Why the fuck did this game have a 97? It plays, looks & sounds like shit
Why the fuck did this game have a 97? It plays, looks & sounds like shit
Itagaki is that you?
You literally, unironically had to be there.
Tekken 3 still the best in the series.
Because it was better than what existed at the time
I agree. Even when it was new and had eddie and all that shit, it still was just janky ass Tekken to me. Can't understand why it got such high praise. The series didn't even start to take itself seriously until 5.
Because every single western game once they designed them for consoles instead of PC is 100% garbage. Back in the 90s, You had several genre defining games each year & scoring in the 96-97 on gamerankings was reserved for revolutionary timeless classics that people still talk about today since there were 70-100+ reviews for every game
I see. You're 16 and for some reason you decided to play Tekken 3 and you think the graphics and sound are bad.
Sorry junior but you weren't there at the time. This game is a classic.
This, Nowadays games are praised solely based on graphics, overworld size & how movie-like it’s cinematic cutscenes are. Which is why aaa games are fucking awful, it lowers standards so that mediocre games are called masterpieces because zoomers are so used to eating shit.
Because this was top tier back in those days. You really won't appreciate it if you had played other games released after it.
We had to play and learn every character to unlock their endings, not watch it on YouTube or Twitch. That's pure soul right there.
>zoomers will never know the feeling of waiting/taking turns at the elecetronic stores console set ups
>they will never 1vs1 some punk kid and his friends for privileges who hogs the console
>plays, looks
Fucking kill yourself
Plays and looks leagues better than its predecessors and started to carve out the aesthetic that Tekken stuck to, even if its gameplay had some weird shit (weird height-based juggle mechanics, all stages still infinite voids). Great OST and incredible, iconic announcer.
Also, Tekken Force & Tekken Ball are two of the best side modes in the genre to this day. Tekken Ball came back for the console versions of Tag 2 and it was still fantastic, but FUCK I want Tekken Force or similar modes back. Just a solid little beat-em-up you can play with any character in a fighting game's cast, it's such a perfect idea. Granblue Vs has a beat-em-up story mode but it probably has you use certain characters at certain times and too many story sequences because it has a whole gacha's worth of story to work with.
Just look at the fucking progress from Tekken 1 to 3 all on the same console
Zoomer faggots wouldn't understand.
The game is good, not a masterpiece, but the ball mini game is 10/10.
tekken 3 was fucking amazing kino shut the hell up you retard
ithas soul
just an hero, op
shut the fuck up and let's square up on the volleyball court, dweeb
dr boskonovitch, a farting paraplegic+gon+tekken force+survival+tekken ball
doesnt get any more kino than that
It had Gon. That already makes it a masterpiece.
this crosses my mind every so often
that feel when you discover unlocking dr boskonovitch all on your own because no internet to spoil the secrets for you
It was KINO.
Epic 90's baby post weeeeeee
>tfw didn't unlock a bunch of the characters because I sucked and by the time I was better at Tekken I was playing Tag and unlocking characters there
Had no clue about Bosconovich or Gon for years.
Not really, I an early '017er when it comes to Tekken, T7 was my first but I always go back to emulating T3 because it's so fun
Tekken 3 is peak PS1 master craft
No, you had to be there at the time & age to experience the true magic, emulating it when you're older isn't the same thing. Good you're enjoying it though.
ahhh shit, the fucking doc was such a pain to unlock
tekken 3 is so fucking great
fuck off
im unironically triggeredby this faggot OP
its not good because its old and Im nostalgic
its just fucking goodok
You may like it, sure. But it'll never be the same unless you were actually there to play it on PS1 or arcade shops.
okay :)
Not even. I was around for PS1 launch and still remember that demo disc that came with it with Toshinden, Jumping Flash and some other shit. Had Tekken 1, got the JP version of Tekken 2 before it was released in the US and also got Tekken 3. Never thought it was anything special.
Having bad taste isn't exclusive to zoomers. There are faggots like you in every generation.
its ok to be gay. some people really are born this way
This game was a good game.
>Played Toshinden
>Didn't think Tekken 3 was anything special
Mental Retardation doesn't care about age.
You're the one who liked Tekken 3. You're in no position be going around calling anyone a faggot with bad taste.
You're talking to someone who spent all his time in the arcades playing Virtua Fighter on other real 3D fighting games. Of course Tekken was jank to me.
Just having a 3D fighter without all the moon jumping was enough to make it the best in the genre.
>Toshinden and Tekken 3 are equally good.
Nice Bait retard
2/10 I replied.
When was that ever said or even implied, schizo?
> 99 - Ocarina of Time
> 97 - Tekken 3
> 97 - Half-Life
> 97 - GoldenEye
These were the highest rated games at the time Tekken 3 came out, it is unironically & objectively better than all of them except OOT
>Played Toshinden
>Didn't think Tekken 3 was anything special
I will keep saying it until you realize how retarded you sound.
>T7 was my first
You weren't there, faggot. Shut the fuck up.
I played Tekken 3 a whole lot as a kid when it was new, but when I tried to play it again last year I couldn't get into it. Cute for a few hours and then I had my fill.
Goofy unlockables like Gon, True Ogre and the volleyball game are still top tier additions though.
Ah, the birth of just frames. That game gave us a lot of shit as soon as it hit the arcades. Shame we didn't get any of the char's back.
Gotta learn some comprehension, bro.
What are you even insinuating here? That someone can play an unrelated game... simply PLAY its demo... which means they're OBVIOUSLY trying to say it's the same thing as another game?
tekken3 has an infinitely better soundtrack than the trashfire that is 7.
Tag 1 had the best OST but 3 is close.
nobody actually likes tekken 3 its just one retarded contrarian who forces his autistic opinion on everyone
everyone played tekken 2 and then there was no reason to play tekken 3 because better games were out at that time
then when tekken tag came out there was literally no reason to think about tekken 3
I'm insinuating that anyone who thinks Tekken 3 is on the same level of quality as Toshinden should be strung from the gallows.
dislocated my best friend's shoulder trying to do a King grab on him
It worked.
Tekken is the worst of all fighting games series.
Huge marketing campaign and paid reviews.
Even for its time it was a sub-par fighting game and was war worse than many other games in the genre.
Show me where it was EVER said, you maniac
No it wasn't
go away underage
This game is still playable
Toshinden 1&2 >>>>> Tekken 3 desu
>massive roster
>multiple playmodes
>plays better than the arcade
>easy to master
Tekken went to complete shit after 3.
Isn't Tekken 3 the best selling fighting game of all time?
Tekken 3 was a revolutionary game. 3d games back then didn't have the movement fidelity and animations it had. It was one of a kind back then. Literally the entire framework of how Tekken operates originated here. It's not as special because now tons of 3d games do what it did and better.
No, not even close
i mean i just emulated it a while ago and tried to play through as king. only thing i could do was df1 because the enemy would input read and duck everything else. unplayable isn't far from the truth
same said your mom when she shat you out into a trash bin.
heihachi theme is nice in tekken 3
also the game was creepy in the ogre level.general atmosphere and vibe of tekken 3 is very memorable
stick to fortnite