E3 Cancelled

>E3 Cancelled
>FF7, a 23 year old game, is getting re-released, and will no doubt be the the game of the decade.
>Blizzard ruins WC3 with worst re-release of all time
>Alucard taking it up the ass is canon
>Travel ban from Europe to US
>NBA Season is cancelled, both thanks to God playing a game of Plague, Inc.

2020, man.

What a time to be alive.

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You forgot a certain beloved character becoming a poofter

I watched all of the 3rd season yesterday. The Alucard arc was definitely the weakest, not the least because the twist felt hamfisted. I did enjoy the other parts though.

The purge is coming brother. Only the strong shall prevail.

Corona-chan will fix everything


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Le beer virus

Nah that comes in 20149 give or take if we take the events of the 1900s repeating in the 2000s.

I don't understand why people are so triggered by Alucard getting buttfucked. The guy's bishi as fuck, its not exactly a huge stretch.

>NBA Season is cancelled
was about to call bullshit on you but holy fuck its true
Was I memed? Is coronavirus actually a big deal? This is the only shutdown thats shocking to me actually

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>Alucard taking it up the ass is canon
It isn't you stupid nigger.

>watching Nigger Basketball Association

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It's extremely virulent, worse than the regular flu. It just came out that fucking Tom Hanks tested positive. Shits going down.

>>Alucard taking it up the ass is canon
I don't get it

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>Alucard taking it up the ass is canon
About as canon as Lords of Shadow.

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Only literal cultists care about that. Show me your mo/v/es.

>Year 20,000.
Halfway to Warhammer 40k!

I wanted to buy some toilet paper the other day, not much just a normal sized package of it, but morons everywhere are stockpiling the shit like it's gonna be currency in some post-apocalyptic hellscape.

Jesus Fuck

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It's quite lethal to the elderly and EXTREMELY contagious.

I like how in Fallout 4 cash money is their toilet paper.

>Travel ban from Europe to US

>and will no doubt be the the game of the decade.


>>Travel ban from Europe to US
Amerimutts should be publicly executed and we don't need our kind there. If only we could stop them from coming here

>FF7, a 23 year old game, is getting re-released, and will no doubt be the the game of the decade
It'll be an even bigger disappointment than FFXV. Screepcap this.

>noooo my toys and entertainment got taken away!

Let that be a wakeup call for you.

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Fugging hell you know I meant 2049 baka

>Alucard taking it up the ass is canon
Let's not get another thread full of bitching about what "canon" means when everybody is using it to refer to "the Castlevania video games' story", the Netflix series just has the Castlevania name on it and Igarashi and Konami don't give a shit about it until proven otherwise

Plus Alucard's a faggot who shows up in like three games as it is, and when he shows up as Arikado in Aria he's not playable. Belmonts 4 lyfe, nyigga

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>E3 is dead,
It was good for those times the old tec was a nintendo magazine or something, now with youtube they can stream the whole event anywhere anytime.
Not gonna buy it, seems off and with these new times there'll be a lot of censoring and some weird stuff.
It's done, dead
Yep, fuck this gay earth

speaking of blizzard, why is nobody talking about them replacing their president AGAIN

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>Alucard taking it up the ass is canon
adaptation =/= canon
I'm more concerned that Trevor hasn't had any kids yet.

It won't.

People won't allow it to be, it's one the most iconic video games every made, remade with current technology. Yas Forums will ofcourse find a way to hate it, but it will almost be universally praised across all the various parts that will comprise the whole game.

>>FF7, a 23 year old game, is getting re-released, and will no doubt be the the game of the decade.

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He's working on it.

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>>Alucard taking it up the ass is canon

It isn't.
The games are canon and Alucard never took it up the ass in game.

He married a girl and got her pregnant.

Most posts that complain about it just make it glaringly obvious they didn't play the demo and they have no intention of playing the demo.

>He married a girl and got her pregnant.
Maria right?
Wasn't Alucard a massive bitch about not wanting to reproduce because "Mah cursed blood"

Yeah no, easy 88+ and GOTY nominee, other parts? Maybe, but I can't see Square allowing it to fail.

>He married a girl and got her pregnant.
That isn’t canon either.

I'll concede the show isn't canon, but still, just another sign of the times where everything that was old and fine just the way it was now has to have a coat of diversity and inclusion painted over it, just for the sake of doing it.

yeah that user is talking about that one castlevania game that igarashi disowned and is considered non-canon. Alucard never has a love interest in any of the canon games, Maria was implied at best.

