Do people use GameFaqs walkthroughs anymore?

Do people use GameFaqs walkthroughs anymore?

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Especially with games that are complex/prone to "NO SPOILERS EVER" fags ruining my ability to self spoil.

the last time I used one was for the wonderful 101

that game has some shit tucked in its corners, I tell ya

Do they still make ascii style walkthroughs?
I haven't used one in like a decade
But to be fair, I can't remember a modern game that was obscure enough to warrant a walkthrough

I'm currently using one for Vesperia because the game has more missable content than actual content.
>sleep in this inn, go out, go in again and sleep again twice to trigger this sidequest

mainly for older games and when I come back to a game after a while and forget where the hell I'm supposed to go

Souls games?

sometimes i use them for jrpgs that i only intend to play once,i just don't want to miss anything obscure.

sometimes for old games

Attached: walkthrough.png (639x925, 67.59K)

I did a couple of months ago for Crystalis when I got lost.

>author makes jokes throughout
>ascii pictures

that's where game journalists read how old games play.

Fuck yes I do thank god it’s still around. I used to talk shit about it but now gamefags is a library of guides.

there are no modern games that require walkthroughs. that's a thing of the past.

RPGs, FPS, adventure games, etc. it's all been dumbed down to appeal to the lowest common denominator.


Sure do.
Used one for a MMBN game not too long ago to get advice on S rank navis.

Oh man, if we're talking about Gamefaqs this is a must read:

Classic ulillillia.

>author ends nearly every sentence with an exclamation mark as if i'm an idiot kid

> That time someone wrote a 400 KB txt walkthrough for a JRPG that doesnt exist

No, people use YouTube walkthroughs now.

>Thanks to SephieGamer89 for the tip about saving money!
>Thanks to Mom and Dad for always being there for me!
>Thanks to CJayC for creating this awesome website!!
>Thanks to God for creating everything!!

>tfw your FAQ lost its star

it's over

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GameFaqs has a wonderful community, especially the Halo 3 board.

Playing 5/6th gen JRPGs and occasionally checking GameFAQs feels incredibly comfy. I still play them on my PS2 on a CRT too.

I needed one for Chrono Cross the other day

I printed out an enormous GameFAQs guide to 100% Mario Sunshine when I was little and wasted so much ink and paper. My parents were so pissed and I had to hole-punch each page and tie it together, too thick to staple.

Good times.

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Where do you learn how to make good README files for your walkthrough or program? All of the ones I ever read do as if written by a professional. What I mean to ask is, do they teach you this professionally in university when learning coding/programming?

>That one site that had walk-troughs where the author would rewrite basically the entire plot of the game in some comedy way.

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Yep. Used it for some basic combos for X-Men vs Street Fighter just the other day. I was playing Juggernaut/Sabertooth.

just like, look at good ones and do what they do

Yeah, I do it all the time.

Cyric_Z offers some of the tightest guides you'll get in my experience.
On the other hand not usually worth it so no outside of select examples really

Did the same but with Tales of Symphonia
Put it in a binder
My mom gave up on buying ink carts after that she was so angry

i got stuck on crazy gadget in SA2 and tried printing off the section for it, but i accidentally printed the entire guide and my mom was mad

Rarely. I'll usually find something on youtube instead which reduces any ambiguity.

Of fucking curse, I just use it for Devil Suvivor Overclocked and I will use it for Persona 5 Royal in June.

yes because wikis are the most annoying sites on the internet and im not watching some meme shouting e-beggar shill on youtube blather on and on before showing a tip or trick.

Man, I remember hopping on Gamfaqs and checking out guides for just about every game. Nowadays, you can just use a wiki.

I use them for old RPGs sometimes to help me theory craft to build, like knights of the old republic

I do

I always check walkthroughs once I've beat a game once

For some reason it just stopped working on my mobile a few days ago.

I try but nobody ever writes any walthrough/guide/weapon list/how to woo your party members guide anymore, so I'm forced to go to some shitty pages with disgusting, vomit inducind javascript bloat to get what I want, and most times is just shitty placeholders repeating what the game already tells you.
It's like nobody cares anymore, god fucking dammit.

If the game is obscure enough, yes
>Someone took their time to even put type all battle/victory/death quotes for every char
Feels nice

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When I was a kid I used to go read guides of different horror games that I was too afraid to play myself, like the early RE and SH games. I liked reading the journals and shit, and seeing the authors put in their opinions and theories on the plot or what was going on, along with the boards.
I like to shit on kids for being so obsessed with youtube and streamers but that's basically a newer version of what I was doing anyway

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I did it one time for the first BN game since it's a fucking mess in comparison

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**To even put/type

Yeah, older games haven't changed in years, so the guides are still as good as they always were. Plaintext, no extra bullshit. Often in depth. I like GameFAQs. It hasn't really changed a whole lot over the years.

Was it the Elecman dungeon?

This. I hate it. What happened to all the dedication?

I do for Ys every now and then.

I used save states for that. That dungeon was awful.


When writing their own guides filled with ads and split into new webpages every paragraph.

Used one this past Christmas to get through some of the dungeons in the GB Mana game. I enjoy it greatly but man my ability to find secrets in these types of games are absolutely horrid.

No the new ones are all html.

And yet, you're still missing the most important ones user.

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I literally stopped when they dropped text and switched to html
I had a second monitor just so I could walk through a game and 100% complete it, now with the whole "click for next section" I don't feel like it.

OSS make it less awful.

Just add ?single=1 to the end of the URL and save the FAQ for offline reading.

Some things are just better with visual aid.
But don't get me wrong, text walkthroughs are kino. And when my only visual option is reading mr notepad or listening to sir cheap mic, i rather just read a well made walkthrough.