Will you force your kids to play games of your youth?
Will you force your kids to play games of your youth?
i will force them to go hiking
I will make sure they never touch video games so they can grow up to be productive and healthy
I can think of nothing worse than letting kids play video games honestly.
do you guys not like video games or something?
user im almost 30 and i never even been on a date. Nigga, chances are im never having kids.
No I like video games. I love video games.
I don't see what that has to do with anything though.
Well what about a nephew or niece?
i'm way too far gone to have kids
Ignoring the usual meme of >all videogames bad
because Yas Forums, let them play what they want within reason, don't force them to sit down and play Mario 64 the same way that you don't force them to sit down and listen to Sinatra. If they have enough of an interest in the field as a whole? I'm happy to share my experiences with them. It's not like I'll stop replaying these games just because I've had kids, and if they want to share the experience then I will.
I hate video games
something doesn't seem right with her hands. her arms and fingers are thicker than mine.
Very based. Imagine them ending up on Yas Forums like you
No fucking way. My parents bought an NES a couple of years before I was born and a SNES when I was like 4 so I never had a chance, but they only got into it because it was the latest in home entertainment. Video games are evil.
This is a video game board, after all.
Why not let the little niggas play then?
Youre degenerates not because of videogames anons
Honestly, no, I wouldn't. There are actual decently made games that are new that are good. Fuck nostalgiafagging. Old games are pretty shitty. I can barely bring myself to play the old GBA games I used to play because they're so shit.
What I would get upset over is my kid watching a jewtuber or watching twitch all day. That right there is grounds for punishment. Play the goddamn game, don't be lazy.
Because video games are more bad than good for you.
>ITT: genetic failures blaming vidya for their inherent shittyness
Forcing your kids into whatever you enjoy is pretty fucking stupid.
yeah it would be nice if they did but im not so autism that I need my fucking kid (as if I would ever have one) to enjoy the same shit I did.
IF he wanted to play sports thats fucking cool can still foster those intrests even if im trash, its not like he'd realize I was bad at them till he's like 8 or nine anyways
My child isn't going to have access to tablets/phone games until he goes to elementary school. Before then he can play a GBA all he wants, and if I'm not playing it he can play Switch/PS4 but I'm not buying him games till not buying him games makes him that weird kid.
The trick is that kids with a tablet that figure out how to download games will not stop downloading new shit games forever, and I'm not letting that shit happen.
This we will go hiking as well, but fuck you since that isnt the point of the thread, unironically get OP I would force my kids to play pretty much any game that is fun co-op.
If you spend time with your kid they naturally develop interest in your hobbies and grow similar tastes, I did not force my kid to play old Mario games, he watched me play and asked me for the controller to try, he also enjoys watching me play DOOM, TF2 and also likes driving cars in GTA.
Bad or good it don't matter, someone's gonna be into some shit that ain't good for them. Can't be any worse than literally any other distraction out there.
My kids will play videogames but only single player ludo, none of that multiplayer garbage. That shit poisons the mind.
Imagine how fat this kid will be in ten years. Thanks dad.
Absolutely based parents and this.
I already ruined my life with vidya I wont let them ruin theirs.
You realize you're on Yas Forums right?
Nintendo only has 5 buttons so it is a good choice for kids.
I wish I had never played a single game in my life. Too late now though so I might as well see how far I can take it.
My children get nothing but textbooks on responsible saving/investing as well as fitness books.
Very epic Yas Forums culture. I just think it's odd that seems to be the attitude so many people seem to have, even when they ain't posting on Yas Forums. People take this shit with them everywhere.
cute daughter
I'll expose him to old vidya at first just so he can give them a chance and doesn't go "ewwww old pixel video games" but once he grows up he can play whatever the hell he wants.
of course not i'm not a fucking faggot gonna let my kid enjoy life
Not going to force him but I would like to introduce him to video games the same way I was introduced - with Super Mario Bros. 3 I enjoyed it as a kid and if he does too and we can bond over it then that would make me happy. My son is due June 2nd wish me luck Yas Forums
>let my kids play video games
>the become incels
No thanks. My son is going to play sports.
Not even lying video games had a big part of my initial want to start reading. Of course video games nowadays are kinda different but when I was little I went to my mom's friends a lot and he played a lot of final fantasy games, I could only read the easy words so I started learning harder words which meant reading books and by the time I got into grade three I was at probably at least sixth grade reading level, because of playing text-heavy games and reading a lot
I've been playing videogames ever since I was 3 and I never had any trouble socializing or with any other aspects of my life, I always had friends, I lost my virginity at 17, went to parties, went clubbing, went to bars, finished college, married and had a son, you are the problem, not videogames.
Its not culture its reality. Everyone who plays enough games know that eventually you stop remembering why you play them other than the short dopamine rush and start regretting the thousands of hours you wasted on things that added nothing to your life and you cant even remember.