There's literally nothing wrong with gay sex just fur pleasure as long as you don't identify with that LGBT culture bullshit

Only thing that could perfect it is pic related becoming president

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This year's E3 was poised to be a cringefest at the absolute best case scenario, so I really don't understand why you're mourning it in the first place.

*Only the zoomers shall prevail

It’s good for laughs and getting drunk playing shots

Not while THE JOEPEDO is tearing through these primaries
If the boomers did one good thing in their worthless lives before getting wiped out by corona-chan, it'd be cucking Bernie out of the election

>He married a girl and got her pregnant.
I will take alucard getting dicked down and tricked before I take alucard ever finding love or solace

>world ending over a virus less deadly than the spanish flu
I legit don't get it. It IS bad but it's not airborne aids. Why are people losing their shit this bad? I've seen people suggest just comitting suicide "before the virus gets them". This is what panic looks like. The virus is legit not worse than the flu for people under 50, which is most of this website.

Why does no one on Yas Forums, reddit, resetera etc have covid?

>hates boomers
>yay more boomers!

I still can't get over one of the gayest boards on Yas Forums complaining about Alucard having a threesome.

The new season of the Castlevania anime has Alucard taking it up the ass. Whether or not that's canon is a different story.

>Why are people losing their shit this bad?
If 70% of the population is sick, society will grind to a halt.

Yas Forums is mostly baby boomers now.

Good thing that won't happen, so again, panic.

But that's why I'm mourning.
I haven't seriously watched E3 in literally a decade, I just watch to laugh at all the cringe with either anons or my siblings.

neets are immune

no one gives a fuck about what Igarashi thinks, Konami certainly doesn't

Netflix is the new canon, just like how IGA removed a bunch of games from canon because he was butthurt he didn't make them

>cringe comp niggers blown out

Bannerlord comes out at the end of the month though. Watch it be shit, I am bracing for some biblical levels of disappointment and ass hurt here.

>Good thing that won't happen
Yeah sure

>its not exactly a huge stretch.
The Guy fucking him was Asian, so it probably wasn't that huge of a stretch indeed.

>Was I memed? Is coronavirus actually a big deal?
It's been officially declared as a pandemic.

There is nothing wrong with being a bottom

Say it with me now

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>>world ending over a virus less deadly than the spanish flu
That's not entirely true, though I'll let you do your own research. As far as the panic goes, people are stupid but not for their fear of the virus, but rather for channeling that fear toward the wrong target; it's not the virus, but the economic repercussions that it will likely bring that we should be freaking out about.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake the episodic candy DLC installment.

Also Soros investing in Activision Blizzard. Western Gaming can finally get that sweet, sweet market crash.

Alucard gets tricked into having a threesome with some crazy Ainu twins, it's basically rape, and then they try to kill him because they're fucking nuts

The 70% number was total, not at once. 70% (it was moved down btw) overall by the end. Not 70% at once. Unless you believe memes that once you get it, it never leaves/muh reinfection.

>Bannerlord in 20 days
>Corona only kills old fucks and bugpeople
Feels based.

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>That's not true
It is. We have data on the death rates of both. They're near identical. And yes, people are going apeshit. The amount of "IT'S BLACK DEATH 2.0" types far outweigh "Just a flu" people.

>he thinks ff7 will release in 2020 let alone 2021

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That's just you being a negative fag
>Ori 2 just released
>doom eternal in a week
>FFVII and RE3 next month
And later this year:
>Risk of Rain 2 real release
>binding of isaac repentance
>maybe hollow knight silksong
>wow shadowlands
And who knows what else, probably plenty of nice trailers in june

And then he murders them.

I swear you fags find something to cry about every season with this show.

and with travel being restricted from Europe to the US, cargo included, you can bet your ass the economy is gonna take a noticeable dive.

I've been locked in my house since yesterday. My fucking college closed down and now they're doing online classes.
Kinda scared to play Russian Roulette with the train cars in N.Y., too.
I think I might just drop my whole semester.

I liked FF15. I enjoyed the dynamic between the characters.

>cat died in january
>dad got a stroke

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Three Es? What does that mean?
What is F F? 7? Is that like an interval?
Blizzard, sounds like a company, I can keep up. What is WC3? Their newest event?
Alucard is a demon... why are you talking about such awful things?

NBA season being suspended really sucks. It's one of the few things I look forward to watching as video games are mostly ass nowadays. At least Nioh 2 is coming out soon to keep me busy but dammit I'll miss my Raptors.

