Based coronavirus

who's laughing now, normies?
enjoy your government shutdowns and no video games to keep you occupied, you fools

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Faggot ledditor

we have enough media to last a whole lifetime, what are you talking about

suck my teeny weenie homo

okay no homo.

*unzips 3 inch nozzle* then get to work bro

NEETs win again.

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I quit my job because of this and now living off my grandparents once again. NEET life truly is comfy. I have many VNs to complete. cheers

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What was the name of this manga again?

Nagatoro bully me

I'm so happy my waifu can't get sick!

based fuck boomers

post more naga

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imagine being proud of living inside your own jail cell

you're willing prisoners and ruining your lives with a smile on you r face

Feels good living innawoods where the chinky flu has a low chance of ever getting to me.

I'm hoping it gets bad enough that raiders can be a thing

>imagine being proud of living inside your own jail cell

>you're willing prisoners and ruining your lives with a smile on you r face

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How the fuck do you expect to get food and anything else you absolute retards. Most likely the power is going to shut down due to too many people being sick to maintain anything

Gay af

>Nagatoro likes having wasabi ice cream on a cold day

>tfw all universities in my state are closing due to Coronavirus
>will have to take online courses
I feel like I'm going to be irresponsible and play vidya all the time.

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How the fuck is the Coronavirus spreading like crazy? There were a few cases of the virus at some nearby towns that are like an hour away from where I live. What the fuck?

>Quit your job over 3% mortality rate disease.
Hope it was a shit job.

he forgot to say no homo


God I wish I could sustainably be a NEET.

Working is such inherent garbage.

That's literally what I'm going to do if that happens to my uni

God I really don’t want to do online courses. That sounds mad gay.

People are gross. Wash your hands and don't be around sick people

>tfw gonna cheat because of this shit

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It's actually a basic flu that's been around for years, only now people are actually testing for it specifically and finding out it's all over.

>BREAKING: Trump says U.S. will suspend all travel from Europe for the next 30 days


No signs show until 2 week in normally, that's a long period of time to spread it unknowingly. It's more the stealth and inability to isolate it that are troublesome, not the mortality rate

> people get infected
> can infect other people but show no symptoms until a couple weeks later
> bypass airport checks because no symptoms
> "lol you have no reason to not let me into your country"

>cough in hand
>touch anything at a public place
>spread virus

based trump

Time to head to Madagascar. See you never, chumps.

Is there a group more cucked than Trumptrannies?
Yas Forums, as always, got BTFO

the scary part about this is that we dont know if you have it until two weeks later

There's that and the fact that people are legitimately fucking disgusting like that one I think German guy who licks his fingers and wipes it on a bus pole.

does 8 dollars an hour working 9 to 5 sound good to you?

>live in a town of 6k people with decent international travel due to ski tourism
>first case yesterday
>stores are already running out of canned foods and entirely out of toilet paper

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>imagine being proud of living inside your own jail cell
NEETS can leave any time they want. You're the one locked inside paying off Mr. Sheckleburg's taught.

It's worse than you think. Don't cave to it. That shit ruined my fucking learning habits.

>coughing in your hand and not arm

I know. its gonna fuck me up badly for french and calc


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But America has more cases and deaths than most Euro countries.

It's a novel virus so nobody has any immunity, alongside what others have already said about people being asymptomatic while still contagious.

>tom hanks got corona'd

this is it, bros. normies are gonna go full meltdown. RIP shops.

>tfw gonna shitpost on the internet and jerk off to loli porn as society collapses around me
gonna be comfy bros

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Yas Forums is a pro-Trump website you fucking libtard.
Get the fuck out

>Ghost turned into an e-begging babysitter
Bad End

>travel to aids infested shithole
>get super virus
>return to your home and spread it
Worth for the shitty pictures and "culture" right?

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>country is Italy-tier but the government doesn't do shit
Fuck bros I just want to stay at home

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I jog 5 days a week. Am I safe bros?

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I fucking feel nervous as shit since I havent gone out since monday on my bike but holy fuck. NYC is gonna become hell in a week or two

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>stay inside
>only go out in hazmat suit, no friends anyway
>evaporate ocean water for clean water
>take sick people's food when they die
>eventually learn enough about batteries and solar panels/hydro electricity to support the 500,000,000 people left alive

Gamers shall inherit the Earth

Just jog indoors retard.

>quarantine is just in time for animal crossing

I'm okay with this

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lmao imagine not having a god-tier immune system
imagine actually getting sick

>tfw you was born in time to see society collapse

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Based Chad