Yes but what is his tax policy?

Yes but what is his tax policy?

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Crucifying OP.

Is dialectics a meme?

No but Hegel was a massive faggot.

It was lower than whatever the NCR was taxing, we know that.


Imagine being this window licking ape.

One of the traders in The Fort says he gets taxed way less trading with the Legion than he does with NCR, and he doesn't even have to hire guards for his caravans in Legion territory.

Attached: aweh_true_to_kaisar.png (1022x687, 263.01K)

A small war tax otherwise towns in legion territories govern themselves

Imagine being a Jewish Bolshevist.

okay retard.

>Call of Duty-esque faction

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is he wrong?
but what form does that war tax take? Does evey territorie mint its own legion coin simply to provide a tax to the army? Do tribes provide food, water and scrap to the Legion? What backs the legions coins?

if you sell chems, or screw people over they'll crucify you
they don't really care beyond that

there's some more autistic stuff that obsidian seemed to pin on for no particular reason besides making them a worse choice. like caesar hating modern technology and making it forbidden. fucking retarded.

Not bad if we're working on median era rome rules: 1-4ish% on land and things, business rates only existed in strength in the central core, and levies were often adjustable to suit your own business/amount of slaves/etc.

If its mormon rules everyone is fucked.

Didn't they kick a mormon down a ditch?

i want caesar to catcall my wife and sell me speakers out of the back of a van

I think that's probably legal in mormon rules. Plus he pulled a 9mm on the sabbath.

Fun roman tax facts:
>They taxed orphans and windows specifically to pay for nice horses.
>They made Asians pay more to get in to romanland at the door than any other border. This is only true because you can't call spearing a pict a tax, more a long term deposit.
>They had a death/estate tax, but it wasn't applied to close relatives. Fuck you gerold get you own dad to leave you fucking money you cunt.
>They taxed you more if you weren't married and fit to bear young. While it can be fun to imply this was a fag tax or it was a procreation incentive, the logic is far more pragmatic: Kids cost more money than nokids, id es: Give me your spare cash you pleb.
>The first non currency debasement tax evasion derived by an accountant is recorded in history here. Guess what kind and don't win a prize you anti-semetic cunt.

Fuck you all my tax facts are amazing. God damn it. I hope you all choke on a dormouse.

If the Legion denarius is circulated correctly then Caesar can just tax with the coins and use them to buy things like food and supplies from productive towns. Also, traders will likely want to trade goods for denarius if they know they are more valuable then caps in Legion lands.

Your tax facts are gay and killed my thread fuck off.

but a single denari is worth the same as a dog steak, what backs that value? Why is it the same as a single low quality meal? you often only find a few denari in a group of legion, why do they only get paid enough to buy a few scant dog steaks?

No, my crippling inability to contribute anything worth commenting on to any thread, achieving a 64% 1-3 post death of thread rate because it was happening so often I wasted time actually collecting data on it did that. Tax facts are fucking fun fuck you.

The Legion ≠ Legion citizens

Legionaries don't get paid and they might have money to buy things from traders when they are out raiding and scouting. Though desu its most likely just so the player can get Legion currency.

To answer your question what guarantees the value of the Denarius is the Legion's never ending conquest of new lands and the resources within them. We can assume Caesar will continue to follow Roman history and maybe transform into a more governing state after defeating the NCR.

Legion coins are literally made of Gold and Silver, they probably carry their own value

Even in Bethesda's Fallout fan fiction no one seems to care about silver and gold. Even the bottle caps theory is pretty loose but they needed currency so it works I guess.

no seriously, how the fuck does the legion compete with assault rifles using hockey pads and machetes?

Only recruits are limited to primitive weaponry.

Gold is what the NCR money is backed by in 2, and the Gold Bars in Dead Money are like the third most valuable items in the game.

