This is your raiding party for tonight

This is your raiding party for tonight.

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All of them are male in real life

That doesn't look very balanced, there's nobody for healing, or scouting.

I sure hope we don't get raped!

stop mansplaining shitlord

You are the healer of course

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There you go, that's it
That's the whole secret to MMOs

That is wrong.

Why is the Berserker wearing more than the Fighter?

Why is the Barbarian not wielding one single Greataxe?

Purin is my wife.

>muh balance

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If only

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I have a brilliant idea gang! Let's go beat up some weak goblins in the goblin caves!

"Are you guys sure you don't need more armor?"
"Nah, we're good"

*title card* Meiko gets stabbed in the stomach

>get to tank for three healers
>two fancy themselves damage dealers and the last has a packaged excuse for every time they fuck up, which is frequently
>they're still all played by men
Fucking miss me with that shit, negroes

Meiko is the lewdest, she'll be chief soon.

What's the point of warriors when berserkers exist?

one is different specs/roles? DUH

Now the party's complete

Attached: Party Complete.png (1239x1754, 1.2M)

One can tank, one can try to tank

Fuck partying, I multibox and script

Love it
>T.Ugly Bastard Chaotic Neutral Cleric

If you're dealing with a delicate situation and don't want berserker tard rage ruining it/accidentally killing you.

They're both the same role in any self respecting MMO. Zerks taunt and can self heal the more damage they deal.

>no gnolls

boy I haven't seen these classes and getups a billion times zzzzzzz

Am I in the back shooting my cum?

>Not a Shota Cleric
You want incest porn or BAD END everybody get raped to dead even the thief Porn?

If they play the same, the MMO is not self respecting.

warriors are control/ dps
beserkers are pure dps

anyway, you'll also want to pack some food, water, potions, antidotes, and torches.

Fuck this. Either the tank puts some actual armor on or I quit, I ain't healin' that shit.

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Where is the shota onahole?

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There might be a weight system in place, so you'll want to prioritize agility over defense early on.

thief son would be more useful to scout out any danger ahead and avoid it
and a wizard should be able to cast healing magic too, except it wont be a divine source

she clearly paid for weapon and gear costume slots

Is this from the hot new manga "Is It Okay To Hit On My All Female Raiding Party If I'm A Back Row Damage Dealing Accountant That Got Turned Into A 5 Year Old School Goblin Boy In A Dungeon?"

no, this is your party

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>muscular woman
disgusting, rest is fine

The warrior and berserk aren't wearing good armor.

>this will never be you

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now switch the genders and post it on reddit

>shit armor
Absolute shit taste

I'm more curious about why the Berserker has more clothing than the Warrior. All of them have short hair, that's instawin for me.

I want to sniff Meiko's sweaty crotch

This shit got old after the 2nd time, is this all baalbuddy or whatever can draw?

Yes. He's shit.

>Mieko the Warrior
>Makoto the Berserker

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>Cute paladin party member asks you to come to her tent later that night
>you find her barely dressed, and spread out over her bedroll
>she asks you to come over to her, and take her
>you ask "aren't paladins supposed to practice chastity?"
>she replies "Oh, it's alright, I'm already married!"

it's true though, women are pure fucking evil


ERP somewhere else coomer

>I'm spreading the word of my goddess
>SUCC the goddess of love
top kek.

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Does that mean they're packing thick futa cocks?

Not to mention they look like they are running with green tier rarity gear. Hard pass.

i only play shooters

Okay, then you'll main the gun mage.

Wheres the damn healer ya dumb broads?! Your never gonna make it to endgame at this rate. Fucking casuals.

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adultery is a sin

we get it you hate fun just leave the thread

All healers is the strongest party.

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This would most likely be out of character alignment, and there cause a shift from the "good" spectrum.
Don't paladins lose their powers once that happens too?