

Attached: 1558346571187.jpg (220x290, 27.04K)

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>implying after living for millennia you wouldn't be experimenting with all forms of sex


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>Newfags can't blankpost

Attached: 1559451929762.webm (1920x1080, 2.84M)

old blankposting doesnt work anymore

I'm interested in this.

I'm interested in this.

Yeah, that "." has now become and "o" so let's not pretend.

Saw the season. Still not on par with the anal rape that is the Hector subplot. Belmont bros ft. DMPC that advances the plot was fun. LEGION and Isaac development by being obviously groomed by Death for CoD They're fucking this up, aren't they? Was awesome, fuck you all. Legion can be reused for Nuculais anyways

Two different characters.

>people watch this instead of playing video games

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He was like a decade old at most in the show

>still mad that the obviously gay guy turned out to in fact be gay

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I wanna touch him, but I can't.

>sotn obviously sets him up with Maria
>material after sotn describes him living with maria
fuck off faggot.

>Better design
>Better VA
>Better spin off
>Has never had genitals inserted into his posterior

Attached: LoS Alucard.png (1244x700, 1.22M)

How is it possible that his dlc better than los2 base game?

but dude he has long hair that means hes gay!!!!

>implying SOTN Alucard is the same as Netflix Alucard
That's your first mistake

there's a difference between having long hair and styling yourself after a fucking disney princess

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Actually I was taking a shot at Netflixvania Alucard alone; I still make a distinction between the show and the original timeline from the games. I just couldn't be arsed making or finding a pic with LoS and Netflix Alucard

So 10 years old.

Or at least undeading with Maria.


Attached: alucard_gameover.png (1307x528, 231.66K)

You realize that the art on that cover is not Alucard, right?

Still uttering the same nonsense....

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>the cum chalice

To be fair, that's white wine in that scene

are you sure?

Post alucard gay jokes please.

Did a butt sex scene on a non canon tv series for a dormant franchise actually kill a populsr character?

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Alucard? More like ANALucard haha:DD

It's funny how easy it is to manipulate people nowadays, put one remotely gay scene into a Netflix TV show and people collectively lose all of their shit


Why does Yas Forums care about Netflixvania?

netflix shills
they're trying to engineer a forced meme and shift Yas Forums culture. in fact they've been trying to do this for years. always fails.

They don't, it's just easy shitposting

>engineer a forced meme and shift Yas Forums culture

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>always fails.
Dude, at this point it’s half-and-half chances of forced memes succeeding on this board. Just look at how many threads are wojaks or “Games where non-vidya topic”.

lol theyre literally paid Soros shills
I did wonder why these threads seem off

those are both real memes made and used by organic Yas Forums users

If they’re making threads at all, it means they care.

You're retarded, nobody cares about "shifting" "Yas Forums's culture", this place is a shithole and you're not part of anything important

Cancer isn’t organic. You fucking asshole.

Is he religious?

george soros and his team of tranny nigger netflix shills sure do care alot to make these cringey threads about their unpopular embarrassment of a show

Probably because some people actually enjoyed S1 and 2. I'll admit that aside from the annoying shit like the anti-church stance and making Isaac black I thought the show had potential. Ultimately though it's gonna be best remembered for going off the rails early on and then forgotten by the average Netflix consumer 6 months-a year after it's inevitable cancellation, and derided by fans as the worst thing to happen to the franchise. On the plus side the bantz around it has been entertaining to a degree, and at least now I can't get called out for liking Lords of Shadow

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seethe harder soros niggers
reminder that soros netflix nigger shills make these threads because they cant win elections any more

Go back

>Still can't cope about Gamergate winning
Enjoy his re-election courtesy of White men :)


Please keep spouting buzzwords, you fucking bot.

>living for millennia
Alucard is 19 years old during Castlevania 3 and went to sleep right after it, waking up centuries later for SotN. So even if he's bilogically centuries old, he's still a teenager in mind and heart.

hit a nerve on this sexless genderless castrated little wimp faggot liberal cunt

I’m leaving Yas Forums forever.

check out this new thread first

alucard's a fag who likes taking it up the ass

I don't know why people care so much about the Alucard shit when Dracula was an even worse case of character assassination. He was a fucking toothless depressed wimp in the show that was offed so that they could have Carmilla be the actual threatening big bad and have a depressed Alucard subplot. I wouldn't be surprised if they have Alucard eventually be the villain one season instead of bringing Dracula back every time they jump ahead to a new game's timeline. Of course that's assuming they don't spend another two seasons dicking around doing fuck all instead of advancing the plot past Castlevania 3.

nobody cares about your shitty show soros

Nigger I just explained why the show is shitty and why it was already garbage before Alucard had gay buttsex.

Project your homosexuality elsewhere faggot. Two different characters.

Different era, different fashion sense. Again, go suck cocks on your own dime faggot.

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First off, Alucard is depicted having a threesome with a man and a woman, so it would be a bi-sexual scene, and not a gay one. Like, while Alucard was getting penetrated he was getting a reach-around from the woman.

The most important take-away is that scene ended with the man and woman stabbing Alucard in the back, so we can conclude this is an accurate deception of bisexuality.