I don't get it

I don't get it.
Do you guys like video games or not?

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You don't get it at all m8


We like being outraged about the industry.
Complaining about who's negatively affecting the industry.
Pretending to care about censorship of games we wouldn't have bought anyway
and of course Soul vs Soulless (nu bad old gud)

They're alright.

What the fuck is a video game

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Video games?


i miss the Yas Forums from before the election and goobergate
sure, it was pretty shit still, but at least it was video games some of the time

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I like good games. I don't like:

>media-hyped indie games
>esports shit
>Oscar bait in game form

If I see a video game that's crap, I'm going to call it what it is.

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zoom zoom who came to Yas Forums in 2019 here, what was it like grandpa?

there was a shit ton of OC and people actually put effort into their creations, everything is boring and humorless and even Yas Forums is pretty commercialized at this point

if you want to talk about vidya leave Yas Forums
this board is just all ages 2008 Yas Forums now

I'm going to speak as a hivemind so:
Yes, Yas Forums LOVES videogames but is also full of raging autists that won't blame themselves for being shit at games so they are always blaming everyone and everything.
Shitposting is a fun way to vent rage and thus the board is filled with shitposting.
Shitposting involves shitting on games on the videogame board ergo Yas Forums hates games.
Yas Forums hates games is a meme born out of necessity that eventually became an ironic reality.
It's the exact same thing as the /jp/ curse except we have lower standards so it's more shit.

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yet here you are

Video games is a drug
Druggies can be total druggies and also unironically say to people that dont do drugs, not to do drugs, because they have an inkling about the objective cost of devoting your life to drugs(video games)

I like the results of video games, which is to distract me from this gay earth for 8 hours at a time. The actual games themselves are trash though. If books were as stimulating as games I would be a booker

Nice work.

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im an oldfag from 2016, Yas Forums is based and redpilled as fuck newfag go back to plebbit if you cant handle it

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vidya is a great distraction

>from 2016

oh dear.

>im an oldfag from 2016
You should have said from 2010 and every oldfag ever would angrily reply to your bait.

I like old video games
Nu video games especially westernshit video games and Nintendo games are TERRIBLE

Wrong character, dingus.

i don't get it

I have been summoned.

For the most part it was exactly the same, that guy just fell for journalist lies
But also this, there was way more OC

t. literal newfag

You'd be doxxed for using a phrase as absolutely fucking stupid as "zoom zoom", now please go stream your suicide.

Forgot to post the image. It's been far too long, Yas Forums.

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see my post here

You sayin it should be Freddie?


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if i stream it will you watch and sub?

Sure I do, in fact I'm off to play one right now.

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>from 2016
bitch you're the problem with this place, blaming reddit and insisting on some arbitrary board culture

>blaming reddit and insisting on some arbitrary board culture
Yas Forums in a nutshell

very based

This thread just makes me sad

Is Cromartie HS still worth a read nowadays? I found it hilarious when I was 13 which was holy shit 10 years ago

Watch the anime with english dub.

we like videogames
we like shitposting
we like shitting on things other people like

Yeah, but just not the ones that you like.

You and the other 3 guys who took his obvious bait seriously are the problem, retard.

Newniggerd exposed, fuck off

Anime doesn't have all the stories the manga has. The anime even up and tells you they're skipping a couple of them.

I like videogames

Alright, should I watched this subbed, dubbed, or just read the manga?


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Honestly, Cromartie is the only anime I preferred the dub over the sub. I say this as someone who wish death upon anyone who recommends the dub of shows like Cowboy Bebop over the sub.

>blaming reddit and insisting on some arbitrary board culture
I've never heard Yas Forums so simply encapsulated

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eww, no. Don't be gross

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7/10 got actual angry responses

From newfags pretending to be oldfags which are the worst type of newfag.