Which is the most overrated game of all time...

Which is the most overrated game of all time? Both are given heaps of undeserving praise by boomers and both are completely mediocre games by today's standards. Did either of them have any actual merits?

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What's your favorite game, OP?


DMC3 and demons souls.

Call of Duty and Hearthstone

You can't really deny these games are hyped up way past their worth. OP is obviously trying to make boomers mad but there's not alot in FF7 that wasn't around in other games at the time.

FF7 is the best game of all time and Cuck of fags is the most overrated game of all time.

FF7-9 were pretty good. OoT was decent but overrated. Link between worlds is my favorite zelda game. BotW is a case of a game having many brilliant and many mediocre parts.
But you talk about 'boomers'. So many of the games today that I suppose are marketed partly towards zoomers are some of the most overrated we've ever seen.

>by today's standards
Is this that whole "Seinfeld isn't funny" thing I keep hearing about? OoT is a revolutionary game, VII had movie cutscenes I guess.

>completely mediocre games by today's standards

Todays standards only exist because of games like these. Fuck off you irrelevant zoomer.


>Seinfeld funny
Good goy.

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Nobody considers FF7 to be that great anymore.

Name one modern game as good as FF7. I'll wait.

OoT comes close


If you can't laugh at jewish comedians then you're missing out on like half of comedy.


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Kill yourself

try again, bud.


FNAF and Fortnite

>today's standards
Fucking devs not predicting how the industry would have developed 20 years in the future, amirite fellow patricians?

Nice try, Barry

Why did you leave reddit? Seems like more the kind of place your ilk prefer.

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FF7 easily. It actually added nothing to it's gameplay whatsoever over the previous games.


ff7. played it once and never touched it again. ocarina i played atleast thrice. once on 64, once on gamecube for master quest. and lastly on 3ds to see what the changed in the remake

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OoT still holds up, fag.
It's timeless like SM64.

This is correct, provided you played them when you were a kid and they were new so you have nostalgia for it.

Otherwise they're both very bland dull games.

Wolfenstein 3D and jazz jackrabbit are great in my opinion but I played them as a child so I won't change on that. I bet most people who didn't play them would call them bland and dull.

that would imply that unfinished piece of shit with one button "combat" was good in the first place

FF7 doesn't get praise all that much these days.

OoT however remains as the most overrated Zelda game of all time. It's painfully mediocre and people keep pretending it was this flawless masterpiece and that nothing will ever top it.

he's joking
No one has seriously offered up any modern games that surpass FF7. Because they simply can't. Zooms get cucked.

Shit taste, especially if you think that about Mario 64. The only problem with those games is the shitty N64 joystick and the C button camera controls.

He sounds homosexual.


FF7 still ooze atmosphere like the day when it was released

Ocarina has plenty of dumb shit like the empty boring world, the awful music and it treating the player like he's a fucking moron

They're both overrated. Decent games overall but the constant hype over them is not deserved.

FF7's gameplay was outdated in 1997.

>the awful music
Kill yourself


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FF7's gameplay and presentation are timeless.

Unironically neither.

Both are just considered "the best game of all time" by try hards trying to fit in when almost nobody unironically has it as their favorite game.

Witcher 3 is unironically the most overrated game of all time because people ACTUALLY consider it the best (recency bias + most GoTYs of all time) and people genuinely say that it "set the benchmark for oipen world RPGs".

OoT and FF7 sold like shit and are practically irrelevant outside of incel game forums and "top 100 games of all time" that all share the same consensus top 10 games (le tetris, le mario 64, le reddit game #43243)

Prove me wrong, pro tip, you can

I don't know why either of these games are so over hyped. They're both solid 7.5/10 entries into their respective series but not worth the insane amount of faggots screaming about it.

FF7 for me

Because not everyone is as underaged and soulless as (You).

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It's gameplay is braindead simple and the materia system and limit breaks suck. Also the world models look like poop, backgrounds look great on a CRT though.

Why should I care about some shitty magazine article? You're just as much a faggot tryhard as the average normalfag redditer.

Just dropping in to let you know that you're a loser

Currently it's pic related, don't even try to deny it

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This is the sort of thing that someone who didn't actually experience the 4th to 5th gen jump would say, usually a 7th genner who tries to go back and see what the fuss was about and is too retarded to get it.

Except this game revolutionized combat and a ton of other gameplay mechanics, something neither of the OPs did.



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TLoU is one of the best games of the past decade though.

>Except this game revolutionized combat and a ton of other gameplay mechanics
Kek, there wouldn't even be a Souls series without OoT

Stupid ass child.

FFVII changed how games were made and marketed. there's no Pokemon or Call of Duty without FFVII

>there's no Pokemon or Call of Duty without FFVII
If only.

ocarina of time won a shit ton of awards so ur favorite game and final fantasy sven

But Pokemon came out before VII, retard.

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meanwhile ff7 only won 1998 best rpg

Being old doesn't add value to your preferences. Rub the cum off your nostaligia goggles and realize how gay you sound.

Have you touched OoT more than once? Everything other user said is correct, not get me started on the fucking combat.

I've played through OoT countless times, I've beaten FF7 twice as well.

They're both fantastic games, if a little too easy.

I give it to OoT though, because it doesn't have a retarded point where you have no fucking clue where to go. This happens at least twice in FF7. It just dumps you out and says "good luck."

I know the submarine is cool and all but I would rather not spend 3 hours in the ocean looking for an ancient key again.

Oh, so having shit taste comes natural to you. No shock there.

it actually is though

Not sure how you came to that conclusion.

They were both great games for their time, but fast forward to now, I would sat OoT is more overrated since the only thing I ever hear about FF7 now is stuff about the remake.

in your fucking opinion