Today's video is sponsored by Raid: Shad-

Today's video is sponsored by Raid: Shad-

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Just press K a few times.

>a dark spirit have inv-


Skillshare, betterhelp, and dollar shave club were way more obnoxious sponsors than raid.

If you aren't using sponsorblock in fucking 2020 what are you doing with your life?

Quality razors sent directly to your door!
So sharp you could slit your wife's throat!

>$1400 for a 60 second ad
dont tell me you wouldn't do it?

I would absolutely do it
Immediately after I told my viewers to go install sponsorblock

Remenber when NordVPN paid Piratebay to scare it's users into thinking they could hack into their computers if they didn't used it?

>people use adblock so faggots have to resort to embedded/'native' advertising like this
>someone invents a plugin to put a stop to that too
At this point they only way they can get ads to your eyeballs and not be able to block them is make them part of the video stream itself, but randomized so sponsorblock is useless

People get paid that much to shill for 60 seconds?

at that point people will just stop watching
Reminds me of how some animator had a sponsored section of their animation that they animated and worked into the story of the rest of their animation and thinking "That's not gonna age well."

>made by jews
It all fucking makes sense

Companies are going insane with advertisement, they invented a massive apocalyptic complex of harvesting personal information that would allow them to take over the planet and they just use it to know if you are interested in buying a trash can

I mean that Youtube randomly injects an ad directly into the video stream at some point like they do for normal blockable adds, but since the ad is part of the video itself you can't block it without blocking the whole video from playing and since it's randomly injected at a random timestamp sponsorblock is useless because there is no set time the ad plays in the video. This would require re-encoding the video in real time though I think, which would be rather intensive at the scale Youtube serves content

yeah that would suck
Good way to guarantee I'll never use youtube again though

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>At this point they only way they can get ads to your eyeballs and not be able to block them is make them part of the video stream itself, but randomized so sponsorblock is useless
Haven't you heard about development of neurolink technology? I'm pretty sure majority of normalfag retards will be eager to connect their brains directly to proprietary software once it goes mainstream, and whoever runs these will be projecting ads directly into their consciousness. People will scream about how corporations want to hack brains and turn people into zombie slaves, but this will likely never happen because who the fuck needs that when you can make so much money off ads this way.

Which is probably why they haven't done it even though they most likely have the tech to do so if they wished, Twitch experimented with exactly this iirc, the ads weren't blocked because they were injected into the stream.

Someone will figure out a way to adblock on whatever IRL Nervegear equivalent gets invented

Yeah, I thought I had heard something about twitch doing that too
I have no idea how people put up with ads on twitch specifically anyways though. Imagine using a streaming service for the purpose of watching live content, only for ads to run over that live content


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I run adblock, ublock orgin and tampermonkey. Don't get any forced ads from youtube or other streaming sites.
Any youtuber that shills the shady legends stuff I've unsubbed from and don't watch anymore.
With so many channels to watch and the same content being covered by multiple people, it's pretty easy to never have to deal with those shit ads.
Yeah sure the youtuber gets paid that $1400 or whatever. Only they lose views in the long due to people get disgusted by it. Short term greed costs them in the long term.

>Hi, sir, you wanted to see me?

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Well, at least they were somewhat venerable products unlike raid which is just a piece of shit chinese p2w mobile game


even better. It's from Israel

Not gonna lie, these were nicely animated

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the only one id consider is dollar shave club or its competetitor i forget the name of. i shave my neck scruff every 2 days and would prefer a regular razor over my electric one


Shadman? I see why he unplugged his CRT then.

There's something called hidemyadblocker you know?

>implying you all wouldn't play RAID-SHADMAN

Because you underestimate POTENTIAL microtransaction profit to be made.

I honestly can't give too much shit to people who take up that sponsorship. I heard they actually pay a good amount for something that most people would just roll their eyes at and skip ahead in the video.

what worries me more is whether someone can actually be convinced by paid promotion. it's just something I skip over.

yeah, I'd probably play it

Attached: shadman but curious.webm (482x584, 108.85K)

This poster didn't even mention jews... u n l e s s

I'm a youtuber with 200k subs. $1400 is too little for a 30 second ad. $5,000 - $10,000 is more accurate for 60 second ad. Either that or they pay you for the amount of views it gets over a few weeks

>wonder how they can afford so much advertising
>look up where they are based on wiki

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dabbing on the poor s󠛡mh

Jewdar never fails

>literal jewsih cockholes
You now realise that USSR was the guy by keeping all that scum away from the world.

>blaming the Jews for your tiny dick

>not Adolphus Hitman

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>watch video about cute small animal
>this video is sponsored by Rai-


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Sounds like you have a tiny dick user, want to talk about it?

>Its ya boy Raid: Shadow Legends

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no its not me as I don't blame the Jews for anything you on the other hand


L, you fucking noob.

It's okay to admit you have a tiny dick user, we don't judge here.

at least dank's getting money for his videos again.

>tfw can't turn back time

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That picture just looks like someone saving a CRT from the trash to me.

Not even close. They don't force cheesy music and aren't as cringeworthy with how they make the narrator claim that they totally like what they're shilling.

>mfw ublock, noscript, sponsorblock, and clickbait remover which makes all titles lowercase and replaces thumbnails with an in-video screenshot
all i need now is something to resize the thumbnails back to the old smaller size. fuck you youtube i'm on a desktop not a fucking worthless phone or shitty tablet

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I need that clickbait remover, what's it called?

if you use firefox the title is "clickbait remover for youtube"

Thanks bro, hope you stay healthy.

all of this and also de-mainstream