Why did fans at the time trash this game when it is unironically one of the best Final Fantasy titles out there? Completely deserved the high critical praise it got.
Why did fans at the time trash this game when it is unironically one of the best Final Fantasy titles out there...
Couple reasons.
Vaan is a queer.
It's kind of up it's own ass with "you have to look this up or you'll never figure it out" mechanics like rare mob spawns, the bazaar goods system, and most infamously the guaranteed zodiac spear.
FF10 sissies ass-blasted because they had to press another button than up to beat the game
Single player mmo
I found Vaan less annoying than Tidus and his awful voice despite being less developed. He was just Aladdin.
But user, Vaan isn't the leading man...
Did they trash it? I was having the fun of a life time playing this then I got stuck in place I couldn't get out, lent the game to a friend and he never gave me back.
I still remember trying to kill the t.rex in the beginning and getting my ass kicked. I loved the combat system in that game.
but you win ff12 by pressing no buttons and letting the game play itself
They could not handle how Gambit System works and that you need to buy a license to equip gear.
I still don't know who what is on the cover, btw.
>Dude what if we made literally half the cast be inconsequential to the story
>Dude what if we made multiple cutscenes where the main character has no idea what's going on and just stands in the background while people who matter speak
>Dude what if we made a character who's literally just a random girl off the street with no important qualities outside of an extremely large ass
>Dude what if we made a character with an interesting and nuanced backstory and then only let the player use him in one dungeon, at the end of which he dies
>Dude what if we made a villain who has zero emotional connection to the heroes and doesn't even meet them until the last ten minutes
>Dude what if we took an established setting with a million interesting species and then only included humans and bunny humans as playable characters
>Dude what if we gave the narrator a comical Apu accent
>Dude what if we made a complicated political plot and then ruined it by turning it into standard ancient god shenanigans halfway through
>Dude what if we made a plot where the heroes have almost no impact on what happens until 95% of the way through the story, and they spend their time tromping from one ancient temple to the next
>Dude what if we took everything 100% seriously and had zero levity outside of Balthier and Cid
>Dude what if we wrote all of the dialogue to sound like a Renaissance Fair
>Dude what if we we had no overworld and all travel was handled by a menu or floating teleport crystals
>Dude what if we made a battle system where you set everything up in advance so that you don't actually play the game
>Dude what if we made a level-up system where all of the characters become literally identical in function
>Dude what if we made summons useless except for opening doors
>Dude what if we put all of the interesting and unique content in sidequests
>Dude what if instead of having fun side games like the motorcycle chase and Triple Triad we had nothing
>Dude do you expect anyone to read all that?
I never played it, but my friend is a giant FFfag and he came to my house the day he beat it to complain about it. His biggest gripe was that Vaan doesn't matter to the story. I've also heard people say you don't really need to play it, you can just idle and the game will play for you, and historically this is always seen as a bad thing.
>I still don't know who what is on the cover, btw.
Judgemaster Gabranth
What a letdown. They did a good job on the cover 'cause that armor looks like shit.
>Dude do you have a license for that green text?
The setting is really good and the music is fantastic, though. That's why they keep using it in other games and spinoffs. They even used it to brighten up the pile of shit FF14.
when your game has that many flaws its with good reason people criticize
Neither is Balthier.
The leading "man" is Ashe
Don't care. It's fun
I agree, Final Fantasy Tactics sucked.
political stories just aren't exciting in a FF setting
its just not that good and the people who liked it are disproportionately the kind who hated FF to begin with and are incredibly annoying in every fucking FF thread
Serves them right then that battle system will never ever be used again
you make it sound like them not using it was some grand discovery considering the abomination that was 13's battle system
Ramza is probably my fav FF protag of all time
I'm not sure what you have against FFT but this just goes to show that FFXII fags are completely insufferable
As someone who loved X and played XII at it's release
>meh story
>forgettable main character
>combat system was pretty controversial at the time
>obnoxiously long dungeons
Also didn't help that the next console generation was right around the corner, and people were getting hyped for XIII instead. In reality, XII ended up being one of the best FF games to ever come out, we just didn't realize it at the time. The combat system is genius and really should have been the model moving forward. We took a massive step back with the combat in XIII and XV.
The story in XII is still pretty meh, but the characters are likeable and the overall worldbuilding is great. The Zodiac versions that just came out are fantastic and once again set a golden standard for future FF titles. A shame Square Enix will probably never return to this style of game.
Its because pretty much all the things you said also apply to FFT, except for the thing about the battle system.
Music and gambit system were great. I remember testing different macros and being excited when it worked as expected. It was nice to see that ffxiii kept a bit of that feel later on
What seriously let me down was the story. Complete bonkers. Felt like a ton of wasted potential. Absolutely no likeable characters... just meh pretty faces.
>MOGs you
Low IQ retards, basically.
Basch is the greatest character in FF history along with Cloud. This is the only possible right answer.
FF has never had strong plots or characters. Its straight up not a strength of the series. Hell both the MMO's have better plots than the mainline FF games
If Basch was the main character (as was originally planned) the story would have been a lot better.
