Why didn't Pokemon Masters became a massive hit like Pokemon Go?

Why didn't Pokemon Masters became a massive hit like Pokemon Go?
I still see people playing Go while it seems that Masters just got ignored in a few weeks.
And both games started pretty shit too.

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because masters is infinitely more shit than go, at least go lets you do the thing pokemon is literally most known for

Pokemon masters was hit or miss.

Go got the feeemium balance right, you can play the game a lot without investing any money, Masters is too picky about what it lets you do.

Do the girls make sexy posses and wear sexy outfits? no? well, the lack of that usually kills any gacha not called Dokkan Battle.

it's a shame how a mobile game is definitely better than the mainline game

in literally everything,fuck you generic cumsluts sw/sh fags

btw just got special red and leaf on the same pull,are they good?

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Most gachas have mediocre starts because they need to adjust gameplay, rates, etc. Masters is no different. In a year or two it will gain plenty of traction. It won't reach Go popularity, hardly any game ever will due to the nature of the whole thing, but it will be a popular gacha. DB Legends was DoA and now has gained a significant playerbase despite it being way too whale focused.

Pokemon Go is so boring though.

>it's a shame how a mobile game is definitely better than the mainline game
trying way too hard to seem cool and edgy desu

Masters is one of the most generous gachas out there. You can easily clear most of the game's content with f2p sync pairs, and you get lots of gems.

Red is the best character in the game right now, he can plow anything

Are you implying Masters isn't?

It ran like shit on my 6 year old phone

An abundance of pokesluts still doesn't make a good game sadly

Pokesluts don't work if you don't slut them.

Combat is too tedious. Not hard but annoying.

Honestly my main grip with the game is that it focuses too much on co-op, give me solo events or challenges instead of having to find some fags on discords or randoms with zero team synergy.
Also Drasna when.

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Because like any other gacha game, the best part is the porn it produces.

good to know,I was surprised on how these 2 appeared on the same pull,I just blue was included since oak is free,I wish I could get Christmas Rosa but I couldn't

maybe in the anniversary

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i should have rolled for christmas rosa, she seems like a good physical supporter.

Pokemon Masters actually has difficulty in the form of the Battle Villa. Go is one of the most braindead games out there and takes no skill to play.

It's garbage, just like every pokémon game. Only the most massive autists and waifutards backed it up, it was obviously going to be another flop.

having """""""""""""difficulty""""""""""""" in a gatcha game doesn't make it less boring

jokes on you,I just enjoy how old but God tier forgotten characters got more porn

the Rosa boom was amazing and is still going

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They nerfed the EX Challenges.

Masters has been improving itself through the months though, it's much easier to farm shit now, there's more shit to do and you get good rewards from the bingo or other missions.
They should increase the daily gem rewards though, 30 gems a day is nothing.

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He's right, but not for the reasons he thinks. It's because speed is actually a stat in Masters unlike mainline where it's just who goes first.

Go is more normie-friendly, Master's combat likely scared away casual players.

Dailies aren't supposed to give you shit. 90% of your income in gacha come from events.

because its pay 2 win? because people dont have a neet's interest nor autism bucks to burn money to collect virtual children?

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I've been playing Masters everyday since it came out.
Maxed out my Oak/Mew pair just last week.

>using generous and gacha in the same sentence
You've already lost.

Baka ass motherfucker shikikan.

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None of Nintendo gacha are pay to win, even FEH where people love to bitch about AR is completely doable without paying a single cent.

It's not that it's generous, it's just that there's only 1 pair that you really need which is Red. Anyone who said Olivia, Brendan, or Pheobe were just trying to make themselves feel better or too lazy to max out multiple pairs.

Mainline Speed stat now can affect turn order mid-battle.
>ally A has 100 Speed, B has 200 and opponent C has 175. Turn order is B > C > A
>B goes first with Tailwind, double allies Speed stat
>Turn order change to B > A > C immediately instead of having to wait until next command input

And Go isn't a gacha. It distributes Pokemon and items randomly, but it doesn't lock them behind a slot machine like gachas do. And the free items are common and good enough that most people can enjoy being F2P.

Normalfags only care about the pokemon, not the trainers (Masters' main appeal) unless it's Ash or someone from the anime, hence why Go has more normie appeal.

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This is the thing kr Destiny Child got right, you get tons of gems daily on top of ever present events that are generous with rewards.

you can beat most missions just with Rosa and Hau, who are free

Dragalia vomits you currency and tickets and people complain.

Well Japan liked it enough to draw more Rosa porn, so I'm not complaining.

The combat is aids because it is cooldown-based real-time. Make it either true turn-based combat or auto combat so I can take my time with combat or just farm.

Why are gacha games no longer universally reviled on principle

Masters is a gacha, at least Pokemon Go lets you play whenever you want for however long you want without having to rely on random ass pulls. Granted catching Raid bosses can be almost as bad as gacha pulls, but that's at its very worst.

>muh gems
>muh rolls
>muh its ez for f2players
>muh roll the gacha goy memes
>muh waifu
Really sucks that this is the end result of mobile as a game platform. Virtual slot machines with pretty pictures and characters that use real money. and it will only get worse from here on out

Stockholm Syndrome, and series that are holding peoples' waifus hostage.

>and people complain.
Because gacha is shit. And locking content behind rng is even shittier.

Well they're been doing quite a few crossovers lately so for Fire Emblem and Monster Hunter you need to have as much as you can since there's no guarantee and after the event it's all over.

Because high IQ user tried gacha and realized they are perfect short burst of vidya.

Take Dokkan battle for example, the game is generous, has great music, nice visuals, is 100% free and if you don't feel like playing it but still want to get free shit it will take you less than 30 seconds to just get your stones and fuck off.

Take the gachapill user, you won't regret it.

I just started playing a few days ago. I expected the game to be boring waifubait like azur lane, but it's actually very fun.

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>mfw seeing gacha slaves calling people who don't play these skinnerboxes "lucklets"

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couldn't install it on my phone

t. lucklet

Radioactive amounts of shitposting detected. Exercise caution when replying.

Because of mobage or any MMO nature, being a latelet is suffering, f2p friendly or not (missing limited story / reward / exclusive).
Unless there are MMOs let me rerun ANY events without too much drawback or add in main stories right after event ends, I won't touch that if > 3 months old.

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T. Impulsefag.

>user makes a wise decision of avoiding the most cancerous gaming model, gacha, thus saving him money, time, dignity and intelligence
Who's the real lucklet in the end, anonymous?

because pokemon go was made by the people who built/designed the satellites they used for missile targeting systems in the bombing of iraq+afghanistan. pokemon go is a nefarious project attached to nefarious people and is a trojan horse, using the "friendly pokemon IP" to gain trust/test out their new toy, and as such had a much bigger media push which got people more interested. plus. augmented reality is a lot more interesting than whatever pokemon masters is.

if you weren't a lucklet you wouldn't be losing money, lucklet

Pokemon Go lets you do the thing people know the franchise for: Catch pokemon. Masters is pretty much a niche title that only caters to fans of the games, and care about the trainers.

Cope lucklet, gacha is for luckchads only.

Point in case. So long, you poor bastard.

ok lucklet

because it's fucking boring despite the waifu appeal and it isn't normie bait enough to rake in the casuals. can't get the waifufags, can't get the normies.

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