Mini dressed as Ashley
Mini dressed as Ashley
Other urls found in this thread:
Nearly April 1st already?
Best feet
I want another princess April's Fools.
Sometimes I wonder how would have April 1st panned out had I not made the princesses.
Not sure, but without the princesses it would have been pretty forgettable.
Turn around
We would've been stuck with those OTHER ones.
>its been 2 years
fucking hell
user you have to let go
Can someone post the fat princesses images thanks in advance
Oh yeah, the tumblr ones that came like 6 hrs after.
Those were pretty tumblrish and lame. Not lewd nor interesting enough
oh but user, don't yOu KnOw Yas Forums cReAtEd ThE pRiNcEsSeS
Im still kinda angry fucking know your meme attributed the princesses to Yas Forums
They have never been able to create Yas Forums OC worth a shit. All they do is steal shit and run it into the ground.
>not even a month away
my body is ready. but not my dick because i don't fap to anything related to Yas Forums unless the hentai quality is 1000% (one thousand).
Lol those hair clips look like eyes
April Fools on Yas Forums is the best day of the year, I can't fucking wait
does anyone knows what mods are doing this year?
Nobody knows unless they spill the beans early (they won't)
Okay, Thouser.
Last year's sucked.
Yeah I also think about this because actually I drew them
You're the best user
>t. had his likes erased before he could get mod powers
Chocochad here
anyone got the kunaboto team chocolate edits haha
There hasn't been any good Yas Forums OC in years
Frogjak garbage doesn't count, it's the most normalfag shit around
Yas Forums is full of closet furries, and so is know yer meme. You could almost say they're run by the same people
where's the archive of these?
It's gonna be some kind of virus where by posting in the thread with someone infected you get it, with the goal being to infect every poster on the board, with people holed up in /po/ trying to keep out the hoards.
Literally no one remembered it even a week after it happened.
Yeah, but actually no.
It was pretty opportune thing that I made them like 15 minutes after the event started.
Fine, I GUESS I'll re-share the drawing/porn archive of the April 1st shenanigans
I did though. I remember there were a ton of stickies, and someone made a very transparent reaction image in the background, very faint. I almost missed it.
That was the worst April Fools event ever, so it would have still been a shitshow.
>inb4 board combinations
That produced non cancerous OC and threads not about the retarded event could still happen. The "teams" shit ruined the site for like a week.
>tfw creme
>top dog for ages, only to get brought low and used by others
It was a golden era for erp and harvesting anons' semen. I'm glad it's over.
It would've still been ultra gay.
will this year be better than the board merge? what are you guys hoping for
...I miss /mlpol/
I love Mini!
Last year was pretty erp crazy as well. Looking forward to this year. April 1st is slowly becoming Gayfest: it's just a prank bro.
>didn't like the erp shit that was happening
>don't even remember what team i was on
>really REALLY wish i was on team mini
fuck this gay earth
Yas Forums is literally the only board that did the ERP shit, god this board is such cancer
And then, despite half of our team being faggots and trannies, we won. Eat shit.
It'd be weird if you didn't.
slutty mini!
choke on your own fucking vomit and die, six/buck
I'm honestly curious what type of event we'll get if only to see how this place will manage to twist it into a form of erp.
yes i need this
Why u so angry
It won't even be hard.
Not nearly as well as it did, that's for sure.
Mini > Choco > peaNut Butt > P**p
Oh wow I forgot about the original comic this is based on
I disagree.
we woulda been stuck with the heroes instead.
his smash thread got deleted
creamoids need not apply
you fuck managed to make erp from likes alone until the skelechads arrived
I really hope the bandidos kill your entire family and stop scum like you from ever being born again, you fucking freak
who skelechad here
I had a lot of fun making Choco threads here.
As a Yas Forumsfag I must agree with you.
Most of the good shit Yas Forums makes (Xemnu, Zoom, Gordon) comes from comicposters, the bad shit like SUfags and the like are primarily cartoonfags who eat up whatever shit they're given.