Action game has forced stealth section

>action game has forced stealth section

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>it's optional, you will only miss some optional rewards if you don't do the stealth shit

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>Best gladiator game ever made
>Half the game is ruined by stealth sections

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That's way better than the inverse

>action series has forced sex scene

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>Sports game has stealth section

>action stealth has forced game section

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>Noa has forced cunny section

>It's an optional stealth section because to be detected puts you up against almost impossible odds
>But if you somehow DO beat it, you get a unique reward.

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One of the top reasons why I hated Spiderman.

Every 3D and even some 2D Zelda games

>Action game has forced stealth section
>Its better than the rest of the game

>game gives you a move that makes stealth pointless

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>stealth game has forced action section

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>shooter has forced platforming segment

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>Game Over if you get spotted or attack an enemy


>action game has optional stealth approach when you approach from behind and you can save ammo, 1 shot melee kill enemies and steal their shit

halo ce is so fucking gud

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>action game has some stealth elements where you can sneak up on enemies
>but also no way to take them out silently and no way to avoid combat

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Astral Chain too.

>sex scene has a loli in it

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This webm still makes me cringe when I see it, like I get pedophiles get off to the thought of it, but I don't think I'd feel comfortable having a daughter who is like 10 wearing non-kid clothes and all that make-up and then proceeds to talk to me like that.

Pretty creepy. A 10 year old trying really hard to be an adult or someone in her 20's is really fucked up.

Don't worry m8
That little girl is actually a middle aged woman in the movie

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R-really? I never saw the movie but just assumed it was his daughter pretending to be his wife or some shit. How does that work? Like she magically became a loli again?

make up and fake teeth

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>has stealth section
>you're better off just attacking everyone to get a better rank

She's an ugly little troll woman pretending to be a little girl by using copious amounts of makeup.

Ewww, oh god. I don't get it though because she still has the body of a child? Or is it a midget

Oh alright, now it all makes sense. That is amazing what make up can do. She looked 100x better with all the make-up on.

>>action game has forced stealth section

I can't believe FFXV did that shit twice. First one was like 10 minutes but the second one was AN HOUR but you could say "fuck it" and fight everything despite only having the ring

>Game has intense shooting sections.

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This ruined Zero Mission for me

She plays a middle aged woman who has a disease that makes her look 12 eternally. The actress was actually a little girl though. She was also in the Hunger Games movies

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Nowhere near as bad as
>stealth game has action bossfights
>platformer has shallow action combat to drag down the platforming
Fuck you cavemen shiteaters. Leave good genres alone with your rancid feces.

Name 1 game that does this

>Saw the No More Heroes 2 stealth section and someone struggle through it
>Play the game
>Get to that part
>Think "Aw fuck."
>Enemies there are literally paper
>Insanely easy to just dodge them, hit them once, and then decap
>Literally doesn't matter

Youtubers are just dumb niggers, especially if they're literally dumb niggers.


>turnbase game gets a remake
>its now an action game

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>stealth section is just making sure you don't fart too loud

Original modern warfare did it well though

Based brainlet

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>Forced stealth section in an action game
>Developers "did it right" by making it hold your hand the entire fucking way so that the only way you would ever fail is if you were a total brainlet

Fuck off. The only defense to that is that the spec ops missions show you can also just do it however you think is right, but it's optional content.

What's the point of /vg/ if Yas Forums is just gonna be the same threads on repeat anyway?

>stuttering a typed post
are you an actual woman?

/vg/ is for vidya discussions.

Be the change you want to see

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Mugi-chan daisuki!

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The intention was LITERALLY to specifically cordon off Smash threads and basic every hour on the hour Nintendo discussion, but in the end it's simply stamped out niche games that don't have enough to discuss on /vg/ but deserve more than a month of tolerance.

/vg/ is where you go when you actually want to discuss a game. Yas Forums just exists as a dumping ground.

That's way more acceptable than
>stealth game has forced action section

>/vg/ is where you go when you actually want to discuss a game
Have you ever actually been to /vg/?

>>stealth game has action bossfights
Almost killed Deus Ex:HR for me. Deon what I heard they outsourced the boss fights but you'd think they'd have at least had a guy overseeing the studio they outsourced it to who could have pointed out that the bosses completely went against their design philosophy for the game.

Reminder that there used to be a reporting function for a thread that was a "general", but they removed it because everyone reported the constant threads literally going up with "general" titles.

>The intention was LITERALLY to specifically cordon off Smash threads
Nice pretending new fag.


Fuck off, faggot. I don't see retards spamming God of War every five minutes or basically making schedules with Gears of War threads. You can't say Pokemon created /vg/ because they've got their own containment board.

Actually fuck it, I don't actually remember. I don't even remember when /vg/ came up. If you've got a photographic memory of what these shitty boards were like at different moments, then fuck you.

>almost impossible odds
git gud

>I don't actually remember why but let me give a definitive statement about it
Based retard.

This has to be bait. You're acting like you know what you're talking about while also admitting you have no idea what you're talking about? Are you fucking retarded?

Man fuck return to castle wolfenstein for that one stealth mission, great game but that one level is just the only bad thing from it.

you clearly don't go to /vg/ or just sit in your disgusting tranny discord all day and keep parroting the same shit, hoping it'll one day come true
either way, fuck off