real world trading!
adds bonds which effectively gives gold a real life value
>there will never be a runescape 3!
proceeds to make runscape 3 which nobody likes
>we will never bring back old PK'ing
do it because it was a really fucking stupid idea to remove it in the first place
>every holiday event will have a corresponding poll!
the pride event happens without warning leading people to protest and get banned for wearing fucking desert robes of all things.

your better off sticking with Yas Forumsscape, fuck fagex especially for the fact that they killed funorb for no reason.

fuck me i forgot about this

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I miss gunz

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>get the fuck out of their castle
>team-mates waiting outside and starting fighting them off you

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Where are my TC:E og's at?

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Yas Forumsscape is still there

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>Decide to log in after months on a whim
>Remember that I was grinding for DS2
>People in /vg/ cc tell me Vorkath is dogshit money now
>Can't make money without another 500 hours of autism hours
Feels bad man, I just want a self-sustaining account without having to do Slayer and herb runs the entire time

Unironically the worst general in /vg/

that zombie RTS was fucking legit, it's a shame you can't really play it anymore.

the mining game, zombie and arcanists were the best ones they made.

Funorb was based. Used to play chess with my dad on it.

>tfw Lithuanian kid from highschool made a living scamming people in osrs

Big same, my boy. I remember thinking I was a god when I got ahold of a mithril spear and KS'd people for tickets.

honestly funorb didn't cost fuck all to run they should of kept it up, the problem is that they didn't do a good job of advertising it, funorb was almost a steamlite or mofunzone+ most of the games on it were actually pretty good from what I remember even if half of them were just rip off's of more popular games (see: arcanists)

they should bring it back they can't rely on just runescape for money.

>40 people playing some shady jar download
no ty

is this the nostalgiafag general? does anyone remember a battle chess game, it was like 3d and it was stylized to be a medieval fighting game? For example the knights were actual knights and then pawns were swordsmen? Fuck I've been looking for that game for so long.

>OSRS castlewars is on life support and only played by people after their comp cape because you can't even pay zoomers to do something that doesn't reward exp or GP

god I fucking hate the state of MMOs

Were any games on funorb preserved at all? I don't know if anyone cared about it enough, and it went out with no fanfare at all.

Miner disturbance was my fucking jam.


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Fuck me I had just started ds2 before I quit

someone remade it on steam for whatever reason for free.
to be fair funorb didn't get updated for over 10 years before it got shut down.

Arcanists was a better worms game than worms. Don't fight me on this you know it's true.

the endgame meta is literally kill vorkath 5000 times and buy everything

>ungabunga I spam shockbombs
yeah no.

I saw Zezima in Castle Wars once.

2004 was shit. I miss 2011 runescape shortly after nex released
>nex/nex armour
>soul wars/stealing creation/fist of guthix
>hybriding was peak fun
>best graphics revision

kill yourself twitch faggot.

Why can't I stop playing this fucking game? I have over 2000 hours, it's an addiction, please help.

Pretty sure they were yanking your chain m8, it's still the best.

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>hiding in those cloud things with ice blitz/barrage+level 5 dagger combos ambushing unsuspecting players
That minigame was the fucking shit and I'd forgotten about it. Based Steveposter

>listening to the "people" in osg cc
vorkath is still retarded money and is about as good as it gets outside of raids

Late pre-EoC RS2 was an underrated peak for the game, there was a lot to do and it was all still pretty fun and relevant. EoC just ruined fucking everything, jesus

does anyone even like EOC? it's such garbage.


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It really was. Glad I never gave another cent to fagex after that EoC shitshow.

This. I miss that runescape

I got into it mid 2006 and couldn't get enough. Such a soulful addictive MMO. Cannot be understated how much the Grand Exchange ruined everything. Cannot be understated how funny some of the quests were. What I wouldn't give for another day running through bank sales after saving up a decent chunk of gold running law runes. Mama mia bros

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Take me back plz

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literally the peak time for bridding. fuck jagex and fuck eoc.

>fuck no

I think people forgot how toxic the economy was prior to GE. Fuck having to attempt to buy an item you really want for a whole day. Fuck the 900 scams you'd encounter along the way. Fuck not having the ability to buy what you want/need when you want/need it.

Unironically no, at least not in the beta and not in the state it was launched in. It's been so long that I don't really remember the details too well, but EoC was basically just forced by one of the main designers because they were personally tired of the auto attack combat system and wanted the game to be a wow clone. Fucking nobody who got beta access liked it and Jagex actually manipulated and censored the feedback polls to try and pretend that people liked it, and the complete devestation it would have on the games economy was obvious from the get-go.

>tfw never got a 99
>tfw never did any quests and just killed random monsters or did minigames 99% of the time
>never had any money or quest specific gear and abilities and never did pvp
am I autistic

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What's it called on steam? Arcanist pulls up nothing

Missed out on some good writing but not really

OSRS end game is the most autistic, useless shit. I cant imagine why anyone even plays it.
>end game is literally grinding BiS items worth hundreds of millions or more
>best consistent money maker is Vorkath, most decently geared and leveled players would get 2-2.4m an hour
>~2.4m an hour is literally hundreds of hours to get BIS gear, for example its 500 hours alone to get a tbow. 500.
>BIS gear literally does nothing but shave a couple of seconds off killing a boss, and if killing Vorkath, this grind is thousands of hours long, just to go back and kill Vorkath slightly faster.
>once you've killed one single boss for thousands of hours to get and acquired your BiS gear, there's NOTHING to do
>its either kill Vorkath or learn raids which takes hundreds of hours to learn, if grouping hope that your team splits a good drop, and if solo'ing hoping to get lucky with a 1b tbow drop (not happening), could still end up grinding thousands of hours.
OSRS is literally the worst MMO on the market right now designed for literal autists. I cant think of a worse waste of time lmfao

yes and a shitter as well but no in actuality as long as you had fun it's all good no matter what minmaxing autistics say.

You were playing the game the way it was meant to be played

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I'm just focusing on leveling skills and when I only have 99 Farming left to get I'm just gonna fuck around and actually enjoy the game.

>raids which takes hundreds of hours to learn
if you have a learning disability maybe