ITT: Old school gaming YouTubers that got forgotten
ITT: Old school gaming YouTubers that got forgotten
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i guarantee you this picture is more attractive than at least 75% of Yas Forums lmao
>When youre a schizo southern rage machine that never takes his pills
Whatever happened to Brendan Fraser.
he's back kind of, but fuck me does he look old. dude is barely in his mid-30s but has a gray beard and wears one of those grandpa hats. if she shaved and dressed differently it wouldn't be so bad.
Here's what he looks like now by the way.
Things got better that will never happen for spoony
Who is it?
Armake21. He was one of the more popular "angry game reviewers" circa 2006/2007.
armake21 originally but he's gone by many different names over the years.
here's his last video
He grew up during the NES and bought action 52. Pretty sure hes like 40
This ugly mutt
He still makes videos on his channel.
Irate Gamer
Too busy chewing off toddlers brains from their skulls
Does anyone remember this guy?
Yes. His Bioshock HTSF got me into let's plays. He pops up in my sub feed every once in a while and I don't understand what I ever saw in him. I went back to that same HTSF not too long ago and realized the whole first episode was just him sitting on the main menu ranting about random bullshit. How do you start a let's play and forget to play the game?
I never minded the rambling myself. He was one of the few let's players who was actually interesting to listen to.
He's a tranny now.
It still weirds me out knowing hes friends with the Internet aristocrat
On the subject of old game reviewers it's weird how UrinatingTree took off a few years ago and actually became fairly popular.
>Discover this in 2009
>cook up 20 pizza rolls
>marathon it all day
That summer vacation was so good.
i remember his reaction to chad wardens video he seemed like he was some violent kinda guy
90% of this guy's popularity was based off of a joke he didnt even make
more like summoner fatcase
Whats the joke
This is Ron Standard Jr, aka Gamerpro, signing out.
Probably no one watched him here but me. The humor fluxed in a perfect balance between unfunny and funny.
He still plays with the same group of people as far as I know, he just doesn't bother making videos anymore
This guy went completely insane
He went fucking mental. Pretty much all of his audience hates him now and he just shilling his shitty comics that no one wants.
a morgan freeman impression
just checked, all he did was rebrand his channel
Who's this dude?
Only the best game reviewer to have ever lived
He rebranded like 5 different times, went from youtube to amazon, then back on youtube, deleted/privated all of his shit and now just makes shitty comic review and pen review videos.
Where is he now? Is he still in Mexico or wherever the fuck?
got cucked by his gf and went into a spiral of self pity
made mad bucks out of real estate and is probably a millionaire
Fitz is not MechaGamezilla
game dude is still on the run, regrowing his foreskin in the mexican desert... or he got decappitated by some cartel member
How come all these people disappeared and now all we get are sterile corporate faggots who literally shill products during their videos like what the fuck son do people really got suck consumer dick to make "money" on YouTube now? Even if these people were cookie cutter like the guy in OP at least he was more enjoyable than watching fake people write reviews about games and or talk about top 10 whatever lists
there's a make of break decision each youtuber faces, do you neglect your professional life or youtube, most decided: youtube because it was way too much effort for little to no pay
What happened to the Undertow guy?
gone but not forgotten
Still going strong
tfw subbed to him since he had 30k subs
Oh fuck, THAT'S who "80sComics" is. They've been popping up in my sub feed for months and I had no clue who they were, but I was too lazy to check them out or unsub.
>12 fucking years
how does he do it? why is THIS guy of all people still going and growing when so many like him have fallen by the wayside?
agreed. Everyone was biting AVGN's style hard, but it was kinda obvious they were just playing around. Armake21 seemed like he had legitimate anger issues, unless he is just a really good actor
i remember there was a guy who did reviews of Trespasser and Die By The Sword, but he deleted all his videos. also:
He was one of the better AVGN knock offs
there was also this guy, who i heard of VTMB and STALKER for the first time from. his youtube channel was fairly recent, but he was on some other review site that i heard of after googling for videos on star wars games.
his restaurant game video was gold. i also remember there was another video with samples from it spliced it into softporn music, but i cant find it anymore.
I miss Necroscope.
The chad himself
Also fuck proton john he dropped all of his less than 10k lp friends to play games with tom fawkes of all people
His laugh was hilarious
I always hated how he'd save state everything so could go back and redo shit. Cheating cunt.
The strategy you described just works very well, particularly for modern Youtube which is much more competitive than it used to be, as well as much more beholden to very particular search & recommendation algorithms.
In the pioneering days these things were nonfactors.
The YouTubers that don't adopt this strategy usually stay obscure and dip out because nobody cares about them. Their content style just doesn't work in the current environment.
>Fitz is not MechaGamezilla
No, but he stole all his jokes from him.
I miss Fitz and Flimsii like you wouldn't believe, their videos were dumb but fun. At least Mecha is still around to enjoy.
I really liked his Cheetahmen review
no shitty skits
just buiding pcs