>post yfw QUAD DAMAGE

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That torch is really big haha

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>QC shit
>UT4 dead
>everything else even less populated

god imagine getting blasted to smithereens with that

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> I'm gonna be shooting a minigun today
> I know! Let me wear dad shorts

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I wish

A chad would stand

Imagine if for once in your life you could unleash semen out in a torrent of that caliber in one girls cute pussyhole.

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How much did it cost?

QC is awesome.
Diabotical is around a corner, can already play it in beta-test.

They're Russian

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$400000 for 12 seconds.

>yfw enemy has the quad

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What the fuck was his problem?

QC is not awesome imo, at least not as an arena shooter. No server browser (last time I tried it at least), no custom shit, hero based game. Haven't heard about Diabotical, will check it out, thanks!

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Nerve gas

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The only way I would play QC again is pic related
but there's no way it'll ever happen
can you imagine bouncing around with a jump module and a tau cannon

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how the fuck do you get this strong?

how many people did this guy kill that night? jesus christ

It would be cool if Quakes face was a 3D model with like blood running down his nose animated to fit the 3D game

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>Gluon Gun LG skin added

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fuck it, I'll try checking out the current linux binaries for UT4 (doesn't need egs), maybe some faggots are still playing elimination


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I'm building a map for UT4 although I have no idea how to design a competitive level

It looks like that one dude bumped into him and it just triggered a massive anger attack, like the guy just went into rage mode and started swinging at everyone. He originally was trying to punch the guy that bumped into him. Also I love how they're in a club and there is like three girls and 40 guys in the club. I only see a handful of girls but the ratio of girls to guys is awful.

Why go to a club if it's nothing but men?

its a gay club and the girls didnt realize.

>killed like 3 guys each with just one punch
What the hell man

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wh*te people

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makes sense, the berserker was fisting people left right and center

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this is why i don't leave my house

God, I hope Id gives us a new Quake with the same amount of passion and effort put into their new Doom games.


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i'm think it's a straight dude that got tricked into going to a gay club, and lost it when a sweaty gay dude bumped into him

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>enemy debuff actually makes you stronker

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manlet quad damage aka double damage.

>yfw fuller auto

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Nice! Level design is tricky I guess. Maybe this is bullshit, but the most played levels usually look like they've been designed to have 2-3 major "hot spots" and the rest of the level is designed to connect them. Nice examples are chill (the hotspots are the 2 edges + tower), deck (elevators, bridge, poison pool), asdf (central area, basically every other edge of the map), and that one egypt style small dm/eli map that I cannot recall the name of rn. Do you have a server? Or does this dutchsmoke guy still host his custom test server?

i wish i was a chad

Fucking based.

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it probably takes a lot of work to maintain that lifestyle.

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>make bet with friend over match
>doing terrible
>he tells me so
>pick up quad damage
>annihilated him after that
>he sucked my dick as per the bet
>ended up marrying him
haha what a fag

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