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in the end, everything comes to PC. You just need patience.

I just don't get it. Anybody who has wanted to play the game by now has already played it.

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Why buy a PS5 when you know all it’s exclusives will get superior ports on PC

SNOY just killed their next console lmao

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Fucking hell sonybros, how can we stop these dastardly PCfags from STEALING OUR GAMES?!?!?

Yeah, like years later. This is only an issue when their exclusives get put on PC like 6 months later, not 3 years later.

>I already pre-ordered 7 games
Your average sonyfag is a mindless consoomer go figure.

>Can't forget that PC has many exclusives that playstation will never have, and Sony will still support their platform?
Didn't know PC was run by a single brand responsible for all it's exclusives

Advocating for game exclusivity is peak cuckoldry

>Real exclusives now only on Nintendo
how do these people not know emulation exists?

I dont want your shitty movie games keep them to yourself. I would like bloodorne though

>reeeee I'll never buy a Playstation again!!!

100% these cucks will buy a PS5

I mean Sony niggers always were the worst "fanbase" and thats a fact. They are even more cancerous this generation which I never though will be possible. Ninetndo fags are like silent cult where they praise every single shit but as I said they are relatively silent especially in comparison to sony niggers they go out from their basements only when someone talks about emulation lol. Xbots dont have anything going for them so its understandable but even back in 360 days they were not as obnoxious as sony niggers. PC faggots started launcher fights recently and they become more and more pathetic. Conclusion: fuck subuhman Sony niggers.

sony actually didn't sell that many games, relatively speaking. the switch for example has sold more despite having half the units and being available for less than half the ps4's lifespan.

>as possível
ofc it's a huemong.

And every single one of them will buy a PS5.

About time people woke up and noticed that consoles with zero first party support are obsolete.
PC and Nintendo handhelds was always the only correct matchup.

>Ninetndo fags are like silent cult
>silent cult
Ninteniggers are the worst.

Agreed. I usually get a PS later down the line when it's really cheap for the few rare rpgs that I missed.

Sometimes some get ports way too late (Star Ocean 4, Resonance of Fates..) or not at all (Eternal Sonata) so there's usually still some games to play for cheap.

>Nintendies silent
>spam smash threads constantly

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Nah they're not. Nintendo fags are relatively silent in comparison to subhuman sony niggers thats a fact they're just more visible on Yas Forums since its one of their containment boards but overall they're not that bad in comparion to sony niggers and mostly appear only in their smash/zelda threads and as I already mention screech about emulation of nintendos consoles lmao. Conclusion: fuck subhuman sony niggers.

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imagine being a consoletard

Someone post that brand loyalty chart.

Oh no oh no my brand!
I love brand!
Fuck vidya, swear fealty to brand!

What did i miss?

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So shouldn't people be cheering?

horizon zero dawn is coming to steam
sonyfags are losing their shit for some reason

>PS4 exclusives
>in 2014


Playstation exclusives are trash anyway
If you buy a PS4 for "games" like The Last Trannies Part II you're mentally ill.
t. casual gamer that only uses his PS4 for multiplats

I love how the demantia and cult-like hivemind between the Sony fandom is being exposed to everyone with this recent news of Horizon going to the PC. Ever since the PS3 era Sony fanboys have the most arrogant, stingy and obnoxious of all console fandoms, yes even more than the PC fanboys. I still remember when DMC4 was announced for X360 and Sony fanboys actually created an online petition just to demand that Capcom stopped developing the port because "DMC was a Playstation franchise" or how Kojima was labed as a traitor for porting MGSV to the XOne.

>That time Final Fantasy XIII went to the 360 and PS3 fanboys melted down
It was a good day.

They aren't wrong though? Whats the point of buying games that are "Only on Playstation" when they end up on being PC sooner or later? Mind as well be PC only.

>I already pre-ordered 7 games

... are there really people like this?

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most people dont have a pc

There being so many of them is literally why the industry went to shit.

I dont get it, I own a ps4, xbox, and a good pc. But why are they like this? why have this heard tribal mentality for a console? I have never seen people get this mad about ports. The thing is, this shit is so common. When the granblue versus was announced for steam, the twitter had a good amount who were seething that the game is on pc now

oh god........ unnnggh......... not............. not my 3 games.............. my 3 whole exclusives......... no............. not like this...........

because they are too stupid to build a pc? its more streamlined so its easier to plug and play I guess

THAT'S why?? This shit has been out for years. I doubt any of them even play it anymore.

Snoygroids are basically the kid that only likes a toy if only he can play it.

to play them on a $300 machine rather than a +$800 one?
to play them 3 years earlier?

You 'set up' will NEVER play Ghost of Tsushima, The last of us 2, nioh2, ff7r etc..
Your 'set up' might as well not exist and nobody would even notice.
On the other hand, SONY not attending E3 killed the whole show. It say a lot about who the big fish and who is insignificant.

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I though it was only means, its like they are asking to get hated by everyone lmao

Sony is not worth supporting anymore after the anime censorship

If western faggot propaganda and killing simulators are ok so are a bunch of fucking drawn tits

Platformwarriors are braindead

What's wrong about opening vidya threads in the vidya board?

