I don't get it

I bought a switch and finally got around to playing this. I'm a huge Zelda fun with my top three being Windwaker, majora's mask and twilight princess.

I didn't like botw. I tried to get into it, but the story is lack luster, the exploration part and enemies get repetitive fast. I get that there's supposed to be collecting and crafting, but the world feels so empty and the shrines are essentially a grind. The weapon breaking is there to force you cycle, but all I could think of was getting the ones that don't. Combat is all about blocking and using a fury attack

Are they really making a second one over a story based Zelda? How do you defend this?

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>likes WW but hates BotW
this opinion makes no sense

Red Dead Redemption 2 is miles better. You fell for that meme

How in the fuck is your favorite WW but you hate BotW?

WW had a story... Also the stylised graphics, bosses, dungeons, music etc

>majora's mask
nice shit taste

That's because BotW is the most overhyped thing in human existence

How are we still having threads about this game?

It's fun, that's all that matters.

Attached: bottle.jpg (600x581, 31.48K)

Not to mention the weapons didn't break and it was genuinely interesting to explore the islands instead of "huge empty plains!" And "generic shrine!"

I want to believe that BotW is basically just the beta version of the upcoming sequel. I've never seen so much missed potential, it's unreal.

It fulfilled most of its potential, which is more than you can say for most Zelda ganes.

>op says the game was not fun
>its fun, thats all that matters

botw is the most overrated game of this generation and completely forgettable. but cut it with the faggy reddit spacing, retard

The biggest issue is that it simply could have been better. It could have had more classic dungeons and the world itself could have been utilized more as well. Hope BotW2 will be better.

I like WW but its ocean has significantly less points of interest than BotW.
BotW has the most in common with WW, there's nothing underage about this opinion.


If it was forgettable we wouldnt have had daily threads about it for the past 3 years.

This. The fuck did he mean?

>It fulfilled most of its potential
It would've fulfilled it's potential if the overworld wouldn't be essentially empty. The sidequests are trash and aside from a few exceptions like Eventide Islans, shrines are just as boring. I'm certain the sequel will fix this though.

If you don't know why WW and BotW are the most similar out of the games listed you need to play in traffic

>it's everyone else who's wrong, not me

most shrine quests were great though

you clearly played the remake, because the original triforce shard quest required you to go to 80% of those islands that you think were optional. get the fuck out, cunt

but in ww the ocean is the huge empty plane. thats maybe the major critisim about it

The developers succeeded in doing what they set out to do with BOTW, which is more than you can say for games like Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword with their half baked concepts.

you couldn't make it any less obvious that you're a literal child.

I never talked about islands being optional, where the fuck did you pull that from?

They're just really basic easy puzzles attached to bland writing and boring characters (aside from Kass). The only good sidequests the ones that offer some fun gameplay like Eventide Island or that one super dark island.

What? You're saying you didn't enjoy collecting 900 Korok seeds for a piece of poo?

personally, I liked the riddles - albeit mostly because so few games have riddles so I found it actually kind of refreshing

The puzzles in shrines are no more basic than what you would normally do in a traditional zelda dungeon.

Although I loved the game, it is the most different 3D Zelda ever.
So being a fan of previous games doesn't matter that much regarding BotW, user.
You didn't liked, what you're gonna do? 2 is going to follow the same core ideas, I am sure.
Who knows, maybe 2 fix the problems you are having.

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Remake player detected

>3d zelda formula: explore and collect items, but you'll need 90% of the items to beat the game (this is true of the original ww, which you clearly didn't know)
>botw: literally everything is optional except collecting the glider at the beginning
Read between the lines phoneposting faggot. botw has more in common with zelda 1 than any other zelda.

what are you even arguing against here?
I feel like you've confused my posts with another user's, as I'm completely lost on what point you think you're countering with this.

