have we seen any foreign guaridan spirits yet?
I just got passed the part you fight Tokichiro and I got to say feels easier than the first game.. but here's the thing, Nioh 1 had so many bullshit moments (difficult for the sake of being difficult) that I think Nioh 2 is just more tuned, fair and a overall better experience so that makes me think the game is way easier
yasuke is a side boss, and he summons his bear. but you dont get the bear for beating him, so i don't know if we'll get it later
william is more than likely a boss, so saoirse is probably in
Post yfw preloaded and watching the countdown timer tick down
You wouldn't fuck a fish spirit right?
Anyone got screenshots of more female character skins? I have seen a lot of talk but little images shared. Having a Maria and Okatsu characters skins would be awesome.
cute noh
Unlockable skin?
Who here 1kat?
>Borderlands loot part deux
>Still no nice single interconnected world
>No invasion-style PvP
I will never understand why so many of you are excited for this game.
1Kat/Tonfa master race reporting for duty
They completely ruined the game trying to appeal to casuals so I'm not as hyped now.
Why do you keep making these posts?
No PvP at all. They really did do a repeat of Nioh.
Welcome to like two or so years ago.
>Nioh 1 had so many bullshit moments
I dunno, I felt that it kept most of its bullshit to optional side missions (i.e. return of the gourd).
When I watched videos/streams of people really struggling with main content it always seemed like they either hadn't understood mechanics.
Like how to properly strategize around enemy stamina bar, clearing yokai pools to prevent bosses from regening stamina, that you can block faster than you can dodge after taking a hit, that you actually need to pick up your guardian to get its stat boost etc.
Or they didn't use even a fraction of the tools available to them, and I don't mean abusing sloth, but actually switching between the stances, using the combo enders, or even just blocking.
The first game was fucking outstanding.
>borderlands invented loot
Die zoomer
I'll never understand why you click on every single thread about it.
He's just walking proof that people with autism should be rallied in concentration camps
>No PC version
suck my dick
pirating when it comes to PC
I was just about to preorder this shit when PS store decided to fuck with me. None of my credit cards worked and claim the info is invalid, even though they have worked for years. Googled and it says the info must be identical to the adress filled in in the settings and it was. Guess I'm not getting this.
>No sir, thousands of people aren't disappointed at the Nioh franchise wasting its raw potential by neglecting fundamental elements of the Souls subgenre of action RPGs and introducing ones that completely ruin the experience, it's just one person and only one person. Totally, sir.
I know it was Diablo back in 1996 who popularized it, but Borderlands is closer to how Nioh uses it.
no one cares, furfaggot
People like you are exactly why PC gets the ports one year later.
suck my dick basednigger
Nioh 2 is gonna sell like shit, Nioh only did well because of its PC release
Wagie life is hard life. Enjoy the game, neet bros.
thats a shame, thanks for working so i could buy the game
I'll be too busy playing Nioh 2 while you fruitlessly shitpost on Yas Forums
I'll be playing games at 120fps with better graphics that S O Y niggers will never be able to enjoy, or play.
Enjoy the 30fps shit version of Sekiro lmao
Why act like a little evasive bitch when you post the exact same thing line for line every thread? Just man up, faggot.
Well, Nioh is Nioh. It's not a Souls game. If you want overly basic, dodge, attach, dodge gameplay and a modern take on 30 year-old game mechanics, then play Souls or Sekiro instead.
>Thanking a wagie for doing its duty
Remember, they aren't human beings; they're just sources of income. Nothing more.
You'll be playing a year later lmao
Are there any differences in how the game treats you if you play as male/female?
seethe harder
I doubt it
Gonna be going with old faithful too, along with the Switchglaive. All the weapons are too fun though and I'm looking forward to relearning all of them.
Some dialogues
See you in a year.
>Pretending to be hype over a 6/10 Weekend Rental
okay doomer
>Still no nice single interconnected world
Demon's Souls was better than Dark Souls. Missions will always be better than horribly nonsensical interconnected shit.
There is always the possibility of Nioh 2 simply not getting a PC port at all.
Last year Sega abandoned PC gaming for good (well, besides the Total War and Football Manager franchises but the people who play those games aren't regular PC gamers) so maybe KT will do the same.
I mean, what's the point of porting a game to a platform where everyone just cracks and play it without paying you a single cent?
>countdown is still 11 hour
How are people playing it already
they're part of the internet cool kids club
It's called not buying it online dummy. Go outside and ask for early copies, I once bribed a gamestop employee to get me an early copy of a game. I told him I'd pre order a bunch of shit, and then cancelled all the pre orders a week later.
>cries Yas Forums unconvincingly for the 10,000th time
cant wait to pirate it next year
Has anyone made it to NG+ yet to compare it with 1's NG+?
>Borderlands loot part deux
That's part of the fun. I love Diablo 2 loot simulators. Sure, the loot doesn't get great until end game when you start getting uniques and set pieces, but there are still a tonne of stats that you should always be on the lookout for and that's part of the reason why I find it fun.
>Still no nice single interconnected world
Not a huge deal to me. Granted I would prefer it, but this is also fine. I've been playing video games longer than the original Dark Souls.
>No invasion-style PvP
This is pretty much the only thing I am regretful of. Dark Souls 3 gave me like 1k hours purely for that alone.
But at the same time, It would be boring in Nioh. Nioh is all about power level surging. It'd be as broken as Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne PVP where you can slaughter people in seconds and one shot people..
Fuck, really? Fuck...
I just bought a game a few months ago but maybe I could get Nioh 2. I feel like it's gonna be the last really big PS4 game.
uhhhh, yeah? What, did you think you could just ask your PS4 really nicely to unlock the game earlier?
based for once, furfag.
No I thought it was more region shenanigans.
What does hiddy mean and do they say it in japanese
Who /axe /here
It's just meant to be a goofy nickname I think. In Japanese he says Hidenoji. Interestingly enough that was what they used in the Beta's mission outro text.
Absolutely going Axe. Being able to cancel Spinner is a game changer, and I swear they buffed Cloud Crush to do more ki damage. Chucking fuckers off cliffs gives me Dragonbone Smasher flashbacks
>wanna use SG
>still want to use at the very least, medium armor
>have to level stam
>weapon doesn't use stam so it's near useless for killing
>wanted to dump points into my ki stat as a "useless" stat since at least it'll let me stay berserk modo
The protag's name is Hide hiddy is just a silly nickname
And Hidenoji has no meaning?
Bro this is Nioh we're talking about, you're gonna level everything eventually anyway.
>weekend rental
I played the first game for a full year before deciding to play anything else.