>I'm Captain Von Basch of Dalmasca!
why did he bother fusing with vayne then?
Well lets see
Combat system that just plays the game for you
Literally an Evil Twin story
Muh crystals
Main character is so uninteresting I forget what his story even was
Forced you to RUN through entire zones dozens of times for kill quests
I didn't enjoy the game while I was playing it and then by the time I finished it I couldn't believe that's all they had. Terrible story.
He was in our hearts. Still love the game. Not because it's a masterpiece. But because it has soul.
>FF has never had strong plots or characters.
>MMO's have better plots than the mainline
Oh that explains it
This was great, and all true.
Simple reason. It's the same reason many games that are part of a long standing series get shit on. FF was typically a turn based/ATB based RPG, and while FFX deviated somewhat from the formula, XII was totally different from its predecessors and it shook up the fan base.
Also Vaan.
I didn't like the game because thanks to gambits I didn't have to press anything. I only used joystick to walk. I also didn't like the story but that is personal taste.
vanilla version of the game is not good. 12 easily has one of the best universes, i hope they do something with Ivalice again soon
FFXII is the MGSV of final fantasy games, except with legitimately worse gameplay and leveling mechanics than anything else in the franchise that only complete autists can even pretend has any actual depth. Zodiac Age literally only "fixes" the game by letting you play it at 2x speed since the job system barely changes anything and there's still no content added to make the actual plot of the game compelling to anyone playing it for the first time
It's not, but it is gorgeous.
Because it's the worst in the franchise?
>forgettable main cast
>mmo combat
>shit music
13 is unironically a better game
I can’t tell if you’re trying to be contrarian or if you’re actually serious.
>ymn be raped by everyone in that picture
>game has less gameplay than the MMO in the franchise or any of the 4 flat out turn based games
>p-people only hate it because it shook up the formula
You have brain problems
I liked it at the time and it's still good but I see it very differently having played more types of games.
Yasumi Matsuno clearly wanted to ape the baldur's gate games as hard as he could but SE had to dumb it down into the dirt and gaeh it up the boypus as much as possible.
In retrospect most of Matsuno's "unique" mechanics in games like tactics ogre that made them standout, where just grafted from DnD.
Oh and FFT is his berserk fan fiction.
>13 is unironically a better game
It’s true. At least the story is cool and the characters stand out in their own way. Everything about 12 just feels generic and forgettable.
>less gameplay than the mmo
>it's an iteration of the MMO's gameplay with about 90% more interactivity
what did he mean by this?
Mouthbreathing: the post.
This game was not very good. It was absolutely the beginning of the end for Final Fantasy (unless you want to count that FFX-2 abortion as a mainline entry)
Fuck you it's allergy season
It's funny how many people mention that it's forgettable considering I forget about 95% of that game, and I'm thankful for that
>90% more interactivity
Yeah, out of combat only
the smear behind him is meant to represent Venat, fun fact.
Better keep that mouth shut if you don't want Corona-chan to notice you.
>Executive Producter Akitoshi Kawazu himself admits that the story was shit
>fanboys on here still deepthroating it anyway
You are an absolute faggot who in better times would have been beaten savagely to the point of death and then tortured until your weak life force gave in. I mean this with all my heart.
Calm down schizo, your game sucks
I really only remember Basch, Balthier and the playboy bunny. Also being stuck in some dinosaur boss that I was likely underleveled.
I renewed my account at PAX East for a t-shirt. I remember nothing about the game but my play time is 3000 hours.
It's a good game but couldn't top tactics or 7
the gameplay gets a lot of flak, i think IZJS fixed a lot of the issues with the system but you can't "fix" the singleplayer MMO aspect of it without rebuilding it from the ground up. FWIW i like the gameplay, i just think it needed a little more interactivity to it. funny enough i think FF7R is really what i think FFXII needed to be, there are bones of the old ATB system there but it's very modern and flashy.
the story and characters are the real issue. it's like someone decided to take the worst parts of the Star Wars prequels and construct a plot and tone around that. almost all of the characters sound like they had their lines recorded while the actors were hot railing ambien. 99% of the game's plot is political and nature and completely lacks a human element: Vaan and Penelo were added to attempt to correct this but are so inconsequential to the plot that they have zero impact.
there's one scene in the game that encapsulates this problem perfectly. the second or third time Larsa joins your party and you're in the plains with that village of beast people, there's a cutscene with Vaan, Penelo and Larsa just having fun and people normal people. they're laughing and joking for all of 5 seconds before the camera pans over to Ashe and Basch for more deadpan, emotionless political dialogue. FFXII has no heart or soul, it's almost robotic in how cold the plot is and the characters act as if an AI was asked to make a Final Fantasy story.
>You are an absolute faggot who in better times would have been beaten savagely to the point of death and then tortured until your weak life force gave in. I mean this with all my heart.
Completely wrong.
Because it's shit. You're looking at it from the lens of modern games which are just FAR worse.
Back when good JRPGs were coming out yearly for the past decade, FF12 paled in comparison and it had a gay and boring cast.
Fuck me that remaster looks bad.