Guys I'm not bashing the game. I understand that some people like it. I didn't enjoy it. I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong or if it's really just overhauled. That's all

>but the story is lack luster
How can somebod say this with a straight face while claiming WW is his favorite Zelda when the end of WW doesnt make any sense at all?
>the exploration part and enemies get repetitive fast.
This also applies here.
In WW you have a small and limited ammount of islands (sometimes entire areas with the same pirate shit) in BotW i have much more to explore

>BotW has the most in common with WW, there's nothing underage about this opinion.
how daft are you? reread my posts and then get the fuck out until you can legally suck my cock.

you just don't like the game, that's a natural result of forming an opinion on something.


opinion discarded

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>Not to mention the weapons didn't break

thanks for falling for the pleb filter. use your fucking environment and ipad powers more often instead of crutching on your sword.

you're being intentionally obtuse by this point

Yeah thats cool, but some riddles as the main chunk of good content is pretty mediocre. All I'm saying is BotW would've been a much better game if it had good sidequests and stuff like dungeons to explore (or generally just more interesting shit instead of bland riddles).

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The areas in ww are unique at least.
Also, judging a game by just the ending is dumb. WW was a nice adventure start to finish. The characters were interesting and so we're the dungeons

I agree, but I still enjoyed the game a lot for what it was. Looking forward to the sequel way more, though

you're not doing anything wrong, it's just nintendo's shitty take at an open world game. I lost interest when I sequence broke in the gerudo desert when you're supposed to follow the yiga clan up a linear route. literally found an open hole on top of a cliff that let me fall completely out of the world.

holy shit user you're a fucking idiot

Nintendo drones are the reason the quality went to shit. Lemme guess, you liked sword and shield and paid online too, right?

i wonder how many times a day this (and all its iterations) are posted. At least 10 right? We probably have this same thread 10 times a day.

liking breath of the wild and mario odyssey equates to also putting up with Sword and Shield.

>cries about muh vidya while race is being replaced by brown retard migrants and shlomo brainwashes his people and takes every last shekel from him and all his family members
Your ancestors would have beat you to death out of sheer shame and disgust.

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nah I've always disliked pokemon and hate SwSh

Lmfao what

every time you complain about plot being scattered about and bitching about weapon break rates when you have a perfectly good psyschic power tablet of infinite uses and possibilities the counter will get reset.

shame on me for expecting literacy on Yas Forums
samefagging cringe

Yas Forums - Offtopic Blogposting

Every website and normie calls it “the literal 10/10 of games, a masterpiece”

It’s not, nintendofags need to admit this game is nowhere near close to being on that level

the terrain in botw is rushed and literally unfinished in spots. if you actually made your own route instead of taking the obvious linear routes you would have realized this yourself

>Yas Forums - Offtopic Blogposting
Cry moar, untermensch.

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It always brings a smile to my face to find yet another casual that was filtered by weapons breaking. They always expose themselves so easily as well.

perfect example of true but cringe

it has been three (3) years. This image will never become irrelevant.

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okay now what

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Three years of seething over people who don't like the game. He's literally barney-tier autistic at this point.

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It's not a Zelda game. Period.
trash game that may have revolutionized the action-adventure genre (it wasn't even the first unlike what Nincel dicklets would like you to believe) but aged horribly and is just yet another antiquated piece of 8-bit shit at this point. Historically it's a behemoth, but it doesn't change the fact that it's literally unplayable in this day and age. Wouldn't even waste time playing on my phone while taking a shit, it aged that fucking badly.
The onions smoking video game bloggers aka "journalists" and Switchcel owners are an EXTREMELY loud, annoying and obnoxious minority who memed and hyped the generic trashfest that is BotW into heaven.

Attached: what video games journalists aka bloggers and BotW shitters will never admit.png (1106x479, 663.6K)

there's been more esl botw cry threads than there are particles in the universe at this point


you realize there has to be literally dozens of people posting this right? There is a 0% chance it is just one person. There are multiple versions of this image.

Because WW has soul and BotW does not

>"An apocalyptic world shouldn't be empty"

That's a contradiction. A world where a evil force has influence over nearly all living creatures of the land, has taken over the bodies of four guardian deities, and has possessed the bodies of countless terminator machines capable of destroying entire armies each, would most definitely being void of nearly everything. In fact, its actually unrealistic that there are even villages around that still exist, they would have all been completely destroyed by now.