Wait, Overwatch had a writer?

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Someone has to write voice lines.

is he the retcon king or did he leave because of them

good riddance

Nothing of value was lost

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Overwatch had writers?

For what, plot?

>a self-insert faggot leaves
and nothing of value was lost

i like overwatch plot

He was the only thing keeping Mercy x Pharah from becoming canon.

Someone had to write the character backstories lore etc.
Althou i use the term witter loosely.
Its the equivalent of a character writer in Street figther.

Someone had to throw the dart at the board of characters to declare gay in case of Blizzard controversy.

what plot?

the deadlock retcon shit really junks my rats because i was hoping we'd get some angry old biker boss douchebag as a character
instead we got a transplanted LoL character that also got to hog a unique robot design that could have been his own character

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"Overwatch Lead Writer" has the same ring to it as "Head Chef at Mcdonalds"

Mccree confirmed Nerevarine.

Asians typically dislike forced diversity shit.
I wouldn't be surprised if OW2 becomes even more pozzed after this dude leaves.

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something about robots wanting to kill people. been stuck on that for 3-4 years now

Well, somebody had to make the characters gay

what a shame, can we get a retcon count going in memoriam?
>everything with mccree
>the implied relationship between 76 and ana
>the resulting destroyed plotline of pharah possibly being their daughter
>d.va's backstories and varing levels of gamer-tude
>australia suddenly not being entirely madmax land and the area of actual wasteland being unknown

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Don't talk about Sombra like that pendejo

Tumblr gay shipping with a "we have to put the team back together" backdrop for reasons that weren't explained

This could potentially be a good thing for the writing in OW2

missed a tier

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>people unironically care about shitty MMO writing

Wasn't he the guy that shipped Mercy x Genji?

It's a common misconception that Overwatch ever had a writer.

>brigitte in wifey tier

that's all that matters

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He wrote Diablo 3, that's all you need to know how shit he is

Oh hey, a robot vs humans story that could actually be kinda cool. Why don't we go more in depth and do stuff with it? No? We're just gonna make characters gay and only do so in promotional comics that don't have much of anything to do with the game in question, thereby pussyfooting around making a stance as to not piss off homophobes while simultaneously getting brownie points from fags who think that this matters? OK.

Dragon symmetra > all

You forgot a tier with young ana at the very top

Yes, Genji was his self insert

chu was basically a ghost

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>setting is basically light-hearted Deus Ex with the global conspiracies and rampant technology and world-travelling agents
>simple but interesting character designs
>in 3 fucking years the only lore is shitty comic books revealing barely any critical information

Non-westernized Asians* and even in SK feminism is going crazy. American Asians can easily become insanely political

He left because he was tired of retconning every character to be gay.

>They completely destroyed Pharah's story to make Soldier suck dick to please the queer community

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Jesus fuck that is one poor quality image

Don't forget that he used Mercy as a stand-in for his wife.

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All I want is more god damn australia lore. That shit was actually interesting.

how many more letters have they added by now? at least one guy put a + behind it

he was the dude that did it
him leaving is good for the game

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What does a McDonald's burger have to do with LGBT?

good taste

Why is Australia so great

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>"cute" twitter avatar

So when can we get into the REAL overwatch story?

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Wasn't he the one who made Soldier 76 a faggot on twitter?

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nobody plays the game anymore so lol

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most of those comic books were around at release.
Chu can't do anything other than setting up the barebones minimum of a character. We were stuck in a 3 year reunion arc under his tenure and I'm elated that he's fucked off.

Blizzard is just too much of a perfectionist company that can't agree on anything. This happened with that Nova console game, it was basically complete but the higherups practically scrapped it likely over ego and some other disputes they couldn't come to agree on.

absolute awful taste

This the guy that self inserts as Genji?

imagine wasting:

all your art talent
all your writing talent
all your resources for cinematic shorts, comics and profiles

for the farce of a "plot' that is overwatch, all that money wasted, meanwhile starving indies could only DREAM of getting their webcomics noticed by more than a dozen people

The year 2000 was 20 years ago, sir.

>Set up a "getting the gang back together" story with the potential for a major crisis occurring due to talon shenanigans.
>Outside some minor comics every little story update is either a new hero backstory or "Hey remember that one mission we did back in the day".
>But now you can buy the second game and now the story will start for real guys!

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How is that fanfiction I wrote about the blue hoodie kid being a self-hating jew that picks street fights with Mexicans still better than any of the canon plot?

Nope, most of the lore came from the tie-in cook book. For example we learn that Soldier 76's boyfriend's favorite food is creampies. I think we learn the name of Ana's husband/Pharah's dad there too.

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>48 minutes
lmao holy fuck. I had a similar experience. what a joke. Is Blizzard even capable of understanding on the ground level what's wrong with their game?

>Wait, Overwatch had a writer?
Could have fooled me.

Because everyone is based af

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how did they even lose track of the story, the game barely even touches upon it

Roadhog is cute

What's the percentage of characters who are faggots/faggot adjacent? It seems really high.

Holy shit yeah true! Fuck blizzard such a shit fucking company!
Yong Out!

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All of them

What did he even do?