>You must have TAGGED melee to join the auxiliaries.
>You will be tested on a basic melee challenge by easy petvs before being allowed to continue

During the Hoover Dam battle the Legionaries literally have automatic assault rifles and chainsaws. They are deadly at all ranges except for long range where the NCR Rangers fuck them pretty hard.

You are right in 2 they do use the gold standard but I think the gold bars in Dead Money are just part of the game because who the fuck in the Mojave could honestly price that except maybe House. My point still stands the Legion likely wouldn't have anything backing up their currency other than the constant influx of new lands and resources.

Caesar is surrounded by displacer fists, thermic lances, ballistics fists, etc. I think what you tards meant to say was "Caesar doesn't want the subservient population to have technology".

He doesn't hate it he just doesn't want the Legion being dependent on it like the NCR. As this other user said he knows when it's valuable

The ncr requires a constant supply of bullets to even fight. The legion can make do when they only have machetes. There's definitely some value to that kind of versatility, especially when both nations supply lines are stretched very thin from their heartlands to their periphery which is New Vegas.

there is no tax since they are no profits, only their vassals are taxed.

it's fiat money.

is he Tedpilled?

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he has no vassals

Legionaries are also comfortable traveling long distances and living off the wasteland while NCR troops are under trained and dependent on supplies caravans.

Without the Courier interfering Legion would of easily taken the Dam and the Mojave.

>Caesar's Legion will fail over time!
Do people really think this is an argument?

It'll collapse under Lanius. He's a retard that fights anything that moves

>When Caesar dies Lanius will destroy the legion!
>Lanius literally criticizes Caesar for over extending the Legion and retreats after listening to reason
Yeah Lanius is much better for the Legion as long as the Courier doesn't help him take the Dam

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>you could never get the full value of the gold bars
No shit that was part of it

Not even hardcore dialecticians can agree. So maybe.

I'm not talking about getting the caps for it im saying no one in Mojave besides House would even be able to price them.

The Legion could definitely defeat the NCR in the battle for control of the Mojave (Assuming house doesn't beat both of them), but the Legion would never be able to conquer the NCR, without the long supply lines, fighting in NCR home territory, the NCR would have superior firepower in every single battle and totally demolish the legion forces.

Things are only worth agreed prices.
Gold just makes a really good currency

he has many vassal villages and tribes, which are not considered legion.

Lanius being a brute is part of propaganda.

overextending doesn't matter, since Caesar plans to make vegas his Rome and become a fully settled power.

Well I agree Total War is only effective for so long. However, extreme terrorism from within would most likely be very easy to do which would destabilize the NCR pretty quick.

He does not plan on stopping in Vegas he wants to destroy the NCR.

True, but caps are already the universal standard and are far more valuable then Legion or NCR currency. I think those gold bars would be worth a fortune if you took them and sold them to a bank in NCR territory for NCR dollars but I think the cap exchange would be significantly lower

>fighting another equal force in their own turf is difficult and nearly impossible
What an original and unheard of thought.

I don't remember everything he said, but i'm sure he is not going to attack commiefornia right-away, losing the war will effect the morale and Legion is very good in sabotage, they murder kimball if you don't save him.

He wants to conquer it and use the parts of it he likes to turn his legion into something that might actually survive without constant war.

Well I agree and the Long 15 is really the only way NCR could mount a counter-attack and holding that would be easy for the Legion. I think that's why he values Vulpes so much as he is a master terrorist and could just set him loose on California while he builds Rome in Vegas.

Legion would get fucked silly if they tried to move into NCR turf.
Remember all the big stuff and best gear is still in NCR territory to protect the Brahmin barons from local raider threats because they keep bribing them.
The dudes who have been holding the Mojave are under trained, under equip and being hampered by the locals at every turn and are still holding the Legion back, even if it's not by much.
Legion shills git ye gone

No it's not. Look at the endings for the Legion where Lanius becomes leader. He's way more brutal than Caesar and ends up costing the Legion hundreds of lives and influence because of it.