Why is Animal Crossing so popular with girls?
Why is Animal Crossing so popular with girls?
Girls don't like good games but they want le gamer cred, so they just play the lowest effort garbage they can find.
have sex
It's basically a digital doll house
It emulates female gender roles. Same with every other cases this happens e.g. The Sims.
it has the same level of depth as a mobile game and hasn't changed for 20 years
The same reason they like the sims.
>tfw no white cosplayer gf
I don't see the appeal of Animal Crossing over say Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons.
At least in that series I'm not punished for not being able to/wanting to play for a week, it makes it feel less like a job.
it doesnt require skill
>gf is buying animal crossing for me to play it together when it comes out
Never played this series before. Is it any good Yas Forums or should i tell her not to waste her money
It’s not worth it, user. Coom from a distance.
its divisive. Most people either love it or hate it.
Seeing incels trying to explain women is some of the funniest shit ever
I like the game but can't really give you any reason why.
It is simple, relatively directionless, and relaxing. Frankly I have difficulty calling it a game because it has more relation to bonsai tree keeping than an actual game.
why do you people make the same fucking threads every day
The game asks you what time and day it is every time you go to play.
As a male, I can tell you why I like it.
Because it's a relaxing, fun game.
That is also probably why girls like it.
The video of her eating a hamburger and then having sex with you is so hot
Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons aren't even the same genre. They're Farm Sims.
>It's not competitive
>It's cutesy with animals
>Get to play dress up and designer
>Get to make fake relationships
>No outlandishly weird story, just pay your fucking debt
>Emphasis on playing with others cooperatively
It's not rocket science.
A game aimed at girls and gays. Geez I wonder why...
>simple gameplay
>can still claim being a "gamer" for social media points
It's literally made for women
Ever saw that research that says that women make 52% of people who play video games?
Well its true, because women mostly play puzzle games, life sims and visual novels.
Animal crossing falls in the life sim genre.
Don't forget they even include mobile games just so women can be included as gamers.
because it's made for women and children
I hate that those gaming stats all include people who have played candy crush one time on their phone
Probably because it reawakens within them the natural desire for homemaking and also decorating and surrounding themselves with cute things.
I'm a gay non-incel and I wrote this:
I hate farms
You ultimately get three things out of video games; things you don't feel like you have enough of in real life. Men typically want challenge in a game, getting achievements or climbing leaderboards, but women are more interested in having control and the freedom of choice. The two sexes vote this way, too. It harkens back to gender roles, where a man's place was competing with other men, animals or nature, while women ran a nanny state over dumb little kids. Women also care more about the social aspect of gaming, because they're more extroverted.
It requires basically 0 technical skill, or investment to progress in. You just log on, do what you want, then call it good. Same reason they like harvest moon/stardew valley. Little pressure.
Of course they do, puzzle games are the biggest one by far, thanks to bejeweled and candycrush types of games.
The study needs more details, such as prefered console, monthly expense of games and time spent on those games.
Im sure ot exists, but is not the one everyone quotes, thats for sure.
Is "dilate" the biggest incel coping mechanism is existence?
>why is a game clearly made for girls so popular with girls?
same reason minecraft and stardew valley are popular with girls. its relaxing, cute and low stress.
Because is a game made with feminine gameplay mechanics, so it appeals to females.
It's like a SIMS game but not crap.
Because we fucking like it and are actually wholesome unlike you sweaty neurotic "real" gamers that get your next fleeting fix off killing the pixels on a screen.
Women tend to be motivated my Interpersonal relationships.
Men tend to be motivated by competition.
Everyday the same thread about a different game, go find a hobby, retard.
Lobi is so cute
oh look another buzzword spouting moron
>Need to win
>Almost the same as men
You literally play games to win. Or do you play games to lose?
Winning doesn't have to be competitive. You can complete tasks in animal crossing(nook miles) and still "win" the game. It's not the same as competing in a shooter. Same with shit like candy crush.
It is not a competitive game. That is the biggest reason.
Basically these.
Feeling attacked?
Because it's filled with attractive furry guys.
>Imagine being a weeb that DOESN'T want to suck KK slider's massive cock.
Animal crossing appeals to the casual gaming audience. You can call me an incel or whatever for thinking most girls are casual gamers, but most girls will say they're casual gamers themselves.
You god damned fucked it up
I’m male and I’m buying the new game
Because girls only play specific games, as show by this study. Animal Crossing falls into the most popular genres they play.
soilent male certainly.
Imagine being as insecure about stuff like those after Middle school. Some people never really do grow up.
okay soilent, go post on reddit how mean those 4chinners are.
They grow but their brains don't.