Yas Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread >Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin, no OCs
>No shitposting, bumping requests or misusing Loomis and other artist names
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>When posting a delivery PLEASE don't forget to link to the anchor post.
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
vidyart.booru.org/ (current)
vidyart2.booru.org/ (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:
catbox.moe/ or imgur.com/

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:

Attached: 1583907837084.png (1154x1047, 153.2K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: b9f64303ca6733e0b1f75e4b4210659e4191004d.png (700x531, 175.42K)

Requesting a Symbiote Mileena inspired by her Mortal Kombat X design menacingly doing a gesugao face.


Attached: MXMSR.jpg (2860x1332, 532.51K)

Requesting Monkey Shantae tucking her hair behind her ear as she eats a chocolate covered banana in a seductive way and with high amounts of innuendo.

Attached: Monkey-tae.jpg (800x800, 35.92K)

Requesting Elora wearing a sweater dress with "Doing it with class cause I got a big ass" printed on it.

Attached: Elora.jpg (1013x1024, 77.38K)


Requesting Juri's symbiote forcing her to do the pajamas challenge going from her old dudou to her new SFV fashionable dudou. Make Juri look either surprised or teaseful.

Attached: 1583823590371m.jpg (690x1024, 80.01K)

Time to vote for the best spring collab background idea!


If you would like to draw the background, reply to this post with your booru tag.
I will do a random roll for the background artist in case there's more than one (me) at March 14th.
In case you win the roll, I'll contact you through twitter or any other available means.

>What is a collab?
Collab is a drawthread jolly cooperation event anyone can contribute to, may that be with ideas or drawings. It's done with only one reason in mind: to have fun! Usually there are 4 big seasonal collabs a year.
The classic way to do a collab is to vote upon a theme, then one person draws a background while other contribute characters to breathe life into it.
Collabs can be very flexible in execution, it doesn't have to be done this way, but it's a general gist to follow.

Past collabs: vidyart.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=finished_collab

Attached: spring_collab.png (824x600, 168.29K)

They both sucks

Requesting 2B and 2P enjoying a sandwich together while 9S watch hopelessly

Attached: 232323.png (800x699, 300.29K)

Requesting the Security Officer from Marathon looking annoyed as the Guardians from Destiny pester him about their new loot.

(My search for a good reference continues.)

Attached: 1576125904270.jpg (1024x993, 111.22K)

Requesting double yoga pants buttjob with Mama Raikou and Shuten Douji.

Attached: FG.jpg (850x1118, 163.85K)

Requesting Pandora holding a sign that reads "please don't reply to shitposters"

Attached: Pandora.jpg (1200x1600, 521.42K)

Forgot the bunny tail. There

Attached: cock.png (843x848, 50.44K)

Requesting Kyle from Dead Trigger doing the Doom box art pose, but with zombies in a ruined city instead of demons on Mars.

And he's holding an M4

Attached: Screenshot_(267).png (271x390, 208.18K)

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" playing videogames and raging because she is losing, sitting on a sofa while holding a PS controller or sitting on a chair while playing with a keyboard on a desk, yelling the classic "YOU CHEAP ASS MOTHERFUCKER!" to the screen.

Alternatively, just playing videogames and enjoying it.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: MarielMaidOutfit.png (1268x788, 924.88K)

Requesting Justin, Lilly, and Sue spending a day at Gumbo Beach.

Attached: 0426F86A-6400-4983-8B66-A0A9669DF7BE.png (1704x1170, 1.4M)

Very cute OP
Well done

Requesting Min Min serving some drinks to random costumers and getting her butt grabbed/slapped by some dude, then punching the guy through a wall.

Attached: MinMin.jpg (850x846, 172.13K)

many moons ago someone asked me to draw hat kid in a bunnysuit so here ya go sorry for taking a while.

Attached: hat kid bunnysuit.png (1600x1600, 549.71K)

Now go back to the shadow

Short Shorts, especially cut of jean shorts...... comfy and easy to wear.

Requesting: Kate Denson on a bale of straw masturbating, her legs splayed.
Wearing a mostly unbuttoned crop top and cowboy boots - with either a short pushed up jean skirt or a pair of cut-offs.
If she's wearing shorts then both they and her panties are around a cowboy-booted ankle.

Possible extra: The Pig crouched around the corner sniffing Kate's discarded panties.
and maybe have Kate straddling the Jigsaw box.

Attached: Kate playes her one (wo)man band 01b.jpg (1556x1624, 1.02M)

Requesting Professor Burnet struggling to button and zip up a pair of too tight jeans

Attached: Eiwy731.jpg (554x554, 29.49K)

Requesting a fusion of all 5 of these Neptunia CPUs or just Neptune and Vert Included their normal forms in the picture too

Attached: nepu fusion.png (3637x957, 2.6M)

Zelda doing the pose on the left with the clothes and bracelets as well.

Attached: Zelda.jpg (2775x3088, 1.21M)

Requesting the Silencer from Crusader: No Remorse having just slaughtered a ton of Imperial Inquisitors and about to finish off the Second Sister like he's doing in the picture

I mean the Imperial Inquisitors from Star Wars, just so we're clear.

