
Decided to finally give it a try, it's on gamepass. I'm 2 hours in.
Holy shit, I like it.

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Good game.

Thread over.

7,5/10. It's alright.

fuck ya'll the ending was good

please enjoy the best game of the 2010s

I just need a sequel.
A prequel.
A spinoff.

I dismissed it.
I like other immersive sims, deus ex, thief.
Dishonored series good?
Any tips? Can I recycle tracking bracelets?

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Enjoyed the game but got bored halfway trough because of the lack of enemy variety. Everything else looks and feels polished though.

10/10 imo


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No? It's not Prey it's some generic game with Prey slapped onto it to try to get people to forget about Prey 2 or even Prey 1 because Prey 2 was supposed to be space bounty hunter but you know fuck it that's too much work so we'll go for a generic spooky aliums shooter

Yea we all know stfu faggot

Fucking make me cock sucker

yeah just wait until you start to realize resources are finite and become scarce whereas the enemies will respawn every load screen, and you realize there's no good way to efficiently get more of what you need to fully explore the station.

My advice: try to only go to every new area once. Spend as much time there digging as deep as possible because any ammount of backtracking is a drain on your resources.


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sjw pozzed and mediocre

>pretending Prey is hard
oh my god, what did you do? try to main a turret build?

Keep lurking and seething, faggot

boring piece of shit

Been here longer than you redditcuck


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Still fucking replying lmao you mad kiddo

you can't silence me

Seething transexual LOL

I keep having this... dream

>do one ending
>reload save I had done before that ending
>3 months later, complete that save with a different ending
>don't get the ending achievement

Do they expect multiple playthroughs of a linear game?


>Muh Prey 2006
Irrelevant game no one played.

zoom zoom

>Resources are finite
>Enemies respawn
>Enemies are resources

>It's not Prey
It is Prey, that's the title. It can't be anything else. Zenimax/Bethesda's bullshit has nothing to do with the actual game, and everyone knows about it, so fuck off.

>It's not shit it's delicious cake

Prey 2006 isn’t a good game and Prey 2 would have never released as human head studios was extremely incompetent. I doubt you even played prey 2006 and are just complaining for the sake of complaining. Prey 2017 is the only good prey

It's System Shock. Basically. But you wouldn't know anything about that.

So this is what brand loyalty looks like. woah....

"Prey" has had the strangest trajectory of any FPS ever
I still remember back when it was originally supposed to be an early-3d game competing with the likes of Quake and Unreal

Obsessed and will continue to orbit the posters lmfao sad!

>it's system shock

>Google Prey
>Not a single mention of the 2006 game
>Even some shit 2019 movie comes up
>Scroll all the way down to FPS section
>It's not even in there while random games like Titanfall are
Stay irrelevant boomer, no one gives a shit about your 5/10 game.

wrong game, same name

Please don't slander the good name of System Shock by comparing it to Bioshock in Space: Extra Woke Edition

>Do they expect multiple playthroughs of a linear game?
Are you new to video games?

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Prey was better than System Shock.

no it wasn't

It wasn't but I can see why you'd think that (you're stupid)

It was but I can see why you'd think that (you're stupid)

Just drop the achievements, the whole thing is just really really poorly thought out
Having to play this game without human upgrades like basic inventory size increases is suffering

This is just supremely sad but also not unexpected

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Game is fantastic. Protip: level typhon powers to become a god.

What is things you parents keep saying Alex?

Prey was way better than system shock, basically just on the merits of being made with a newer engine, better graphics and technology.

For instance, the way "fast travel" in the game is tied to unlocking airlocks and then flying around in zero G between them is pure genius. The level design in the game is incredible, and the ability to recycle any material and use it is great. The use of the gloo gun for platforming is another big win, and same with the nerf gun/typhon mimic ability for opening doors and fitting through small spaces.

