Langrisser I+II

Why isn't Yas Forums playing it

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I would, but not for that price for a fucking mobile port.

Because it's 50 euros, I already bought some games this month (true, not a single one was new) and I need to buy FF7R and RE3 next month.
Also, I heard it's too easy.

>PC version
Based. So how is it? Been thinking about buying it.

What the fuck is up with the controller schemes?
The buttons don't correspond what it says at all

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One steam review says that you have to turn on the pad before starting the game.

>there are people playing with the new """"art""""

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Can you play with the original artwork? I wont buy it if you're forced to play with the shit tier new art.

You can open the option menu, but it's outside the game like a Ys game. It was probably ported by Durante.

Is there a point in going paths that don't have an ultimate class?

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God the art gives me such a boner. Did he do any other animated hentai besides front innocent?

I'm one of those and there is nothing you can do about it

He did a lot of porn, user.

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I actually don't understand how anyone could find the new art better in 98% of cases but so long as you are having fun, user

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Christ, it looks like a cheap mobile game.

Because it is, user.

you can pick up some skills/spells on them, look them up on the wiki

with all the different routes and keeping your progress you should have enough to get every class eventually

because I played it over a decade ago and it wasn't good and if I want a fap I've still got Plastic Little sitting on my shelf.

Langrisser I has 8 routes now as opposed to just 1.

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>8 times more gameplay I found subpar already
I said the game wasn't good to me, don't shill at me you faggot.

That's a $50 console game? HAHAHA. I hope the game fails. Lazy fucks.

this game feels way too easy

>we want the FEH audience

Its a VN with pretend gameplay sections to string all the VN content together.

i would be okay with that if that were true but the conversations are like 5 seconds long and the plot is barebones

i was having fun until the difficulty got fucked up, it feels like i broke it without even trying to, all my dudes have retard strong overpowered units and i just steamroll anything

Huh, I thought class choice would be permanent once selected like the actual I&II

welcome to japanese tactical games.

Hey does anyone know the Min/Max answers for a starting character?


it's just bright and colorful. people go for that. no idea how you would update the original artwork while staying faithful to it.

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The mobile gachashit already does a far better job at it.
The nameless chink that did the mobile art even updated the designs to be closer to the og artist after people complained.
Meanwhile Nagishitter made Sonya a nigger after people complained she was a dark elf and therefore tanned/brown by jap standards instead of too white as he did her

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Is it fun?

The cheap mobile game looks better.

Attached: Langrisser-Mobile-Release-HEad.jpg (1140x600, 213.61K)

better play the gacha

You can just pirate this, and the extra routes are fun.
Meanwhile gachashit requires you to grind like a motherfucker or pay and the story is mostly cut down from the originals and highly inferior to this remake due to lol no routes

bro, the new artwork looks like its straight out of Fire Emblem Heroes with the way the units look.
Its low effort at a glance. It isn't worth your time.

Langrisser paid shills in full force again. I remember the same threads popping up over the shitty gacha game when it launched. I tried it and got banned for pulling two rare units back to back which I guess was a red-flag "impossibility". Fuck you and your game, gook shill.

All I know about Langrisser is one of the artists did porn or something

I love the Obori looking armor. Column 2 doesn't even look like the same set of characters.

Don't forget that the phone game has an actual machine translation since their only English speaking staff doesn't speak Chinese and could only edit the machine translated script. Meanwhile the time gate chapter copy pasted the fan translation of Der Langrisser despite that the time gate version of the story never even had the same script so it doesn't even make sense.

Should I not just go mounted classes first?
Seems the added mobility will be a lot better for xp/cp gain

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Is there a torrent up already?

Yes, I got it on rutracker.

>this shit is 80 bucks on steam

its definitely actual factual shills.
Its been years and they still haven't figured out that their sales drop by shilling. People see it for what it is and it
>lowers customer confidence seeing it at all
>feels like talking to a chatbot with how inhuman they discuss things
It just makes anyone that experiences it less likely to want to buy your product.

If I made a product and sent out a panhandling brigade to go bother people about it I wouldn't be surprised to hear it negatively affected the reception of my product.

Enjoy your viruses.

>a fucking mobile port.
Are you retarded?

does the remake have the same sound effects? like those weird screams when units fight each other? the music and sound are some of the best things about the old langrisser games imo.

i liked the animations too where the units were kinda pushing each other.

No that I know of, but you can choose the original music and original tiles, character sprites are all just with the new style, though.

Can I play using the original fucking artstyle?

A lot of original art male npcs seem to be chads, desu.
Meanwhile the protagonists in the remade art look like schooboys.


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those tree sprites look pretty nice.

Yes but you still get NPCs with Ryou Nagi's artwork because they were too cheap to get Urushihara to make portraits for them.

I’ll get it on Switch when it goes on sale.

It's already available to download on Switch.

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IMPORTANT NIGGER: Is it Der Langrisser or just 2? I need to join the Imperial and not the gay light. (Or just kill everyone.)

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still better than nu fire emblem

It has all Der Langrisser routes and more, for Langrisser II.
Even Langrisser I has 7 routes now.
Just pirate it if you're made about mobageshit sprites

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That sounds amazing user, thank you!

Did they add a route for best girl?

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Does it still have the cheat codes?
Yeah it's on 2 on the Imperial route and she has the best song.

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Nagi isn't a shitter, he's just very hit or miss because he get so much jobs he barely gives a shit for most of them