My Heroes One Justice 2 comes out tomorrow

>My Heroes One Justice 2 comes out tomorrow
You are going to get it right?

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no BNHA is shit and dead and is now the new fairy tail


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Of course, I will main her big fat tiddies

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Got it preordered :)

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After One Punch I am fucking done.

Lol no, such lazy fucking bullshit that should have just been DLC for 1. I'm buying Pirate Warriors 4.

based coomers

Anime arena fighters suck and need to die

What more do we have if not cooming?

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Camie more like cherry boy hunter.

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how old is she?

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Would you?

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Post that picture where she's looking to the right.


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Theyre all legal teens

Anime-based games are all so shit, that weebs kind of deserve buying them.
Don't even >> me, bros.

Nah game looks really boring gameplay wise and I already have several fighters I can play if I feel like it

>tfw My Hero's One Justice is one of my favorite games
>preordered Collectors Eddition of MHOJ2
idk I just think it's fun and I don't play much other vidya

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based coomer only playing a couple games that make his dick hard

imagine if every anime grill was sold with a cute/sexy appeal--where the most interesting thing about them is how they can present for sex.
theres a hundred zingers you could make at this point but man its just tiresome and i dont even want it another way

Not until they add Gentle/La Brava

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There's a My Heroes One Justice 1?

nobody would care about this series if not for the girls

Why is her huge butt so fat, anons?

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no lmao, the boys are the most popular, every poll the girls always are in the bottom

no fucking shit Sherlock

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>manlet opinion

Imagine having a daughter and she ends up looking like this. I'd never get a wink of sleep worrying.

>Imagine having a daughter
>getting daughters

it's like he's never heard of anime before


shit, the girls in this series range from like 16 to 31 but all collectively look like, 24

Can someone explain why Yas Forums keeps shilling games based on anime? They're always medicore cash grabs 99% of the time. The only recent exception was DBFZ.

Made for explodydick.

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Why can't mina be real

made for everydick

Theres more people who like the fujo aspect than the girls. Gay art of Bakugo/Deku or bara stuff like All Might or Mirio vastly outweighs it.

She's a thot.

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Who would play a mediocre arena battle game to coom when exhentai is free

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sauce me up

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>asking girls on a date

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>Herofags are literal faggots
I knew it

I legitimately enjoyed the first but with so much coming out now I don't really care to. Maybe in a few months if it's cheapter.

If Midnight was in, it'd be a definite buy for me though. Seriously.

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What are the gameplay changes?

I was so off-put when I first watched MHA, sure there's the busty school girls but then Midnight comes along and she's like, hyper-sexualized, cuffs, skin-tight costume. My dick was instantly diamonds and I don't usually actually get turned on by anime

Mutts law decuck would enjoy it though

Seek help, this is the original.

>liking a rapist

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the last game was shit, won't this just be the same shit with more characters?

fujoshitters are not human and therefore don’t count

She's fucking amazing. Everything from her powers to her design to her personality is just everything I could ever want. Legitimate wife and eternal mistress tier.

At the very least, if she really isn't in the game for fears of her going too far, I love that that's hilariously in character for her. Pic related.

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Deku is for Bakugou.

What's the best way to create a My Hero Academia game? What fixes should be made for One Justice 2? What's a better genre for the series to be played in?

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one billion yes

what? already the sequel?

make a arcade style beat-em-up

Do what Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot did.

MMO a la DC Universe

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Fucking awful idea, how would you handle high mobility characters like Bakugou and Iida in a game like that in two players?

Make it like Dragon Quest XI

thanks but i can find pornography on the internet for free

>Anime fighter
No thank you, I'm not a coomer. Even if there's top tier waifus.

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>thinking the waifus are good
Nigga, they're shit.

Call me when we get this.

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They're literally the only thing Hori is good at.

ugly as fuck they look like they fuck whiteboys lol

based but cringe because she is ugly

these make the the whiteboy seethe because of WAH WAH MUH PEDOPHILIA WAH WAH

The girls in this series suck except OP's pic. They're literally all just fanservice. There isn't a single plot relevant female character in BNH.


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>plot relevance mattering
Found the pleb

>normie coomer shit
where's the cute and funny girls?

What exactly is this supposed to mean?

He makes gay shit for fujos

i rather not, she'll just rewind me back in nothingness

Scroll up a little bit.

Yeah but that's not good either.

Based woman are terrible

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