Teammate talks on mic

>teammate talks on mic
>he's got the autism accent

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read autism as australian


>open mic retard
>eats and breathes heavily

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yeah I hate it as well when french people join my server

>Has that awkward intonation where there voice fluctuates from loud to soft

>*open mic*

If you dont recognize the socially awkward autism inflection for what it is, I have bad news for you.

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ywn have a Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt season 2. Why live Yas Forumsros ?

It's hard to explain but autistic people have a sort of drawl or accent. Their voice doesn't flow normally and to anybody who isn't autistic it's extremely apparent. Sometimes I hear people with autist voices but no one else seems to acknowledge it.

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When I hear a girl with autism voice it makes me fucking diamonds.

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>muffled spanish in the background
>keyboard, mouse clicks, controller presses
>a television or radio of some kind
>whenever someone talks he repeats it except garbled

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Scandinavians trying to speak English

>JoseHernandez13370 has joined the server

What's the difference?

>autism accent

do you mean a speech impediment

>autism accent
is this reddit weather?

Imagine someone who was never bullied as a kid but really should have been.

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at least spaniards from spain don't usually act like that
I know because I don't do that

>*opens mic*
>*closes mic*

Cory from Oney plays

>I don't even sound like that!
oh no...

Imagine speaking reddit language.
Big oof

>wants to be alone
>stays in ventrilo

Nasally voice with a lack of a normal cadence usually letting the end of their sentences stretch out. Think CWC or Ulililia type voices, or the stereotypical "nerd" voice you'd see in cartoons from the 90's/2000's.

I set 'em up, you knock 'em down

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That's just a kid.

The autism accent is real. It's the same thing as the gay lisp.

You know you love us you tsundere.

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>no one seems to acknowledge it
Bro I think you might be autistic

What's the source for this girl?

>The autism accent is real
They're not. You have literal autism

Joke's on you, I choose to speak in deliberately exaggerated autistic Finnish accent instead of regular autistic Finnish accent

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Cory on Oneyplays. Look him up.
that is the accent.

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God I want to eat those baked beans off her body

Now THIS is an autism accent

>calls admin
>admin thinks its funny

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High functioning at most, but considering socializing is fairly natural for me I'd say probably not

And then they just go on and on and on about a subject you don't care about without any chance for you to reply and very quickly it seems like they're talking AT you and not WITH you like you're just an outlet for them to rant about their interests and you can't engage that interest with them in any way you just sit there listening and that's it.

That's fucking projection if I've ever seen it, bro. You can spot an autist by the nasally cadence of their voice.

Yeah most autistic people have serious trouble socializing and it reflects in their voice. It isn't a definite draw between autism and social ineptitude but it is most definitely a symptom.

>You can spot an autist by the nasally cadence of their voice.
Yeah bro. It's autism, not some speech disorders. Every speech disorder is autism.

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>those beta orbiters that come out of the woodworks
Honestly the autist is more chad than them, at least he attempts to make a move.

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Depending on what their interests are, that sounds kinda nice

And being gay is a sexuality, but the gay lisp exists. I'm not intending to insult anyone, but you can fucking hear it. I've got friends who I knew they were on the spectrum way before telling me, cause it's in their damn voice. Their mannerisms too, but you can spot it even before picking those up.

I fucking hate people like this. They're never not a pain in the ass to have in a lobby.
I'm thinking he means the loud, awkward, pseudo-social voice that autists put on, where half of everything isn't said at an appropriate time. Bonus points if they act like they're standup comedians.

attempting to make a move is chad

begging and crying for 30+ min after being rejected is not

Oh yeah if you're interests align then it's tight as fuck until you want to talk about something else and they don't.

This is why you need to become a fairly odd parents yaoi guro dark au fanfic writer yourself to pick up autism qts.

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Yeah I didn't watch it all the way through, I retract my statement.

I think I have an autism accent even though I'm not on the spectrum. How do I fix this?

Join a community college's choir class, and learn some basic vocal skills.

Autism is based fuck normalfags.

What happens to all the super autistic kids that get bullied in school?

>he believes everything he read in Yas Forums
Posting anime and playing videogames are signs of autism. Demosthenes is autist

>friend is clearly undiagnosed autistic
>calls people and stuff autistic
>has the autism nerd voice

>imouto logs on
>gank her

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>I came in here to be alone
Worst kind of kid ever, he is seeking attention by flaunting that he wants to be alone in public

that's fair

They're posting anime pics on Yas Forums

>autismo gets on voice chat
>feel bad for him at first when he gets made fun of
>but he's also so fucking annoying that I stop feeling bad very quickly

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Speech therapy

>tfw chad accent

>diagnosed autist
>people around me pretend to be autistic for attention or to make fun of people who are actually on the spectrum
>tell a few of them I'm an autist
>they thought I was closeted lgbt

Gonna need a vocaroo

this is like every other dude with a mic on pulsar lost colony
very common in RP servers of any kind. autists are attracted to rp like flies to shit

>tfw in school everyone assumed I was gay to the point of guys sending me unsolicited dick picks.

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that's the thing about the chad accent, you already know what it sounds like

This kid was based.

Always thought that was a girl from the pictures

>Have European accent
>Autism accent is successfuly camouflaged underneath it, no one but my countrymen can tell anything's wrong

Very nice.

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>Teammate opens mic
>Female voice comes out
>Everyone has a working mic now

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>tfw autistic but have deep voice

>I enter the server
>Howdy y'all!

Sounds about right. Some girl at my work who I thought was cute turned out to be autistic or just socially retarded. Tried to have a conversation with her and she kept going on about Dungeons and Dragons shit, and certain spells and stats. Not even kidding. I couldn't even say anything. So fucking disappointing. I'm a nerd too but I find it so obnoxious when nerds/autists go on and on about something you clearly don't care about.

>voice chat
You're all fucking zoomers playing shit zoomer games. Probably LoL and Dota.

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Why yes, I am, how could you tell?

that's fucking humiliating
>i'm autistic
>oh, that's what that is? we just thought you were a faggot, sorry

Fuck. Do non-autists know about the autism accent now?

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