>have to play Gone Home in Space just to get past living quarters

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After two hours I was bored and gave up

Immersive Sims really need to fix their difficulty curve problem, because it is a problem in literally every immersive sim. Here's how it goes in every single one of them, from System Shock to Prey 2017

>Stage 1: start of the game. You are weak, enemies are dangerous and unknown, you have no weapons and no equipment. Everything is going to wreck you and you have to play cautious.
>Stage 2: early-mid game. You are starting to get upgrades and equipment. Enemies and their patterns are easier to figure out, and you're starting to figure out ways to fight them effectively.
>Stage 3: mid-to-late game. This is where things drop off. You have a lot of skills and supplies. You know how to fight every enemy effectively and efficiently, so that not only do they die fast, but you also consume minimal resources while fighting them. This is where the game SHOULD be hiking up the difficulty, big time, but everything just falls before you, even on the highest skill levels.

Prey is especially guilty of this if you are a thorough explorer, especially once you complete the psychic water sidequest. After that, nothing can even touch you. Even before that point, the slow-mo/shotgun to the face combo is obscenely overpowered, and just dumping resources into pistol ammo and spamming hard can take care of almost anything. The stungun also makes a joke out of practically any boss or mechanical target, including Technopaths.

All that said though, Prey was still my GOTY that year. The exploration, the detail, the interesting (if too easy) combat, it was all fun as hell, also the voice acting was good and I liked the ending (even if a lot of people probably didn't).

Fun fact: you can get every non-greande weapon except the Q-Beam before you even go to Hardware Labs without any neuromods if you're willing to explore thoroughly and blow a Recycler Charge to clear a blockade.

There's no way to overcome the problem of the smart hoarder other than difficulty spikes that the average player WILL be filtered by
Bioshock tried by putting hard caps on consumables and removing the inventory entirely but of course the rest of the game was ridiculously dumbed down so all it did was make the game suck to play and exploration was perpetually disappointing
Prey certainly wasn't trying to be hardcore at any point, quite the opposite. Arkane has been trying to dumb down ImSim for normalfags forever. The game design was so compromised even when they tried to reintroduce stuff they brainlessly stripped out they failed to make it matter in the slightest.
Truth is ImSim is a great genre with grand potential but too great for even the small number of devs willing to brave it. They've been good despite their enormous flaws.

It's easily my favorite game made in the past 5 years

You can skip all that shit by hitting the bottom left of the window in the swimming pool room with your wrench

OK, but the average player will be playing on Medium. I played Prey on Nightmare and was still unchallenged. They really should have done more than just increase enemy damage and decrease player damage, seriously.

Can I just say I really liked the crafting system and I hope other games with crafting systems are inspired by it and use something similar?

It's great

nu-prey is fucking trash
>pick up a recorded message
>Repeat 6 more times with 6 more messages
pozzed soulless shit that flopped
fuck off shill

A very confused game.

It tried to be slow and methodical but also fast and arcade-y and failed at both things. Too fast and dumbed down for a true "thinking man's fps", but too slow and with too poorly designed and executed combat to be an action shooter.

It did the world-building very good though with the way the spess station was laid out. Level design and exploring was pretty good though. It's a solidly mediocre game, nothing really glaringly wrong with it but nothing really exceptional either. Solid 6/10. Soundtrack is generic and boring with really only maybe 2 stand-out tracks.

Really obnoxious in-your-face social justice agenda being shoved in your face though so that's a black mark. Never played the DLC so don't know if it's any better.

>Never played the DLC so don't know if it's any better.

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Figuring out the optimal path to finish everything in one run was really fun. But after I manged it once. I didn't really feel like replaying it ever again.

>Muhammed Omar bin Mullah bin Ahmed bin DurkaDurka
>Shaquella Deshandra Jackson

looks like the answer is no

The game is good until you get to the second half and it becomes tedious as fuck.

I have not played in a while. I seriously do not remember anything like that at all ever.

While Prey didn't hit every detail I would've liked (No actual mirrors), there are a lot of small details that were put into it that people could miss on every one of their playthroughs