comfy coronavirus quarantine thread
comfy coronavirus quarantine thread
any other Yas Forumsnessman here getting rich as fuck from coronachan? puts on spy are giving me so much fucking money.
Altered Carbon
Waiting for Shinzo to declare himself Shogun
Smash Ultimate, a little bit of Halo MCC here and there
Coronavirus shit on YT
Alright i just got on Spring Break so im feeling comfy for the next week and a half but i mean honestly who the fuck knows my college just had to cancel the weeks remaining classes because someone on the nearby campus had Corona and this is a def not a nothingburger so this could be expanded.
RE4 mercenaries
YouTube shit
Orange soda just like my nigga Kel
Fucking animal crossing hoype
>all University classes loved online
>Finals cancelled
>Three weeks before I have to leave my room again
Awwwww shiieeeeeet
Megaman ZX Advent
Nothing really. I want to watch castlevania season 3 but egh I don't want to see what they did to Trevor.
Water. Stay healthy losers
College isn't shut down yet, but they're prepared too if the time comes. I'm kind of worried since 3 of my family members are going to cali this weekend (it's one of the biggest cases of corona outbreaks I believe) so I'm hoping none of them get sick.
Besides that, feeling good I suppose. Not too worried about the virus getting to me since it doesn't do much damage to someone with good immune systems Which I've been told I have since working out helps supposedly. Really worried about my parents catching it though, since corona isn't so kind to older folk.
Rant end.
Puyo Tsu if I get in the mood, maybe Yakuza 0 or Pikmin 251 (a romhack) if I really get in the gaming mood
Random shit that gets thrown in my recommended on YouTube
Probably just the CBD I took but I suddenly feel pretty tired despite having slept a ton, had an okay meal and all that. A shame because I wanted to start my "day" shortly (even though it's night).
On the topic of the virus though, why do I feel like the moment I resolve these knee issues in any capacity, that fucking virus is gonna make its way over here and thus I have to continue to hole myself up in my room regardless.
Ninja Gaiden
Who Wants to be a Millionaire('99)
this level is tough
Some Granblue Fantasy Versus, might try to play more Nioh or Shadow of the Collossus
Might see what's on Adult Swim. I'd watch some Bobs Burgers or try to see if I can watch the Outer Limits
might make coffee
Gotta get a haircut tomorrow. I just ran out of weed so I'm contemplating buying another 8th but I keep wasting so much money on weed. I smoked 4 8ths this month.
apex legends
my friend reminded me of this apparently its free on youtube now
pic related
like i hope i land my dream job that i had an interview for on monday
Gorillaz seasides
A lil down. Probably my allergies. Gona smoke and turn out lights ina bit to unwind
PROOF that the corona-virus is FAKE:
nigga i aint clicking that shit
I'm in a depression because loneliness.
Chicken sandwich.
>just got a job at the mall
I just started working at an airport. You'll be fine.
Let's Go Eevee. I'm done paying for this franchise but I borrowed it and my bloodlust has me grinding to unlock the Red fight
Temp job might end soon, boss was annoyed with my speed putting invoices in envelops (machine that does it broke) and only doing a half shift tomorrow. Still, got me enough for a switch and a car down payment. I'm temping at a medical supply place and we sent a shit load of masks back to China awhile back.
All my classes got moved to online for the rest of the month. Finals seem to be fine, though.
Imagine evolving into an extremely complex being with enough intelligence to leave your own planet only to be destroyed by some ball with strands of DNA inside it.
Yeah more than likely but I don’t wanna spread it to my family
Also I hate diarrheaing all over the toilet, pain in the ass to clean in more ways than one
Coronavirus is going to turn the USA into the Valley of Defilement from Demon's Souls kek.
That's nasty. I'd rather get a job in a restaurant than be some janitor.
Hell no i mean clean my own shit if I get bugged, i'd rather work at a mall than be a janitor.
>playan, watchan
Nothing, instead I'm >LISTENAN to various albums I'm coming across on Yas Forums. Please recommend music.
Iced orange tea
I'm . I'm so fucking excited to open up my broker tomorrow and see my ridiculous gains.
I'm pretty sure I have it, but honestly after like 3 days of feeling like absolute dogshit the only issue I have left is a cough that won't go away. I've had a lot of chili recently so I don't know if the shitting thing is a symptom or just a result of me eating way too much fucking spicy ass food.
You another SFSU nigga?
dead by daylight
Ys Origin and Pokemon Sword
Hellsing Ultimate
pretty good, on spring break school is gonna decide if they are going to close or not.
