Whats a good metroidvania for someone who has never touched the genre?

Whats a good metroidvania for someone who has never touched the genre?

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Aria of Sorrow

ori and the will of wisps

Symphony of the Night, then Aria

Metroid Zero Mission

The first ori probably. It's pretty easy on mechanics.
HK is fine too but souls-like bosses are a bit more punishing.

Don't touch La Mulana or Rain World unless you know what to expect.

Super Metroid

Ok does anyone remember this game?

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Hollow Knight got me interested in the genre but Aria of Sorrow really sold me on it

Aria of Sorrow

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Super Metroid
Hollow Knight
Aria Of Sorrow

Metroid and Castlevania. That's it.
Don't even bother with the shitty indie clones. They only exists to milk money from the autists obsessed with the genre who are desperate for anything new. No matter how low effort it may be.

Hollow Knight, you won't have any frame of reference so it won't be a disappointment

This based on a recent playthrough. It's the og vanilla but it's still the king. No rpg leveling, no portable limitations, no soulsborne frustration.

avoid hollow knight

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The first one I played was Super Metroid and it completely put me off the genre for years until I tried SotN


Loads of quests, nice athmosphere, not bad writing

Was it good? I saw someone stream it and it looked meh.

la mulana

Atmosphere is top fucking notch and combat is fun
It's pretty simple though and I didn't finish it

The three posted are pretty good.
Hollow Knight is probably the simplest one to pick up because the mechanics are very transparent.

Why don't you like Metroid?

Not this.

I found the upgrades really boring, "get the blue laser to open the blue door" doesn't appeal to me at all and that's like half the progression

The only game in years that I couldn't actually put down.

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why not ya pansy

Art style is great but that's it.

i hope this is ironic

Are you nuts? Start with the best ones.
Metroid 3.
Metroid Zero Mission.
Metroid Prime.
There, don't bother with Castlevania or fucking Hollow Night.

>Whats a good metroidvania for someone who has never touched the genre?

Bloodstained, hands down.

Not too difficult, well made, bunch of content and stuff to do, bit of a greatest hits (bunch of popular systems from other Castlevania Metroidvanias), etc.

Possibly Symphony of the Night before it. It's very easy, but overall has great visuals, mood, music, etc. and basically created Metroidvanias while also setting the standard most Metroidvanias don't even reach.

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And the level design is flat corridors and flat tunnels with no verticality. Masterclass in level design .

La Mulana's too spicy for a beginner, plus if he starts with the best of what the genre has to offer, he'll never be able to appreciate anything else.

Fuck off, reddit.

Idk man I thought speedbooster/shinespark, ice beam, grapple beam, screw attack, morph bombs are all pretty cool. Especially since you use them in combat and to sequence break. But your entitled to your opinions.

Metroid Fusion
Short and easy to explore with an navigator which is sometimes annoying

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Of course OP meant he wants to play a 2D-Collecto-Platformer Exploration Game

Unironically the first and only one I got into just for the autistic puzzle solving. Rest weren't or don't look that interesting to me including the og Castlevanias.

The game has one good music track and nice art style.
But the art style also makes the game terrible to play, in addition to the sub-par gameplay.

>so autistic about how castlevania and metroid are different that seeing the genre name 'metroidvania' sends him flying into a rage

yeah they're called Igavania-inspired platformers dumbass

Rain World isn't a metroidvania. You don't unlock anything.

Ori, Symphony of the Night, Super Metroid.Arguable Shantae would be a good choice too (the ones before half genie hero)

childen will complain about one or some of these games i mention bt they are all good choices to ease into the genre

>reddit invented metroidvania
Were you born yesterday?

Rain World is a metroidvania with all the unnecessary bits like unlocks removed

Why do these template threads get spammed so much? Is it some sort of marketing strategy? Autism?
It's fucking unnerving.

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reddit? dude that terms been used since SOTN to explain castlevania games that use the super metroid forumla. long before reddit

I meant to post this image but sure that works too

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>You don't unlock anything.

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I think you're the one with autism friend

>low effort
Most of them have far more effort put into them than any metroid or castlevania game made in the last decade, retard

Makes you feel good to be alive when you realise you'll never be such an absolute brainlet.

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>well made, bunch of content and stuff to do
Don't lie to the poor user

Hollow Knight.
I have zero interest in metroidvanias and despise platformers, but HK kept me hooked for a solid week.

Sounds like you got filtered.

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I hate this flowchart. it makes me angry all over again considering i played it blind and got really sick of what felt like purposely obtuse bullshit near the end.

I liked the game but just because of how frustrated i felt near the end im never playing it again

>Whats a good metroidvania for someone who has never touched the genre?

Hands down Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom. Massively underappriciated.


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He's right though

>Hollow Knight.
>I have zero interest in metroidvanias and despise platformers, but HK kept me hooked for a solid week.

