Is this still the best art to come out of FEH?
Is this still the best art to come out of FEH?
Yup. Singlehandedly got me into midriffs.
One of the best for sure, I'm so glad that they got Yoshiku to come back to illustrate the new story units instead of Kozaki.
Unless I see another Armpit/Feet combo like that one, yes. I haven't played FEH in a while idk what else they put into it.
For coomers, maybe. L!Leif is still the most soulful one.
Yes, but I believe Kippu can give Mister Yoshiku a run for his money.
>Leif fags
Just kidding you guys are okay
Holy fuck, those pits are amazing.
I wanted her to win so badly...but instead I got this mean looking bitch.
Good, 3h blows. I'm still pissed off they gave me a random sothis for a pitybreak.
I would have gladly taken a fucking Lief too but IS had other plans. This is the second time a character from Tellius has completely dominated the A Hero Rises Event.
I wish we had gotten W!Sothis. This bitch has almost nothing that can be foddeded.
I like black knight’s art a lot, in particular something about the damage art really speaks to me. I know some people dislike grima’s art(the male one) but I love it’s cartoony and exaggerated features.
I just think dual swords is badass.
Ike didn’t dominate the first one, he only beat the whore out by like 3k votes or some shit. Still in retrospect he was probably the best choice for new players. Altina not being free for future new players is absolute horseshit though.
you haven't even played the games you dumb tripfag
But I like FE games
That's how you draw an armpit instead of that armpit pussy shit.
>Altina not being free for future new players
They clearly sending the f2p crowd a firm message.
>marries Lene
>wields a holy weapon
What a chad
Besides Atk/Def Oath 3....nothing.
Only thing I could see using it effectively is an Armored mage unit.
>got Nils against two-blue odds
>am not a shotafag
at least he's decent
i prefer the designs from the guy who did Zephiel
Was I the only one who summoned for her?
Summer Laegjarn is also top tier.
Ippei does a few joke drawings on Twitter that cement him as the best artist FEH has ever had.
The funny thing is that neither have Leiffags.
How could you say maybe to this?
I thought you didn't play feh
leaffag here
I don't play FEH but I've played FE5 many times. I'm just here for the art.
Good question.
I was talking about the main FE games. You are correct in that I don't play FEH. But I do somewhat appreciate it's existence
>finally gets her giraffe neck fixed
>cash exclusive
I fucking hate FEH pass. Why couldn't this have been a normal alt instead of a cash-only +2?
>regular vero-vero still isn't playable
fuck IS and fuck askrans
Senri Kita is god tier
Into what? Type like a normal person, please.
Reminder to play Thracia 776 it's really fun.
Oh, ok. I don't really like the mainline games but feh is okay because it's on a much smaller scale, but naturally powercreep and other gacha nonsense sucks.
I'm glad we got Altina, fuck armored units and fuck fodderfags
because I needed one to fix my -res one
remember to capture your enemies, kids
I wanna see Etzel with a body like this.
>Play Thracia for the first time on the same day as finishing my first FE4 run
>Realise a few chapters in there's no repair feature in this game
>Old hoarding tenancies I thought I'd grown out of rise again but are now dialled to 11
>Everybody's inventories are filled with slim lances, the Bhuj still has full uses
Genealogy made me way too complacent with weapon uses to enjoy Thracia to it's fullest.
I'm fine with it. I would prefer the flier because fliers are almost all I use and I already had Azura and the armor Sothis.
She's strong so I'm fine with it. Better than getting a shit character that also has bad fodder because they happen to be popular.
Fucking Edelgard.
>Why couldn't this have been a normal alt
an actual alt would cost you 1000 fucking dollars you ape. now shut up and shell out 10 bucks like all the other sophiafags.
I have all the red sword fliers I am ever going to need. What make Altina stand out amongst the rest?
Her prf, statline, and special skill?
Distant counter brave weapon + vantage is pretty fucking strong. You can clear a ton of stuff just by parking her in enemy range and hitting end turn.
>Doesn't know a word that has been in common use since at least the 90's
Sophia's hair looks amazing.
How does she maintain it in such a harsh climate?
If you had told me that Sophia would be 4th in line to get a special outfit that's behind a paywall, I would not believe you. I half expect next month to be Bartre
Dual phase brave effect, unique 2-cooldown special, Iote's Shield and Atl/Def Solo wrapped into 1 exclusive skill that also gives the solo buffs when near beast units, Mythic effect shared by Naga who is nearly always a detriment to the team, good min-maxed stat spread.
Add Vantage, Def Smoke and Fierce Stance seal and she's an incredible sweeper.
God imagine all the sand and trash stuck in it.
Just play dragalia.
Oh wait.
No, an alt would be free you drooling retard, because I can roll for it.
Dragalia's a better game but right now the rerun of a very shitty raid isn't making me want to go hard on it.