The yurocuck Hermen will destroy the PS brand

Nioh2 is 100% coming.
TLoU1 was awful, easy pass.
Ghost of Tsushima we don't even know yet how good it will be.
FF7r already announced.

Anything else..?

I mean, they aren't wrong. Why would buy a console if the games aren't exclusive to that particular console? Just look at the Xbox One. Might as well go full on PChad. They should've done that long ago, but it's never too late.

Cheaper and easier.

Be a good snoygoy and respect master sony's decisions.

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He pre ordered 7 games wtf

Snoyboys are locked in a constant cycle of short sightedly starting shit with other fanbases, getting shown up later in some fashion and then doubling down. They have no ability to deescalate. Their memes literally devolved into anal vore.

ask the people who keep buying Fifa and GTA on ps4 when they could get it on pc

Someone do a WHIIIIIIIIR meme about this shit. Something like fat steam wojak sucking snoywojak with his massive, morbid, hairy ass.

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>played Digimon Cyber Sleuth, Horizon ZD and Tetris Effect on PS4 when they were exclusives
>couldn't give a damn about them being ported and might buy HZD again for PC
What is wrong with these people?

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Right but the problem is why should they bother wasting all the money expects you to waste for
>PS+ only to have a paywall that does not benefit you in any form of way besides a couple of mediocre games here and there every month
>Lower performance and resolutions
etc? Waiting is pointless imo especially if I know it will play better on a completely different platform like PC

>might buy HZD again for PC
good goy, just consume again

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I bet you bought GTAV three times.

I got both Zelda and Horizon the same day. Couldn't play through Horizon. It feels bad, sluggish, and is overall really boring. Why would you put yourself through that again.

Normies are too lazy to run a HDMI cable to their TV and go through the "trouble" of connection a controller to their pc

>might buy the same game in a different platform

Nigger, what's wrong with YOU

Don't make assumptions on something I never said, dumbass

Emulation is a thing, so kinda since Nintendo are the only one who suffers from emulation (because they are the only one worth tho).
Like, PS2 emulation? Awesome, had to be since PS2 games are usually only on PS2.
Anything past that? Yeah, big nop, nothing worse making emulators for.
Nintendo? year 1 emulation, every fucking time.

brandfags are fucking braindead idiots. I hope Nintendo does this too because i would love to watch the autism singularity they would create.

I bet 90% of this board have bought a game twice on a different platform. Remasters count for that too you know.

thank god for raspberry pi

>nioh2, ff7r
user Nioh went to PC within a year. FF7R has a giant logo on the front saying exclusivity lasts for a year

Kojima lost sony so much money that they have to resort to this. They dug their own grave giving that fraud carte blanche.

Nintendo Fans are surprisingly insane at emulation. Better than Nintendo themselves. Still at least the Switch is at least portable so it coming to PC on emulation still gives me a reason to use original hardware.

Anyway if you dont count non official ports than ye.

There's only a couple of fags that spam that shit and they all sony cultists.

so all these brand droolers admit that they don't care about service, hardware, design or anything else really and just like it because it gatekeeps products?

>Yas Forumsintendogaf using PC as an excuse to keep shitposting

snoyggers are so pathetic

These fuckers need to learn that you don't buy consoles because of the exclusives, but because of the convenience. If the PC is more convenient for them, then they were retarded to buy a PS4 in the first place, especially if they wanted to play garbage like Horizon Zero Shit.


They're autistic. You see Cuphead and Ori get announced for switch and nobody on the Xbone is throwing a bitchfit, same goes for Octopath coming to PC. Sony fanboys are just completely insufferable.

lol, consolefags

shouldn't it be the other way around? I mean, cuckoldry is basically to share your wife or gf and enjoy it.

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>being this butthurt over consumer friendly practices
I've never seen someone trying to cope this hard

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Pretty much yeah. Sonys services are fucking garbage, not as bad as Nintendos but holy fuck are they still bad. PS+ online is absolutely terrible but they still charge for it. Their refund policy is garbage compared to MS, GOG, and Valve. They don't offer stuff like custom controllers like MS does. PSnow is fucking worthless. They pretty much only like it because it's a walled garden that makes them feel special.

Yes, let's ignore all the Nintendo fanboyss who were crying about W101 Remastered a few weeks ago. All fanboys are retarded, including fanboys of your console of preference.

>Your setup will never play FF7R
You know Sony literally just moneyhatted exclusivity for that and that it's coming to PC and Xbone after a year right? God Snoygroids are stupid.

why would they care, I have a switch but wish the games were also on pc

I never saw anything like that. If you post some I'll believe it but I think most people, even fanboy shitheads were probably just happy to not have to keep around a WiiU just to play W101.

Sonyfags are so used to getting fucked in the ass that they started liking it.

Just port Bloodborne, I don't care about SJW Blood Dragon. I don't even like Bloodborne that much but being able to play it at a decent framerate would be nice.

literally no one cared

imagine spending so much for 22 FPS LOLOLOLOL

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