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It's arguably one of the most polished and well-rounded metroidvanias in recent memory.
Compared to say HK, which is widely inconsistent.

robot wants kitty
also legend of kalevala

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Come up with a universally better name on the spot or shut up, fag

Why do metroidvanias have awful combat mechanics? Why can't they play more like a platform fighter like melee

>shitty indie clones

Everyone ignore this dribbling moron.

>Why do metroidvanias have awful combat mechanics? Why can't they play more like a platform fighter like melee
Try Dead Cells.

Hello, based department?

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What is about HK that makes people freak out over it? It's good but it's fans are cultlike
>yeah I've never played Super Metroid or SotN but HK is THE BEST GAME IN THE GENRE 11/10 NO FLAWS OMG SO INNOVATIVE

>Why don't platformers focus on combat mechanics

play subspace emissary

There hadn't been a high-profile actual metroidvania in years when it came out. It was competing against the likes of Apotheon and Guacamelee.

>All the worst parts of iga's previous games with barely any iteration
>' Endgame' is a quarter of the map, and is comprised of some of the laziest content reuse I've ever seen, and a small generic ice cave
>All the interesting shit that would've made the game more rewarding to complete was put off into stretch goals, which we'll never get any time soon

>What is about HK that makes people freak out over it? It's good but it's fans are cultlike
Probably the difficulty and style.

Even if you could overlook all the problems the game has, no one can dismiss the super shallow and basic combat system.

Salt and Sanctuary


Dead Cells has all of the negatives with none of the positives
Its only saving grace is that you can have multiple weapons at once so your moveset doesn't feel like as much of a joke

Even with your subjective points it's still one of the best and most well-rounded metroidvanias.

Doom 1 is still my favorite Wolfenquake

>You don't unlock anything.
Fucking finally. I honestly kinda hate rogue-like/lite/whateverthefuck that have you unlock shit with each round. Just five me everything up front, I want to have fun and be challenged with everything at my disposal.

>Dead Cells has all of the negatives with none of the positives
It easily has the best controls and core combat out of any metroidvania.

It takes a massive dump all over Hollow Knight's controls and combat.

>This ham is a sandwich with all the unnecessary bread removed

You can go anywhere at any time as long as you are skilled and confident. Most Metroidvanias wall off content until an unlock e.g. double jump

Rainworld is a cinematic platformer.

Circle of the Moon, if you're not a pussy.

That only works in short games. Otherwise you just end up playing the game in the exact same way over and over.

All the nice core combat and not a single reason to actually fight anything except for bosses.


Rogue Legacy.

>super shallow and basic combat system
Compared to what?
Four directional attacks, some special attacks, and a couple magic abilities is more depth than most in the genre, it just doesn't have a million worthless abilities that mostly do the same shit in a poorly conceived attempt at variety like the DS castlevanias

Hollow Knight
Metroid Zero Mission
Super Metroid
Metroid Pime
Ori and the Blind Forest

>Most Metroidvanias wall off content until an unlock e.g. double jump
Not the good ones.


I just can't agree with that at all, sorry
I had way more fun going through Godmaster than I did in a hundred hours of Dead Cells

Breadth ≠ depth

Since your guys are going to keep moving the goalposts, enjoy your evening :)

>Compared to what?
Compared to other metroidvania, for starters.

Basic combat boils down to pogo shit from Ducktales and the devs are even so retarded they added pushback on normal attacks.
The combat is inept. Understandable because they're literal whos, but still inept.

I played:
Hollow knight
Super metroid
Order of ecclesia
Rain world
ESA (fuck the post game, holy shit)
Tomba 1+2
SMT Synchronicity
I want a metroidvania that is more combat oriented, where character upgrades make you a progressively stronger fighter

Prove it wrong
Prove Samus Returns is better than AM2R
Prove Lords of Shadow is better than either of the Bloodstained games

I don't understand. You yourself said that it was only most metroidvanias which did that thing. I agreed from the outset that rain world was unconventional.

Try Guacamelee. That's more combat, can't remember what the progression system is like though

You're right, the best ones do that

>I had way more fun going through Godmaster than I did in a hundred hours of Dead Cells
Which means fuck all when it comes to core combat and controls.

Dead Cells was universally praised for this, even by people that didn't like the game. HK was never ever praised for great combat and controls.

Yes, that's what I said

>Basic combat boils down to pogo shit from Ducktales
Filtered lmao

>Hollow Knight is shi-

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>Whats a good metroidvania for someone who has never touched the genre?

Blaster Master Zero 1&2

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This is the correct place to start. Then you'll realize that metroidvania is a stupid term since literally all of them are based off of this one franchise, including Symphony of the Night.

>ESA (fuck the post game, holy shit)
Basically this. It's a good beginner game if you just want something to beat. Trying to 100% it makes for an extremely non beginner-friendly experience.

subspace emissary

None of those need marketing

Super Metroid, by definition, is not a Metroidvania.

>delusionak hk fanboy that thinks the game is a perfect 10/10 with the best combat ever

Ah, there they are. The pleb patrol has arrived.

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