Be safe out there Yas Forumsros

Be safe out there Yas Forumsros

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I'm gonna catch the disease, and cough on every boomer out there

i'm not your Yas Forumsro faggot

>tfw campus pretty much turned into a quarantine zone and we're getting kicked out of our dorms
Guys... It's really over, isn't it? Can we meet our waifus after death?

I hope my campus closes for the rest of the semester as well.

>tfw still have to work

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>working as security during the graveyard shift
>don't see anyone except the dude that replaces me in the morning
Hope he doesn't get sick

First post based post

my campus is transitioning to online only classes starting monday

shit is bananas

I have no future, quickly dying to some unpreventable disease is probably the best I can hope for.

Bro, it got Tom Hanks.
If Woody can get it then what hope is there for the rest of us?

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>I have no future, quickly dying to some unpreventable disease is probably the best I can hope for.


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I want to get a security job, I've heard they're pretty comfy. What kind of place do you work at?

What if someone hacked Tom Hanks acc? It's possible tho

too late

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Hope it wipes out all Chinks and Aussies

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You damn nihilists finally got your "happening."
Are you happy now?

Hazardous waste treatment plant. Well technically more of a storage and transport plant, they process fuck all. Sounds worse than it is.

>E3 ded
>niggaball ded
>Tom Hanks ded
>Olympics most likely ded
It just isnt fair, boys.

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start faking a cough

Cant. Gotta go to work. *cough* Remake3 looks good. Maybe ill get quarantined in time to play it for a few days straight while it's still new.

Yeah, of course we are. This is a pretty neat thing to watch unfold.

Olympics are during the summer, surely this shit will die down by then.

>No work until this blows over, everything is closed
>Not getting paid either

Yup, mine too. Except next week's our spring break so they're starting the week after. This is really getting out of hand and of course we're not gonna get a housing refund
I kinda hope they re-open. I need to get my shit back after all.

Finally now all the happy people can suffer like me.

I work for family, they wouldn't give a fuck if I really was infected.

Warner bros confirmed it.

>workplace confirmed a case of coronavirus half a block from my office (with someone who works with people I work with on a daily basis)
>still no quarantine or anything done to stop this from spreading outside of telling people to wash their hands

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Thanks for the tip

no way

besides fuck the olympics

Hanks is a pedo who cares

I've seen predictions that things will keep escalating until the virus peaks in August or September.

>gonna die before bannerlord

I work at a grocery store how do you think I feel

>Bannerlord 2 weeks from now
>doomsday is upon us

god help me

Yes, it's not affecting my life in the slightest and it's fun to watch normgroids freak out because they have to stay inside for a little bit longer than they're used to.

It could be a literal plague and American wageslaves would still be flipping burgers for minimum wage.

Does this mean Japan can make hentai again?

a virus that only kills boomers?

fucking based

nba cancelled the season, NHL making a statement soon.

I don't care about the olympics either. Not looling forward to half a year of quarantine though.

>surely this shit will die down by then

suspended isn't cancelled, retardbro

>Olympics most likely ded

I'm sure they'll give people a chance to move their stuff out. Also I just checked my school website and there was an announcement saying that our classes were suspending, too. No need for hoping I guess.

I know your pain user, I literally can't work at the moment since I got hurt in an accident two weeks before and yet my boss and family doesn't give a shit, waking up every morning faking that I'm ok is a fucking hell

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It can also kill our Yas Forumsros with HIV or cancer

>have to work still
>dad being a cheeky cunt sayin "that's why i never used my sick hours, im cashin in now"
>he has like 500 sick hours

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We're in the same boat.
Gonna go down playing videogames.

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I mean to say suspended plz no bully

>tfw you work in a hospital so you can't work from home

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>Uni called off for two weeks cause of the chink virus
>"Just because lectures aren't happening, it doesn't mean this is vacation time, material will be posted in the website daily - t. Faggot"
Like, fuck you, buddy

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>Work in a theme park
I work behind the scenes most of the time but they sometimes have me work security up front. I wonder what having corona-chan feels like

>It's just a flu bro

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>going to die before terraria 1.4 or before she gets out of the facility

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kek, imagine being in uni

I think the government made the plague on purpose.

Don't believe me? It's all in the numbers.

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First case of the virus just hit my. I'm fucked and/or going to get a two week vacation

>being an NPC


Cough on his food. Take the old geezer with you.

>it's the end of the world bro this time 4 sure
At least I still get to laugh at retarded doomsday fags.

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>mfw it's literally going to happen on my work

if I ever get infected I would still go to my work,meet my boss, sneezes and fart on his fucking face and die happy

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>I literally can't work at the moment since I got hurt in an accident two weeks before and yet my boss and family doesn't give a shit
Okay that's actually pretty fucked up, how badly were you hurt?

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I just want to get this virus so I can get it over with. I'm young and healthy so I don't give a fuck.

I'm european. There's no place to run.

I've been sick for two weeks now

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nah bro you don't get it, corona virus isn't the end
Its the fallout from the mass retard panic that will be

>work as tsa
>even if they shut down airports (which seems likely), I have to go in and do nothing

>Normalfags make fun of you for being a NEET and taking money from the guberment
>Now that can't even go to work and get paid

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>2% mortality rate
>Enough to paralyze entire countries
Like, shit, it's uncontained, already, why try to stop it now? Just accept it's gonna be a regular thing like spring allergies from now on. Nobody will care

So? It's comfier working at home.

>uni classes still haven’t been cancelled
>at least one person in town confirmed to have it

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