Attached: 1564009746543.jpg (774x1032, 192.33K)

Sometimes I wonder if the old ancient artists would draw lewds on Yas Forums
Just imagine Leonardo drawing traps and big goth anime tiddies
Or Michael Angelo creating home made sexdolls based on famous vidya waifus

Requesting Raccoon Ami getting caught being a lazy bones by lying on a bed or couch while eating junk food, similarly to this image: files.catbox.moe/qf0rzn.jpg

Attached: ESxM3T6WoAYVY6a.jpg (1240x1748, 1.81M)


Requesting Undyne taking off her pants like the reference.

Attached: UT Undyne is a fish, Cop Undyne is a fiish.jpg (560x947, 304.5K)

requesting kanna eating some birthday cake

Attached: a0d.jpg (562x783, 62.85K)

Requesting 2B and 2P comparing their big butts

Attached: IMG_0760.jpg (540x540, 50.96K)

Requesting Prisoner 849 from Unreal wasting some Fortnite characters in a fight

Attached: bruno-sa-de-araujo-gina-unreal.jpg (1920x2715, 959.3K)

Requesting this with Doomguy and Isabelle

Attached: Yiff in hell... Oh, Oh no.jpg (610x983, 521.08K)

Requesting bimboficaton
Big boobs and butt
Slutty costume.and lewd demeanor

Requesting Mona and Enchantress wearing microbikinis and rubbing each other down with oil.

Attached: tC6S9Jg4.jpg (1917x1973, 444.11K)

That's a very interesting concept
But I bet they would be e-cebs not Yas Forums lurkers
The world may never know the truth

If I were to hypothetically take a cute and maybe silly oppai loli request, who should I draw?

Requesting werebandicoot Tawna

Attached: Tawnahog.jpg (1476x2287, 542.12K)

Requesting Rumi taking a break enjoying some burger(s) and soda looking comfy and relaxed.

Attached: rumi.png (531x276, 399.98K)

Requesting Wave the swallow naked but covered by strategically placed Flickies.

Attached: Why Sega, why did you kill the Riders series.jpg (775x983, 445.69K)

Shut up baiter
Prove me wrong and post art sample
Bastard with no guts

Requesting Tharja getting her arms and legs broken like a kit kat bar by a muscular chad tired of her child abusing ways. I wanna see her scream in horrific agony for her crimes of being a shit abusive psychopath liked by too many plebs.

Attached: 0b63078fe8e9419ce2dde93ba8d7cfeb.jpg (800x800, 73K)

Requesting Yuri from DDLC wearing a see-through nightwear.

Attached: YLook.png (960x960, 388.84K)

Requesting Sierra giving a blowjob under her desktop

Attached: 1582167955740m.jpg (630x1024, 61.05K)


Attached: 1583900879935.png (447x452, 120.31K)

Requesting MHXX getting a promotion like the pic to the right.

Attached: PROMOTION.png (1102x695, 848.88K)

>blacked shit
I don't mind black characters getting sex but this blacked/bleached thing annoys me. Specially as a drawfag when you have to think before putting a spade onto a character because some moron is going to find a wrong meaning to it.

I still like the drawing though, it's nice!

Attached: 1583548212913.png (625x485, 62.56K)

Leonardo bastard
Where's my big tiddy Mona Lisa
You're three months late!

Requesting Squigly tongue kissing Leviathan so hard her tongue pops off with her feeling embarrassed and trying to apologize.

Attached: Sq857.jpg (850x900, 173.58K)

I was worried I'm come off as him. I'm not trying to be like the baitfag, I just have no confidence on delivery and it's why I said hypothetically.

Attached: 1443305780916.png (306x526, 103.92K)

That wip looks pretty good
Godpeed user
Hope the artist still around

That's cute. I like the expression, although the shading looks a bit blurry.

Requesting Helen in a bikini

Attached: 20200311_121931.jpg (2172x3862, 519.67K)

Just post a sample of your work and wait for people to suggest stuff properly tailored for your liking and skills.

Attached: 1444589692258.gif (320x384, 2.23M)

Requesting Big Bull finding a Super Crown, Putting it on, and becoming Princess Big Bull

Attached: Big Bull Super Crown Req.jpg (1036x1880, 264.42K)

Tifa wearing Wonder Woman's clothes and doing the cross armed pose

Attached: WonderTifa.jpg (2178x1920, 432.25K)

was trying out a different setting for a shading brush guess i just have to tweak it a bit for future drawings

Requesting Shark Aqua teasingly licking a guy's cock and showing off her sharp teeth to make them nervous before sucking on it.

Attached: fish aqua.jpg (2404x2268, 432.05K)

It's alright but next time be honest

Can you please explain why you have this stupid fetish.

Requesting Cube from Jet Set Radio presenting her ass at a booth and offering to let the viewer kiss it in exchange for some money to buy more spray cans.

Attached: cube.jpg (900x717, 94K)

I'm sure I'll get it soon.

