Who is his main audience?
Who is his main audience?
all you-tuber thread posters deserve to get American History X'd
Civ bro you gotta stop posting these.
bernouts about to have a lot of free time on their hands
Why do you keep asking? go take your ritalin.
Zoomers who like to pretend they are oldfaqus
Also burnt out boomers
>watch another man play a game instead of you: recut
literally letsplays but edited
I like gman better
okay who the fuck are these people i keep seeing them
holy fucking shit
is the intention to annoy the fuck out of me so that i start filtering your image? knock it off.
Start working on TNT Civvie.
Gman lost a lot of credibility with me when he called Blood Redux good, when it was clearly busted. Also him complaining about boomer shooters having old style graphics was kinda ridiculous to me, considering the wealth of shitty modern military shooters that is out there if you want high fidelity garbage.
I can't tell if these are meant to be pro or anti Civvie at this point
Pro Duke Episode 4 when you fat fuck
hi, i just found out about your eceleb thread and you have to delete it now
Terrible taste, you should be ashamed.
gman has gone full youtuber and disappeared so far up his ass so he can go fuck himself.
Am I supposed to know who this is?
Are you suppose to know anything about any of the random people or games discussed on this board? How many other threads have you gone into tonight asking that question?
His latest review gave off some really shilly vibes.
Didn't say jack shit about the terrible level design, or the fact the game is almost entirely just locked down arenas, or how the game pretends to not care about story but then shoves unskippable cutscenes everywhere. The shooting is "fun" I guess but you move so slowly I can't stand playing it for more than 30 minutes at a time.
He used to be fairly objective but between the Doom review, the Ion Fury review, and now being featured in Postal 4 I think it's all getting to his head and he intentionally glosses over the (in some cases major) flaws.
I dunno, the other times he talked about Doom 2016 (Sam review, DNF review), he seems that he enjoys it and doesn't notice these things. Even then, he did say that while Doom 3 might have been the intention of Doom 1+2 except they didn't have the tech, he said that Doom 2016 was different.
Also what's wrong about the Ion Fury review?
he used to be more authentic
the doom series is the only game series he get hype about so he isn't really neutral in this game
Me, just me. I subscribed to him with 100k bots just so he would have to do a video on DNF
Why do you keep making the same thread over and over again?
oh hi cancer mouse
I Fucking love cancer mouse
He went over the good points which are good, fantastic levels, clever secrets, didn't mention that there's only about 6 enemy types throughout the entire game that spans over 7 chapters and that the weapon selection for a build game is weak as fuck. It doesn't even use the full 0-9 loadout, like its missing a "BFG" type or even a basic explosive launcher. The grenade launcher might as well shoot piss at people for all the splash damage it does and even if you hit someone you might slightly damage the enemy standing right next to them.
I dunno for someone so engrossed in shooters I would have thought good weapon choices would have been something high on the list. Compare to how he talks about the selection of guns in Shadow Warrior to see what I mean. I still love and watch his stuff it's probably some of the best gaming content on YouTube, but I can't help but notice the trends.
ggman is unironically a paid shill
Caddicarus incel reporting for duty
>or how the game pretends to not care about story but then shoves unskippable cutscenes everywhere
Doesn't he explicitlly mention that during the scene where you first get an argent powerup?
Idiot children who make e-celeb threads on Yas Forums
He practically skipped out on the guns he hated (rocket launcer and plasma) and its hard to talk about all the guns in 2016 due to runes and weapon mods.
This is my personal assessment, due to his reluctance to do tnt_evilution, maybe he wants to keep his videos under 30 min from now on so he had to condense the 2016 review.
Like unironically? /vr/, specifically the retro shooter general.
Maybe he does. Good thing he's entertaining I'll have to watch it again.
oh god it's a "real doom fan" here to tell you how much Doom 2016 sucks because it isn't exactly like his precious uber specified WADS and dares to have a little fun with its' lore.
That's his highest viewed video, i bet the algos really shilled his outlook on misogyny.
But unironically though.
>someone gets remotely popular
>Yas Forums is contractually obligated to hate them
>Fuck u randy
Objectively correct, yes. Randy is a worthless piece of shit.
>unironically defending randy bobandy for hoarding the Duke for himself and actively choosing not to make money off old games or potential new projects because DNF bombed BECAUSE he stole money from the project fund bordermemes
>i'm a pleb and proud of it
imagine sucking as much cock as this guy lol
Pro Redneck Rampage when Civvie?
These guys
Pro reviewer, he actually calls Doom2016 what it is, a successor to QuakeII/III . That's exactly what it is even with the Doom horror themes. It's not meant to emulate 90s action games, its meant to build on QuakeIII Arena with a better single player with more re-play value (by modern standards) than QuakeI/II.
I thought he stole money from Colonial Marines. Did he steal money from fucking everything?
i forgot to add in something katie related on my shitpost
Anything that was being made a tthe same time as a Borderlands game
Him calling the levels non linear is the real shill speak. I like the game and am hyped for Eternal because this is the Painkiller sequel I've always wanted and never got, but there are only 2 levels in the entire game that are truly non linear, and him not calling that point out is extremely biased of his part.
nice retort fag.
guarantee this is made by the same idiot that started to shit on Clint from Lazy Game Reviews
>hates Halo
did he ever explain hate he hates Halo other than MUH CINEMATIC LINEAR EXPEREINCES KILLED FPS GAMES
E-beggar board when?
Ecelebs are not videogames
What ever happened to Chad Warden anyway?
If you actually pay attention to his list of favorite games in the Blood video, Half-Life 1 is at #3 under only Blood and Doom 2.
But I think it's because it introduced a lot of shitty things like shields for health, 2 weapon limit, etc that a lot of games after followed.
I hate this fucker.
I hate his cringe gimmick
I hate his efforts to be "funny" in that angry rambling off-topic kind of way
I used to think mandalore was boring but as time goes on I realize that's what I want. I want to know about a game, not how fast you can talk and swear and bitch bout games not made on the fucking build engine
Reminder that Serious Sam is artificial difficulty.
>No project warlock review
>hurr durr I suck cocks
Lmao he keeps going
Still ballin'.
Do you have legitimate autism or something
Pro Daikatana when Civvie?
Pro Depth Dwellers when Civvie? we need more shitty build engine trainwrecks.
I'm 29 years old, I love shooters and I'm extremely happy about the resurgence in "old school" shooters. I'm probably unironically civvie's target audience.
Which is fine because I enjoy his vids.
>That's his highest viewed video
Not true, even of his videos before he got more popular thanks to the DNF video, Pro Quake has 20k more views. Pro Doom has 70k more views. Pro Doom 2 has 320k more views. Hell Pro Duke 3D has slightly more. Postal 3 has almost 200k more views. The DNF video was not as big of a viewership jump as you'd think.
It's coming, he's outright stated it's coming eventually.