Is this worth sticking with? It's very boring

Is this worth sticking with? It's very boring.

Attached: Red-Dead-Redemption-2.jpg (1524x1899, 447.28K)

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Just accept you wasted money on an interactive movie and move on

Can you kill niggers in this game? I want to side with the Klan.

Be a bad guy, you'll get ambushed all the fucking time and it's great. Hunting a rare animal? Not anymore, now you're being shot at by a 10 man posse and the animal has run away


I wanted to hate this game so bad because of what rockstar did with gta 5 but I loved nearly every aspect of it. I think the only thing that actually frustrated me was arthur putting his weapons back on his horse when you dismantle it

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rdr2 unironically wouldve been much better off being a tv series rather than a video game

You can set Arthur's "take with you" weapons so that doesn't happen

its a shame really. rdr1 was great

You can do more than that, partner

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100% RDR will be a Netflix series within 3 years

I don't think it's the exact same team that did GTA, is it?


it IS an interactive movie and probably the best interactive movie at that, if you don't feel attached to the story or the characters might as well drop it, and I say it as someone who loved most of the game they sure did a good job at ramping the boredom to 10000000000 with the epilogue

Definitely not, I hope I can explain this right but you can tell with the the way they handle in-game cutscenes that it's the same team that did GTA 4/vice city and a separate team made GTA 5

I would recommend it for people that like slow simulator style games. Hunting, fishing, and exploring is the good part of the game. The rest isn't good.

Massive doubt, rockstar is the type of company that would launch their own streaming platform just for a rdr 2 tv show

thats just a random encounter and you dont have to do anything with them

RDR2 is the same game but better in every way. Posts like this make no sense

People need to stop using "random encounter" to describe scripted events in set locations. You can use that term when you can run into an actual random NPC in different spot any time with a different scenario every time

But you can kill the nigs, right?

What's up with RDR2 getting daily threads now?

Yes you can kill nigs but you can't kill natives in their home camp.

You can kill the nogs right? Do you get to join the Klan and ride around with a hood as a knight and lynch niggers, making the game a safer place for good, honest huwhite folk?
You know what, I think we're onto a good game idea.

No it makes sense. Red Dead is an honest-to-God serious western with love while GTA has always had a tone of satire and comedy underlying it. I just figured it was studio Rockstar bought, like with the people who did Bully.

That's ok I guess. Natives are based.

Stop evading my filters asshole

The only thing you can do is kill nogs, the rest should have been a mod by now

I agree with you so hard. RDR2's world feels so scripted to me and it's because almost none of those "random" encounters are actually random. I hate how staged it all feels.

I would enjoy this game so much more if I didnt have to constantly tap X to use the horse. What the fuck were they thinking? It makes horse travel so fucking annoying

just hold X

...what? if you do that the horse slows down like crazy

No. Most boring game I've ever played and that's not a joke.

its not even close. rdr 2 is so fucking slow

You can stop baiting replies now, I'm giving you one.

RDR2 actually has faster horses and aiming but ok

>this whole chapter
what the FUCK were they thinking

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.6M)

We just need to wait for AI to get better. AI is necessary to make the games everyone wants, the ready player one type, everything-in-one games where all encounters are unique and is almost impossible to reproduce. We will be able to render to-scale cities with all interiors opened and all rooms searchable, and all buildings destructible, etc. It's gonna be glorious

>be me
>get to chapter 4
>have $10,000
>still need money

Fucking christ

>You can kill the men right? Do you get to join the feminist really and ride around with a troupe like a valkyrie and kill men, making the game a safer place for good, honest womyn?
this is you. this is what you sound like. you are this retarded.

I don't even like blacks. You just type like a fucking inbred.

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Are you on PC? maybe it works there. But on PS4, if you hold X, the horse slows down to the slowest trot I have ever seen

Not baiting replies. I accidentally replied to my own comment and then I decided to reply to the user who replied to me. Not bait, just curious about the game.
The appeal of these games is in the freedom to roam and kill people right. That's all gta v is. San andreas had more engaging missions and world.
GTAV got boring fast.

There was no AI in Ready Player One. Or the movie, at least.

and literally everything else is slow and boring and deliberate

I'm laffin. Imagine being annoyed online.

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Stop obsessing over a single feature that barely anybody cares about

AI would just make it easier for more devs to pull it off, but I'm sure someone like Rockstar could actually manage to create every aspect of such a massive game by themselves but they would either need way more people or way more time. But they know that's what people want and it's cool to see the early stages of these games like GTA Online. It's a start but I'm sure they will get there.

doesnt even make sense because you aren't the horse. realistically you are only spurring more like every several seconds and not mashing

its actually worse than the first game though. there were way less random events - but they felt genuinely random in that they scattered them all over and repeated them. so you still experienced them in different places even after doing everything. wandering the world felt more genuinely surprising.

Online is dogshit. The latency can be like 3-4000 ms

Red Dead 2 is one of the greatest games of all time, just like most of Rockstar's games.

Attached: RDR2 photo4.jpg (1920x1080, 289.01K)

I have zero clue why people hate the epilogue so much.
>It’s slow
No shit seven years passed and gives closure and tons of fan service for veteran players. Did people expect credits after chapter 6 and the game just uninstalls itself?

>8 hours worth of shoveling shit and buying house materials after spending the last 5 hours or so in climactic shootouts and horse chases
yeah no

The Rockstar Fanboy Checklist:
>go back to Fortnite
>you have ADD/ADHD
>short attention span
>I never had a problem/it's on you
>posts random pictures of RDR2, mainly of the map
>Rockstar sold x amount of copies
>your opinion doesn't matter
>the horses are better than RDR1
>the controls are better than RDR1
>claims Never Without One is a crutch, but doesn't want ability cards removed
>online review scores
>it's take two's fault not Rockstar
>hypocritically calls God of War a movie game
>thinks RDR2 is an Xbox exclusive
>nobody complains about x
>it's only the beta (past catchphrase)
>lol cope
>angry PC gamer
>Reddit spacing
>muh realism
>muh immersion
>defends microtransactions
>it's a single player game
>nobody cares about the online
>it's not a twitch shooter
>"stop liking what I don't like"
>input delay is a good thing
>pleb filter
>name a better game
>pvp takes skill
>pleb filter
>what games do you play
>ends a statement with a question mark
>regurgitated Dutch memes
And their personal favorite
>you didn't play the game
If you think you're arguing with a fanboy, simply resort to this checklist, call him a fanboy, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.

Checked. See

Either you got shit taste or a lack of respect, which is it boah?

Attached: 1583951901937.jpg (328x154, 5.65K)

That's a check. SeeAnother check. See


came out on PC, lot of people replaying or playing for the first time