They get my snes classic. Thats it. Well I play the newest shit they will be forced to play the games I played at their age
They will probably end up hating you and become lefties feminist/trannies. Same story with every white person i met in college. Parents too strict because "mah tough love" bullshit, so they are all repressed and go crazy when they have freedom as adults.
ok boomer
The worst mistake my parents made after giving birth to me was giving me an N64 for my 4th birthday.
Fuck off newfag
>short dopamine rush
Maybe a retard like you, i play art ludos by auteurs. None of that low iq shit like area fps games or multiplayer centric games.
no, I'd rather teach them everything they need to know about gardening.
You spend too much time on Yas Forums
I can confirm, when my nephew was about 4-7 and would visit me I'd let him fire up the ol' PS1, I have a decent collection. He liked Crash a lot. My sister bought him a tablet last christmas and he was showing off his games to me (he's 9 now) stuff like gym tycoon and other shit games where he has to watch ads constantly, I don't like that shit. I'd take the tablet away from him if I wasn't just his uncle.
Well, you can do all of that with books so...
Everyone here always blame someone else for their problems, they are perfect little snowflakes and its always someone else who is the problem. They will blame it on the mainstream, women, politics but never their own shitty attitude.
my children will be chads
I'll leave the option open
it's important for your kids to enjoy the same shit other kids are enjoying at their age, or they'll have nothing to relate to when they get older
I would say have sex but thats like saying destroy energy.
i wish my daughter was this white
Notice how all the people that say they won't allow their kids to play are bitter virgins. They don't even know how a kid develops or how socializing works, kids naturally orbit towards videogames, every single kid around me plays videogames, there's just one with a strict soccer mom and he's always pushed away for being too weird, his mother won't allow him to play anything.
>opinion of an user that has never been around kids
I literary never go on pol. Every commie i met in college has been a white dude who grew up with a strict parents. White people are retards and dos hit like kick their kids out at 18.
Seems like a personal issue with some people than reality, I'm in my late 20's and I still play video games no problem, same with my dad and my family, my friends and shit and most people I know in general. When you stop enjoying things you used to enjoy out of nowhere that sounds more like depression to me.
But user i do have sex.
That's some bullshit mod
Actually, I lost my virginity one year after I stated posting here, I lost it on 2006. So, keep seething virgy.
The funniest part is if you ever do have kids since you shaft video games so much they'll just gravitate more towards it. Parents who force their kids not to do shit/to do shit other than the obvious, go to school, try to get good grades, etc. get that shit blown up in their faces more than half the time. Especially when that kid turns into a teenager and doesn't have to follow your every order, all you can do is try to healthily guide your kids, forcing them is probably the easiest way to get those kids to do what you don't want them to
>Brutal Doom
Shitty parenting will leave this poor girl with shit taste for the rest of her life
im not shitposting
genuinely what good games have come out in the last 10 years
I wonder how many retards here take that meme seriously. Imagine being an adult and having your opinion be shaped by funny internet images.
not this guy, but I personally wont let my daughter play video games. Ruined my creativity and drive. Why would I wish that on another generation?
>Loser blames videogames and not the fact that he would be a shitty, lazy outcast retard even without vidya
>Ruined my creativity and drive.
I played videogames with my brother throughout the entirety of his childhood and big part of his puberty, he's an sculptor and painter, I'm an engineer, you are the problem, not videogames.
I know you can but it was engaging in a different way than books, don't get me wrong, I love a good book and I enjoy reading, always have. But video games can be a different medium for storytelling that you can't get from a book, the progression feels like you're directly a part of, there's trials and tribulations, etc. As long as you don't let your kids go hog wild playing video games all day every day I really don't see the problem in giving them reactionary skills, reading skills, experiencing a story in a different way, etc.
>Ruined my creativity and drive
maybe you never had them in the first place
I won't have children.
Before you start with a speech about how I'm betraying my race, community and ancestors and how much of a monster I am for allowing my bloodline to end, I'm not white.
You gotta love how people are wasting their time on a mongolian basket weaving forum instead of bing bing wahoos and somehow think they're not still wasting time.
Will blaming myself fix something or is just the same?
t. father of 3 daughters
I will force my kids to play a different type of "game".
i've got my daughters playing donkey kong country. it's really hard for them. but i beat it when i was in the second grade.
The worst things you can do for your child is not physically punish them, punish them too much, or not listen to them. Maybe there is some other shit to avoid, but for the most part a kid's hobbies aren't going to ruin them. As long as you limit it and have them focus on shit like homework before games.
>Will you force your kids to play games of your youth?
Force them to take this DICK!
>Several people enjoy a hobby
>Normal functioning adults
>Minority has issues with self control
>It's the products fault
You're like the retards that blame Caffeine for your caffeine addiction but refuse to cut it out. While the vast majority just function normally with or without it.