I dont want to die bros, I still have so much to learn in Tekken
INO has been pretty crazy lately
also watching stone cold clips on yt
Resident Evil 4
BL3 later with a buddy, who has been bugging me to play
Police Interrogation videos, that new Clone Wars season when possible
On fire
Rumor has it reinfection is possible, best hope these are not merely rumors
I wish I got in INO when anons were talking about it weeks ago, but I swore off biotech stocks, shit's too wack.
I mean hope that they really are merely rumors.
Also playing Darkest Dungeon
I'm on a metroidvania binge so after I'm done with Luna Nights I might try Aria of Sorrow.
If not I'll certainly play Rune factory 3 for the 4th time.
If my friends call me then perhaps League of legends but I don't really wanna play League so I'll try to make them play Terraria instead.
HoloLive girls
I've watched this video 4 times already and the Maringlish is rotting my brain, lmao
Just had a sugar free Monster so maybe water or a beer.
Sad, got in a fight with me mum but we already made up.
Kinda wish you asked "eatan" because I made this super killer turkey breast, ham, tomato and avocado sandwich on potato bread and I want to brag god damn it!
yeah that's the issue, I'll be fine but my mom has copd and I'm scared of her getting sick
Jesus gramps, are you ok?
To be clear, I don't have diahrea, just mostly non-solid shits. Also my cough isn't always dry so it could be that I have something else.
I hope you get the job you want user!
It sucks but you get used to it. Just never talk about it or people will think you are weird.
Devil May Cry 5
The World End.
FFXIV. Going to go try to pick up one of the Animal Crossing Switch consoles on Friday, and plan on playing Animal Crossing next week along with DOOM (PC). FFVIIR when that comes out. Thinking about starting a play through of original FFVII for right now.
Best of the Worst
Monster Ultra and Coke Zero. Dragon's Milk on Friday, I plan on having a real good Friday watching Jason movies and Joe Bob Briggs.
Pretty comfy. Sitting on a mountain of canned food, fruits and bullets. Working from home, so is my girlfriend. We're going to weather this storm just fine, we live in a medium sized city and far away from the areas that would likely experience civil unrest. Tried telling people to stock up on food, but everyone ignored me except my best bros.
You blew it.
>live in seattle
>work from home
>not enough work to do cause everyone else is working from home and lazy af
>play vidya and work on side business
You might be right. If I do catch it, I can guarantee you it will be her fault. Having to lay the law down about washing hands, but who knows what she does when she's not at home.
DBFZ and Yakuza 5
Some twitch streamer playing DMC5.
I got matched on Tinder with some girl who just wanted to shill her private snapchat of her getting fucked. I hate myself for missing so many cues in in my teens. I hate that I missed out on high school romance. 20 year-old, kissless virgin, still living with parents, and only taking two classes. I feel so unmotivated and pathetic, and I don't know what to do.
Trying to figure that out now. Waiting for DOOM.
Tea and water.
Very bored and confused. Out for two weeks due to someone in our office testing positive for Brovid 19. Was excited at first but now that I'm home I don't know what to do now.
Astral Chain
random youtube shit
Crystal Light
I have 2 job interviews next week and prices are plummeting. things might start going well for me
Fallout 4
OG Dragonball
Orange-cranberry juice
haha good thing this is not on real li
Touhou puppet dance performance followed by another replay of FFTA2
Nothing. I barely watch anything anymore.
I have a lot of beer stockpiled. Though if you mean right now, I'm just drinking water.
Slightly miffed that the convenience store near my house is now constantly out of stock and that I'll probably have to graduate a semester late thanks to coronachan.
Yas Forums
fucking bored. what game should I play, Yas Forums?
You would be surprised how easy is to get a GF when you leave the basement and go talk to people for a couple of weeks.
It's just nature dabbing on you, it always wins.
new ori just came out if you like metroidvanias and want something new
nigga im tyna commit sudoku.
What music are you into? I could link some psyche or alt rock if you like that.
Snack World with luftrauser breaks sprinkled in, pretty comfy
nothing much, catching up on some of my youtube stuff
dr pepper
want to work at a dispensary but getting licensed costs like 75 dollars, might do substitute clerical work for the school district assuming they don't close because of the virus
I'm into everything. Post what you got.
>20 year old
>living with parents
literally nothing wrong with that dont sweat it. if youre in the US i can understand the pressure but people in 80% of the rest of the world stay with their families for a long time.
ive never actually had someone respond to one of these so i hope you manage to achieve your dreams to friend
Eh. I'm not big into platformers. Hollow Knight is still sitting in my backlog. Maybe I'll try that. Thanks anyways.
Looks pretty good. Last I checked on it, it was around release. Looked pretty barren content wise. Is there more to do now?