My favorite video game genre?

>My favorite video game genre?
>I'm glad you asked, it's WolfenDoom

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Why are "journalists" still so fucking mad over the term Metroidvania?

it's the other way around

Rip baby sneed

OP is a faggot. Nothing to see here.

I've been mad about it since the day I first saw it used, because it sounds fucking retarded.

And yes, Roguelike/lite/cum sounds fucking retarded too, might as well get that out of the way before anyone bothers to type it.

wow, though guy over here. I bet you prefer MarioKartCrashTeamRacers. Loser.

It Wolfenstein did a particular thing, and Doom did another particular thing but took something from Wolfenstein, Wolfendoom would be a thing.
But as of now it doesn't make sense since they are both similar.

Metroidvania is named as such because the game takes the exploration and map bit from Metroid and soft RPG elements from Castlevania, hence MetroidVania.

Language is not static, and it is also very organic in the way it changes over time. There isn't a council that decries what a genre or subgenre should be called, it just happens as a natural course of the evolution of language. A name is needed so a name arises. The only people who take issue with this are low functioning autists.

Genre names are dumb and it's pointless to argue about them. If I tell you I like jazz, then you have some idea of what I'm trying to convey to you. Only a retard would respond by arguing that the sound of the music doesn't fit the literal definition of the word jazz.

Fuck, someone just posted basically the same thing as I typed this

Do you call hip hop "RunDMCslickrickRakim"?

OP is a faggot confirmed.

Why are "Metroidvanias" still so fucking mad over the term journalists?

I don't see how it's an accurate descriptor of what a game is about at all. Shooter = game where you shoot things, racer = you race vehicles, RTS = real time strategy. If someone hasn't played Metroid or SotN they'll have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. It's like using a thesaurus to look up a defenition, aka stupid.

Wait until you hear about DnB

>not calling it SugarHillKool


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they are not true gamers, my fellow player
alternatively you can just say exploration games

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imagine being such an impotent loser who needs to find something to be angry about 24/7 that you throw an autismfit over a fucking GENRE NAME

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I think you mean diddykarts you fucking faggot

I believe the term is "Mario-like"

>not Soulsbornkiro

>White men.

what the fuck do we call them then, and it better be a snappy phrase, nothing over 3 words max.

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rolexploradventure game

mass repliers have no will of their own. they just click every post and then pull something from their list of haha funny laff reaction videos/pictures

i prefer bingbingwahoo-esque

The only thing I'd consider WolfenDoom is Blade of Agony, a Wolfenstein game on Doom's engine

for me, it's bingbingwahooborne

the best part is
castlevania is an hack n slash platformer
metroid is a shooter platformer
Zelda did the upgrades and different weapons before either existed

Even something as simple as "exploring/exploration game" would work. It's doesn't have to be incredibly specific and encompass literally every other thing you do in the game. You explore the world, get items, and fight enemies,"metroidvania" doesn't imply this in any way unless you've played the games it derives from.


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but dude Symphony of the Night has a map that isn't just a straight line forward or up, clearly it defines an entire genre

I love this guy

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BOY I SURE LOVE exploration game

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I don't care about the genre, as long as it's sickdark

If you could abbreviate that down to 5 syllables or less, sure.

Zeldoid just doesn't have the same ring to it.

more descriptive than "gametitlegametitle"

>mfw zoomers eternally mad about long-coined terms they weren't around when they came out
wish fps were still called doom-clone

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Yeah but it isnt catchy and sounds like some stupid placeholder title for a video game, it'd never catch on.

yeah dude why would something like "first person shooter" or "platformer" ever catch on, not even catchy at all

exploration game is too broad, if you are hearing it for the first time, it still doesn't explain what kind of game it is. And just going on the title "exploration game" alone, doesn't imply any kind of fighting at all, so you would still have to explain it in more detail to a person who isn't in the know anyways. An "exploration game" could be anything from dark souls to a walking simulator.
Sometimes the best way of describing a complex idea is just to compare them to something they are like, and in this case, metroidvania fits the bill quite well.


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>original game gets soulless sequel

it explains at least a single aspect of the game, as opposed to nothing at all

>what kind of game is this?
>it's a metroidvania
>what the hell does that mean
>oh it's like Metroid and Castlevania
>I've never played those, what kind of game are they?

Doomfen you ass

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>soft RPG elements from Castlevania
You mean the soft RPG elements from Castlevania which were first introduced in SOTN, and never before? God you're retarded.

thanks for the steam code bro but it was already used

Note how none of them have "game" in their description. Everyone knows its a game, thats what the genre applies to.
I really dont care that much though, so feel free to push Exploration game. Im just saying I cant see it catching on at all.

> what kind of game is this?
> it's a metroidvania
> what the hell does that mean
> it's like metroid and some castlevania games
> I've never played those, what kinds of games are they?
> Platformers with large, open and explorable maps that you usually get around in by finding upgrades to get past unique barriers.
> Wow, hard to put that in a snappy way
> Yeah, that's why they're called metroidvanias.

that's where they are from, yeah.

it explains plenty, it just does so through comparison.
Either way you are going to have to explain the fine details of the genre to somebody who asks, so you may as well give it the genre description of something that is more useful in the long run, and this one is, because it does ultimately tell you more about the game than something as broad as "exploration game," it simply requires context. Context isn't that hard to find in a world where information has literally never been more accessible.

Why not something simpler that has to do with the definition you gave, "exploration platformer" or anything like that? Or is exploring and platforming still not descriptive enough and you need to compare two games that play totally differently but have big maps so they're the same somehow?

If the name conveys something specific that allows you to communicate, it is doing its job. You're retarded if you get upset that the name of the genre comes from two games that defined it. That's how "roguelike" got its name. That's how several music genres got their names, including "rocksteady" and the genre that branched from it, "reggae".

I'd put money on more than a quarter of Yas Forums being literally autistic.

Exploration platformer brings to mind Tomb Raider or like any shitty 3D N64 or PS1 game. Metroidvania is concise in tone, action, and design. Sorry it rustles your jimmies, but that’s how language works.

I forgot that nobody specifies 2D or 3D in regards to game genres, my bad. Calling Mario a platformer would be dumb because platformer just makes me think of Bubsy 3D or DK64.

Adventure platformer
Exploration platformer

> it's an exploration platformer
> oh, like Mario?
> what? How is Mario exploration?
> well some of the games have different levels and secret exits, you have to hunt those down and explore to visit every level and get all the collectibles
No, user. Fuck off.

> two games that play totally differently but have big maps so they're the same somehow
It's not just "big maps" you literal fucking mouthbreather.
Both games REVOLVE AROUND getting major upgrades that give you more tools to platform, discover secrets, and traverse the world.
Each of these major upgrades invariably opens up a chunk of the game's big map, including another, similar major upgrade.
The central features of metroidvanias are large maps and individually earned upgrades that allow you to access progressively larger amounts of said maps, with greater freedom.