Oh, I'm not the one complaining, I'm just explaining it to user

>mfw Anime Expo gets cancelled
>mfw EDC gets cancelled

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>I didnt care about my parents and grandparents anyway and dont personally know anyone with asthma or pre existing respiratory problems, as long as it doesnt affect me personally Its no big deal
Truely and individual of our time.

>NBA cancelled because this literal retard spread it to everyone
You can't make this up

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>flu season only exists because flu cannot survive spring/summer temperatures and can only spread through air/surfaces during the colder fall/winter; corona is far more durable and can survive on surfaces(hence the PSAs about hygiene)
>symptoms take days to show up but you are still potentially infectious even if asymptomatic
>could have been contained in China but happened to occur when Chinese people are either flying all over the goddamn world, or people are visiting China then going back home(e.g. many cases in US/Canada are from US citizens visiting family in China)

I work in a hospital, in direct patient care, in a city that already has multiple cases. I'm expecting any day to be told by infection control or our state's public health department to either self-quarantine or report for testing.
Of course, shopping centers dead, public events closing, but of course people still dragging themselves to the emergency room for every retarded tummy ache and sniffle, and of course we're stretched thin as it is so we're forcing these same people to all sit in a waiting room basically piled on top of each other because we have to prioritize people with actual problems.

At least around here people aren't doing batshit insane store runs which I'm grateful for. I'm still working on my meal list for Doom/Animal Crossing weekend.

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Yeah, why don't people like splitting up a single game and changing shit to sell it in parts like 'The Hobbit' also that candy DLC marketing isn't cringey as fuck.

Part 1 is next month, the subsequent parts will be released over the next few years, hence "game of the decade"
Ori 2 has so far been a fucking blast, it so far has made up for what the first game lacked, and damn is it fun. Burrowing in and out of sand is especially satisfying.

bro....if the nba doesn't get to finish the season....that means our rapties are technically champs two years in a row

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There's a fair number of games that Igarashi didn't make but are canon, mainly he gets asshurt if you make a game that doesn't feature a Belmont, or a replacement for them after Richter/Rondo that he didn't design. ie He's okay with Bloodlines because he used it for Portrait of Ruin, and his autism about the Morris clan as "supplementary Belmonts"

a player tested positive for coronavirus, so yes, they had to cancel the season.

An heroing because of corona is a bit out there, I agree. But at the moment its a pandemic and its spreading faster than anyone should want. The biggest problem is that early symptons are identical to your regular old flu. By the time you might think it's serious enough to see a doctor or a specialist you might have infected a bunch of people already whilst grocery shopping or whatever. Including small children or the elderly. Who are at risk when they get it.
I myself am sick at home. Fever, coughing, runny nose. Could be flu, could be corona. I have a home appointment with a doctor tomorrow. They're gonna take some samples and test if I am positive.

All my family are already dead.

americans don't want communism. get a job and stop begging for free shit, redditor.

Most cases are not severe and yes, most people don't have symptoms worse than the flu. A large percentage don't even get symptoms. This is simply not the happening.

>serious enough to see a doctor
Most won't because they won't get symptoms worse than a bad cold. Some will, but to act like a significant amount need it is absurd.

It's clear they have a retardedly massive scope for the remake since they're stretching out Midgar into its own standalone game, calm down.

>Alucard taking it up the ass is canon
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Oh God, imagine paying for Netflix

He thought it was a harmless funny joke but now everyone's shitting on him, it's hilarious.

Truly based

Thats sad user, but it doesnt mean everyone elses is.

yeah man fuck having one of the largest digital entertainment libraries that currently exists, a third-party animated series made one character take it up the ass and now i am mad

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It gets better. Two days ago the player who tested positive intentionally stood up and walked over to the reporters during locker room meeting. He then touched each and every one of their microphones and tape recorders.

I'm not kidding.

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The Infinite Corridor dream sequence was trippy as FUCK! I loved that shit. It captured the terror of the void really well. Alucard's story was terrible. Poorly executed and terrible. The rest of it was passable, but I really loved the scene where Issac was talking with The one who speaks, The one with the eyes.

Overall probably 8/10, little bit tryhard at times

>one of the largest digital libraries
Oh, my sweet child...

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>6 months uncracked for most AAA games.
It's not 2012 anymore pirate fag.

Yes, you're right. Even if I do have Corona i most likely will get off with a bad cold. Even so, i wouldn't really like it if I had it. Because that means I could have spread it to other people who are at risk.
I work in a youth center. One kid always gets picked up by his Grandma, and another has astma. Those people are at risk when infected.

some shit like mystery science theater 3000 is hard to find elsewhere in netflix's video-fidelity user