He tried this on Yas Forums and failed

Requesting Lammy in a Bikini

Attached: Jammer Lammy.jpg (820x1031, 367.43K)

Not gonna do that, too pressuring, nevermind and excuse me then.

Attached: 1447988692065.png (213x260, 45.39K)

The day I can find [very specific fetish stuff with specific character] that isn’t cuck shit is the day I think humanity is going for the better

Requesting Charlie in a tight corset, garters and heels blushing and surprised with user smugly smacking her on the ass

Attached: Charlie.jpg (983x1024, 124.16K)


Requesting Ashe getting anally fucked from behind and loving it

Attached: ashe.jpg (850x960, 110.33K)

Requesting not one

Not two

Not three

But fourth Vidya girls

Showing their hairy pussies

That's all

I wanna try to doodle something else today so i can take a request if anyone is interested

Attached: 139483627997.png (341x273, 88.21K)

Requesting this pink Shinx as a pink Luxray.

Attached: Fairy-Electric Luxray.png (950x1562, 574.7K)

Wii Fit Trainer in a slingshot bikini

Attached: 1581625380204m.jpg (625x1024, 73.61K)

Requesting Aradia and The Cuter Aradia, or some variant.

Attached: Untitled-.png (765x927, 781.67K)

Requesting this drawn in your own style.

Attached: 72CE115E-BB11-4295-895C-32195C1C73A5.png (561x1135, 183.42K)

Requesting vidyart.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=373997 cosplaying Quiet from video game "Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain" but wearing a micro slutty bikini as in the reference and holding a silenced pistol in a tactical way, or performing some of CQC(Close Quarters Combat) That or she just eating delicious waffles.

Attached: 1580966647307.png (674x2644, 2.14M)

SonSon riding a giant banana

Attached: 1580818596605.jpg (560x768, 78.89K)

Requesting thighjob

Attached: Smtivf_mermaid.png (547x689, 365.26K)

Requesting these girls in swimsuits (be it bikini or one-piece).

Attached: 8E3FA346-9B7E-47DD-8FAC-43FA04C37687.png (1280x1280, 1.63M)

Requesting a Ms. Millions version of Queen Ophiuca

Attached: Queen Ophiuca Millions.jpg (1417x1341, 460.8K)

I already did that tho

No Mariel! No! You cant have that
Throw that thing away

Attached: coock.png (677x535, 27.35K)

My good man please draw Calina getting her butt slapped

Attached: EStwtG1WoAAi6ye.jpg (1800x1600, 290.71K)

I see, I thought it looked a bit different. I think it could work, but with your fairly thick and emphasized lines, it clashes a bit.

Requesting Miss Elizabeth or human Aigis from Persona series as a futanari girl with horse dick. Draw her masturbating using as fleshlight an artificial vagina(used to collect stallion sperm, pic related) and ejaculating gallons of cum(her dick is so long that her horse glans 100% flared is visible in the other exit of the cylinder)

No homo.

Attached: images (10).jpg (253x300, 13.32K)

Requesting Kreia wearing Leia's slave bikini

Attached: no porn since 2005.png (768x1024, 793.65K)

Attached: 1398777119323.gif (312x213, 972.92K)

You lift my heart up
When the rest of me is down
You, you enchant me, even when you're not around
If there are boundaries, I will try to knock them down
I'm latching on babe
Now I know what I have found


Requesting Betilla, Barbara and Ly showing off their bodies in sexy bikinis at the beach. Obviously with Ly as the less endowed but no less flirtatious.

Attached: 1583084089547.jpg (1235x2069, 702.88K)

Requesting Mario and Luigi singing The Pretenders hit song "500 miles".

>But I would walk 500 miles
>And I would walk 500 more
>Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles
>To fall down at your door
>When I'm working, yes I know I'm gonna be
>I'm gonna be the man who's working hard for you
>And when the money, comes in for the work I do
>I'll pass almost every penny on to you

How far are you willing to go with this?

emoji aigis tf

We need MarielX on the couch with actual drawfags behind it

Attached: 7A4A372E-5D39-4437-8686-6804DB73C52F.png (648x836, 806.93K)

Requesting Neeko on her stomach with her skirt hiked up showing off her cute butt

Attached: Neeko.jpg (800x1000, 794.38K)

Requesting Draco sitting on a couch telling user to get her a beer from the kitchen.

Attached: Character_Draco_PuyoPuyo.png (265x304, 43.14K)

Attached: 1529134203_8OhVdmM.jpg (705x741, 201.5K)

If the next post isn't the full nelson, then I'm out.

Requesting Yuffie equipping materia that causes her ass to grow bigger.

Attached: 63235397_p0.png (696x1000, 783.48K)

>Mariel takes more black cock than the actual porn characters

I’m doing this and you’re most likely going to ask for a change and I’ll say no because I’m selfish

Requesting Djeeta crying with scratched lotto tickets everywhere

Attached: __djeeta_granblue_fantasy__f9b2a9eb8fc206a290cf8cbc9a518ea7.jpg (640x489, 56.53K)