>"Doomguy isn't Doomslayer" fags getting dabbed on by idbros
How will they recover?
"Doomguy isn't Doomslayer" fags getting dabbed on by idbros
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But we know we can unlock the classic armor and it works in 1st and 3rd person cutscenes.
Original team didn't work on this, so it's a fanfic
Except Tom Hall barely worked on the original Doom games, so that makes them Doom Bible fanfics.
Sure bud
Hugo Martin, the lead fucking director, when talking about how important it is to respect this property and treat it with care brought up the shitty new Star Wars movies and said they don't respect the source material. But yeah it's totally a fanfic
>"Doomguy isn't Doomslayer"
Oh, that's just not as awesome as Doomguy being Doomslayer
>actually talking
fuck that, are there any more leaks?
it is inspired by fanfic, considering fans came up with the "powerfull" doomguy concept and with the comic and brutal doom
but not even romero felt like making another doom after 2 when the series easily lives with wads
who gives a shit what some fat loser Bethesda employee thinks? did he work on the original games? no. did anyone else at nu-id? no. it's fanfic.
Yeah, check the last thread. We learned some pretty interesting shit. Time travel is most likely in the game, the Night Sentinels imprisoned Doomguy upon first meeting him, Doomguy killed the Titan in Marauder armor and with the Crucible while the other Night Sentinels watched and revered him, shit like that.
anyone backed up the stream?
Unfortunately no, I cannot find a single person who recorded the stream. Just my luck. All we have are like four screenshots.
Doomslayer is faggier than doomguy, this only works to their disadvantage and outs reddit trannies quicker
Doomguy not being doomslayer would just be lame
Kevin Cloud actually was the guy who did the art for the original Doom games and is still at ID.
What a faggot for getting captured.
What are these from?
why do you guys care if doomguy is or is not the doomslayer?
>Doomguy talking
>and of fucking course he's saying "Rip and tear"
>anything Batman not written by Bob Kane and Bill Finger is fanfic
This is how retarded you sound.
Why does everything look like plastic in this game?
Considering Romero and Carmack said the Doom Bible was stupid and disregarded it, yes. It is.
Saying that you need to respect the source material and actually doing it are two different things.
i want to have sex with the doom slayer
Or do know that they ignored the Doom Bible because they thought it was stupid and then Romero took pretty much complete creative control away from Hall, right?
I don't give a fuck about the "lore" or Doom guy vs Doom Slayer. But why is it so bad to just want Doom to be fucking Doom? I just want Doom back.
he's a devout christian user
>completely missing the point of the post
Are you retarded?
doom never left, go play some wads
But Doom is back. What are you expecting?
You got Doom back in 2016.
i don't get a majority of the nu-doom games criticism, so far the only genuine one i've seen is they don't throw enough enemies at you at once. everything else about the atmosphere and characterization just seems to be nitpicky shit thats usually wrong- like that one thread i saw a while back saying the new games didn't have fucking gore in them
like its not better than the old games but they're not terrible, i'd say they're above average but everyone acts like its diarrhea in videogame form
it was already confirmed ages ago
it's insulting to claim doom's back! when it's not and it's just regurgitated marketing.
>everyone acts like its diarrhea
That's Yas Forums expecting another TORtanic. Nu-Doom is practically universally praised and hyped by everyone that isn't a Yas Forumsirgin.
I do.
No we got Serious Sam with Quake movement.
See above
Its contrarians being contrarian for the sake of (you)s. I, for one, am incredibly excited for Eternal, it's the first time I've been excited for a new release since Halo 4, and we all know how that turned out. I've been playing through 2016's campaign to get myself ready, and good lord am i hyped.
Well and the level design is completely wrong.
the real issue with the enemy variety is that it's more likely about reused attacks than unique ones
if new id made the original doom 2, the archvile and pain elemental would be forgettable and not as interesting
but at least the level design would be less crappy but that was already fixed by most megawads
It's just armor nothing about this is canon just a babies first Doom Easter egg
look at fucking dead rising 4 and you'll see what a complete middle finger to fans actually looks like, this is nowhere near that level
I don't hate Nu-DooM. It is fun. My problem is that it's just Doom in name only.
It has yet to be proven by I'm 90% sure eternal will finally give us the answer by explaining the slayer's back story
The problem here is you don't see the problem with this.
If you're the anti-lore fag, you can fuck right off. Cutscenes are skippable, and you dont have to read data logs.
t. Succubus
Doomguy hails from the same school as zura, he always escapes for being a complete idiot.
His space bird bounty hunter wife wont let you do that
>Serious Sam with Quake movement
Fallacy of relative privation (also known as "appeal to worse problems" or "not as bad as") – dismissing an argument or complaint due to the existence of more important problems in the world, regardless of whether those problems bear relevance to the initial argument.
He better yell out "DYNAMITE!" while punching through a dude.
>Not quake movement
>Not remotely related so serious sam
More like painkiller for zoomers
What is the reasoning behind "Doomguy=/=Slayer"fags? Why would a huge lore nerd of a Director make the effort to create a detailed universe that connects the OG series to 2016, with countless hints at the protags being the same, just to then reveal they are two different people? Just to subvert expectations?
I don't get it
cope and seethe boomer.
Its called Eternal because its always been the same story of the same guy. Doomguy.
that took a very long time to get to the punch line
I hope that's the ONLY time he will ever talk
AAA games are made by committee & peer group testing. Talking about "individuals" or realistic expectations of X is naivety.
other than contrarians, it's just that doom 4 was their first game and they built up in their head some weird idea of what he's supposed to be and don't like that's he's basically just a guy from a game that's older than them
>Caring about Doom lore at all
God, I hate this generation of consumers that think everything has to be a 2deep4u lorefest and have to dissect, analyze, and datamine everything they enjoy. The same kind of fags that ruined an era of cartoons and completely missed the point of Inception's ending by trying to fucking analyze the rotation of the goddamn top to find out if he was a in a dream or not.
why do you think he spent 1000 years sealed?
also i would laugh if Akira Ishida is voicing him, the king sounds like norio wakamoto
they treated lore as a higher priority than gameplay
>what is PR
This is your brain on advertising
Yeah yeah, you're so smart and know how to use wikipedia. Anti-modern Doom fags are so insufferable.
It is embarassing. Just play the fucking games. I bet 80% of the noobs in these threads don't even know what a wad is or how to use the command line.
Sure I do. Suck my wad.
>The same kind of fags that ruined an era of cartoons
Stopped reading right there, you shouldn't still be watching cartoons as an adult you fucking fag
yo im about to go beast mode on this game fr fr
it sure would, having the doom 4 character be "you" from before is kind of rad
Someone that plays video games has no right to talk about what others should be doing.