This is a Sonic Adventure remake. AMA

This is a Sonic Adventure remake. AMA

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I hate insiders.

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>it uses the lost world engine

God I wish this is true, I would kill for a Remake. We will see in April though


reminder that Sonic has NEVER been good

>This is a Sonic Adventure remake. AMA
No, it was a remake of one of the Wonder Boy games.

The only thing worse than those insiders are the people asking them questions and following them for their inside knowledge. It inflates their ego to unimaginable degrees

Yeah, go suck some fat cock.

>reminder that Sonic has NEVER been good

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which eceleb told you that?

>Sonic Adventure remake
>Made from scratch with Unity
>Team is entirely made from art rejects and interns
>Physic are even worse than the original
>Collisions are even more broken than sonic 2006
>"Improved mechanics" that just make everything worse
>Music get remade by some "legit" singer
Every single remake have been like that, why would I want that?


Why do people want an Adventure remake by modern Sonic Team?

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>Music get remade by some "legit" singer
Holy shit fucking imagine if sonic team fucked up this badly

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I don't. They should outsource it to Platinum.

Why the fuck can't these faggot companies just announce things on the internet? Why do they need a physical audience to be there?

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So for those of you who didn't see the SEGA employee AMA, supposedly there IS an Adventure remake coming...
>Boost gameplay
>Runs on Lost World/Forces engine
>Forces Models
>Only Sonic and Tails at launch, other characters will be free DLC

It sounds so bad it has to be true.

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>according to a shiptoaster on Yas Forums making things up

>>Physic are even worse than the original
>implying adventure's physics are anything but kino
If this does happen, I hope they base the lightning and aesthetics on the DC original instead of the trashfire that is the DX port.

if it has baby lock on attacks, dropped

>soundtrack is full mumble rap

Aesthetically the remake is more based on DX as that's the look Iizuka is most fond of. But the lighting is more DC-ish I guess? It doesn't look nearly as washed out.

Do you honestly think a shitposter could make up something like BLUE ZAVOK?

What an absolute faggot. Literally grasping at any tiny thing to feel even the least bit superior. Waste of skin.

>So for those of you who didn't see the SEGA employee AMA
>this mongoloid actually believed that shit
Why are Sonic fans so stupid?

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Don't worry, that leak isn't real. The remake is using the same gameplay as the original, or at least is trying to. All characters are present but Big is optional for game completion.

Can I get something other than Sonic

>A robot who had literally 45 minutes of screentime still manages to be the best Sonic character in the entire franchise even after two whole decades.
>even when other characters have had enitre games dedicated to their character and their "development"

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thats way to sad to be true
please god dont let it be true

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And that's why he's called Cliff Hanger




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a fucking checkmark

Opinion discarded

just get MRANIA TREAM back on the job

>>but Big is optional for game completion.
>keeping the dumb meme fishing gameplay instead of turning him into speedy 3D Umihara Kawase
cringe, please don't be real


Jesus what a faggot

Go fuck yourself OP

Video game journalists that only use their connections to act as fucking hype men are not actually journalists

He still has the fishing gameplay, you know how marketable he is as a meme. There's a portion of the trailer dedicated to him claiming he's a selling point.

Please tell me you aren't retarded enough to believe some LARPing faggot on Yas Forums...

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I can't wait to play restrictive, onrails boostshit where I move so fast, I don't even notice the enemies.

god please
it hurts just to joke about something like this

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Why is everyone obsessed with this shitty game getting a remake? SA2 blew it out of the water.

Even if it is that bad at least there’ll be Chao Gardens and Tails will have better characterisation


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I don't WANT to believe, trust me.

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I think it's because SA1 is more in need of an update. SA2 has aged a lot better to most people.

>remaking a good game instead of turning 06 into the third entry it should've been

>implying they won't find a way to fuck with the latter


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It's not. It's most likely another proprietary engine, but I don't know all the technical details. I don't think they'd use UE4 or Unity.

>Make new build on the Dreamcast version cause the DX is dogshit
>Update graphics
>Fix the known bugs that have been around and documented for 10+ years
>Do with with SA2 and package it with SA1 as a bundle
Sonic team is literally too stupid to do this right but that's really all they need to do to make this work

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Then don't. There's no proof that it's real. Just because it sounds awful doesn't mean it's real.

>Sonic Team: Why print money?

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Underrated post

>What is denial?
>What is Murphy's law?

Holy FUCK I hate Sonic Team. Dissolve them, and put Sanic in the hands of literally anybody else.

>Make new build on the Dreamcast version cause the DX is dogshit
This is the same company that misspelled "SAVE" in Jet Set Radio, which makes it impossible to load save games unless you hex edit the exe, and refuses to patch it.
This is the same company that ported Crazy Taxi, stretched all the assets to 16:9, made the controls digital, THEN made a perfect, separate port for android and didn't port that back over to PC
This is the same company that made Valkyria Chronicles run at 60fps, but didn't realize that meant the enemies could shoot you twice as fast

Isn't tim curry old and in a nearly vegetative state?

hearty kek

I swear to god, if they release another 3d title where the game puts you into a scripted running sequence on the loops, I'm not even gonna pirate it this time.

Tfw no Shadow the hegehog 2 ever.

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Fuck it, give it to Ryugagotouku team or what ever its called.

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>This is the same company that misspelled "SAVE" in Jet Set Radio, which makes it impossible to load save games unless you hex edit the exe, and refuses to patch it.
This got me to genuinely kek. What the actual fuck.

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>Chaos opens his heart so he can just be himself
>Sonic beats him up

Adventure gave birth to that.