*joins voicechat*

*joins voicechat*

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Based. Literally anything is better than anglos in the chat (which is common because of their need to yap like girls).

LE HON HON BOURQUIEEEEEE QUICHEEE *deepthroats baqueete* *licks frog* hon hon hon *puts on mime costume* le hon hon *drives bus throw your montior* hon hon hon *shoves frog I’m your ass* *rope climbs away*

Say it again retarded Faggott tripfag

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French are bro-tier (except Parisians)

>t. French frie

>too self conscious about my french accent to join chat


did you shoked on your wife's boyfriend dick

Good french sound fuckiing digusting

spotted the pinche gringo

salut les batards



why do french people sound like they are spitting and vomiting when they talk

Seething frenchfag

thats not what girls said faggot



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Wesh les potos, il y a une place dans la team ou pas ? C'est quoi les bails ?

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No they don't, they can't speak fucking english because their shit country nearly forbids anything none french

Hang yoirself you fucking subhuman beaner go make a taco or something and choke on it pablo

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enculé d'anglais qui se fait baiser par son père et qui aime ça

why would they speak a gay retard lan,guage when a letter has 3 differents sound

>post pic of digusting yardape

i fucking hate french and british people in games. scandinavians, german spanish and eastern euros are usually pretty cool
im dutch btw

Parlez français bande de p'tit cons

whiter than you

d'accord mon negro

Maybe because English is the language of the world dipshit

This, the Anglo woman wets herself just by hearing the voice of the French BVLL

T'as le seum qu'il ait baisé ta grand mère fils de pute ?

Okay Ahmed

no its chinese faggot

Ta gueule pédé

ineenkrimpen flikker, zien wat projectie daar kikker ga jezelf neuken met een broodblok

pourquois? je l'aime pas, mon niveau avec les langues etrangers, j'ai honte :p

t. Plebbit: the country

Pilots all speak Chinese?

Name one country outside of China that speaks chinese

Ferme ta guele fils de pute

suceur hollandais

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Visiblement c'est pas ça en Français non plus


je rest my case


>Are you the only one who fucked your grandmother the motherfucker?
What did piere mean by this

>german joins voice chat
>farts into mic

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moi sur la droite

Fucking KEK

Suce mon chibre pédé


On dit mandarin, mon coco

kikker neuker

Kek learn how to speak french first, you absolute moron.



Was he ever refuted?

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Va dont trainer dans la cité avec tes potos maghrébins

*completely shits itself*

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>learn how into frogger

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>I use google translate and love having dicks up my ass
What did (you) mean by this


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>wasted 3 years learning french and don't remember shit
I wish my highschool offered more languages

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I know you are but what am I

Non toi pédé

if you cant learn a latin language you're just dumb monolingual low brain
