FF7R's combat is going to be an utter abominatio-

>FF7R's combat is going to be an utter abominatio-

Attached: FF7 Remake Tifa brawling.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

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Do you ever get tired of making the same threads with the same templates all day every day getting the same replies over and over?

You should have been swallowed

I for one appreciate him.
I've replayed the demo at least 10 times and have had a blast, i really like the combat system.
I'm going to make sure i assblast contrarians on Yas Forums on this for years to come, eventually they'll break.

This looks fun, but it bothers me that every battle is going to be this flashy and excessive. Sort of takes the gravity out of serious boss battles and its all going to be a boring sludge after a while.

If I'm going to get this game, it's going to be to immerse myself in the world.

why did you post a webm of two canned animation attacks being done consecutively.

He probably doesn't get tired of people clearly voicing their asshurt like you just did. If you think it's a "troll" then stop feeding it.

That was the press of two buttons.
People would like to do that by pressing many buttons.
Pressing the "Awesome button" isn't awesome.

Holy based.

Tell me it isn't as piss easy as FF15.

Pretty sure the only way to assblast people is if the game turns out to not be episodic and they were just trolling. Because that's the point most people are criticizing.

Well. there isn't the ability to craft a 1 hit kill +exp for 15 levels magic spell. So yeah. It's probably a bit harder.

Yourself included

Final Fantasy has become this disgusting melting pot of people that fight all the time. In the end Final Fantasy rightfully belongs to the turn based/ATB community and they should have never had to share with other demographics in the first place. This idea that "trends have changed" is a bullshit lie they've perpetuated that gets shot to hell everytime it's put to the test. When ports and remakes outsell new games of theirs, when turn based Dragon Quest continues to break the all time sales record in Japan it proves that the execs with Square-Enix don't know what they're talking about.

We're never getting another new Final Fantasy game until all these guys are fired/retired or it's bought by another company. FF is destined to be what Star Wars was under George Lucas, 30 years of hating their product till finally somebody makes an actual FF and then people will be cheering at the departure of the people who butchered it for so long. It's obvious the FF devs don't want to make FF, so why don't they call it something else? It seems like Bravely Default and FFXIV have inherited FF's legacy, while the main series has mutated to become something else entirely.

I am one of the few people who enjoyed the combat in XV.
But OP, stop sucking cocks. Posting a single button press and a flashy animation puts you in the same tier of people who say BDO has good combat because every single attack shakes the screen and makes your character do 20 backflips with millions of particles.

I do think it's dumb that idiots are praising 7R's combat whilst simultaneously saying XV's was bad.

Attached: 1527889564231.jpg (335x315, 15.13K)

>Posting a single button press and a flashy animation
How is this any different from the combat of the original?

Well yeah. I dislike episodic. You actually like it? I'm assuming half a year in between episodes, hopefully they do a quarter.

Probably because XV is bad compared to 7R.

There's legitimately a dozen autists on Yas Forums who do nothing but spam the exact same threads over and over and over again. It's taken over the board. Mods do not give a single fuck.

>all magic in ff15 is just grenades
I still mad about that and summons being random aswell

Sounds like r*ddit is more your speed.

It's not. That's my entire point. The combat is mostly identical.
Yet people are praising it.

We're not talking about the games. We're talking about the combat, which is the same.

Nobody likes the episodic release, everyone would love to have the entire game immediately.
But since the remake looks actually good, the hate turned into a "i dont care"

No, because people like you still respond to him instead of reporting.
Moreover you respond without saging, so the shitposters can go to town every single day, because you fags never fucking learn.

>Nobody likes the episodic release
I do.

Oh cmon, accepting it it is different than liking it.

Imagine praising this trash just because it's not complete garbage like XV

I was also talking about the combat. And from the demo alone 7R is just better than XV.

>He got filtered by XV

Attached: FFXV god tier fight versus Cor.webm (960x540, 2.96M)

>half a year in between episodes
you're delusional if you think itll be that fast

Hello Barry. Will you ever stop shilling and seething?

>Everyone I don't like is Barry
Based schizo.

Everyone who Felates XV is better

how do random battles work?
I want to GRIND!

Kill yourself newfaggot, the whole point of this site is that threads are ephemeral, you're not supposed to just keep fucking reposting them.

I haven't been following much so I don't know if they expressly stated otherwise, but isn't it possible that the game is already done and they are just holding off because they wanted to do episodic?

Bary i'm gonna give you a hint: people keep sniffing you out because you're literally the only person on Yas Forums that even remotely gives a shit about XV.
It's just you, that's it.
Especially when you attempt to say that it's shitty ass combat system is better than any other game you've tried to push this retarded meme on, let alone FF7R.
Just go away already.

You accuse that user of being Barry but according to your post Im Barry too? How manys Barrys are there?

7R's abomination combat with no jump or timed blocks is nowhere near XV, don't be delusional.

Attached: 1495632484112.webm (960x540, 2.63M)

>How manys Barrys are there?
As many as there are people I disagree with.

>I'm going to dedicate my life to making an imaginary group of people angry
>they totally arent living rent free in my head

>>I'm going to dedicate my life to making an imaginary group of people angry
>>they totally arent living rent free in my head

Attached: Nord Yes.png (680x709, 243.33K)

>I'm going to dedicate my life to making an imaginary group of people angry
That's politics, baby.

It's the same 6 webms dude.
>you accuse that post of being Barry but I made another post that couldn't possibly be by the same guy.
Didn't get any new IPs after your post. Nice try Barry

God I love games with these flashy animations with hit sparks going off everywhere. I feel like such a brainlet for liking it but it just hits me in the right spot.

It's just a paycheck for them user, it's like asking if someone at mcdonalds gets tired of flipping burgers,of course they do, but that's not the point.

Based schizo.

This DLC had good combat but it was released after the vanilla game + was only Gladius + severely restricted broken items + severely restricted exploration into a linear pattern.

I remember way back someone was doing this exact same type of shilling with FF15.

I kek everytime cause but did he look like such a jackass when it finally dropped

Except XV ended up being the ultimate pleb filter.

Attached: God Tier FFXV Combat.webm (700x392, 2.89M)

That was my first post in the thread you lying piece of shit

Attached: 7r press one attack to win.webm (700x394, 2.97M)

I hate those stupid prolonged animations that would play out. It always looked so awkward.

But Barry, did they ever unfuck the PC version or is it still a stuttering mess? Might aswell play this again until 7R drops.

Attached: Luna4.jpg (1500x2000, 380.49K)

Sure isn't Posting the same webms over and over again.

Shit I forgot barry doesn't even have a PC and is literally stuck on a base PS4 like the schizo poorfag he is.

>Wow dude, c'mon, some of us love template thre-


I like XV a lot but it doesn't come without a bunch of major flaws. Its a mediocre game if you go in with no expectations. 7R though is and should be held to a higher standard since its a remake instead of an original release which it seems to be meeting.

Is this like fourth game that makes Barry go into XV damage control mode now?
How many more before he snaps and finally offs himself?

Attached: FINAL-FANTASY-XV lies.jpg (1920x1080, 59.53K)

Get coronavirus.

This was such a corny introduction. What the fuck were they thinking?

Isn't it literally the exact same combat from XV that everyone shit on for being super casual and braindead? I'm honestly asking, because that's what it looks like.

No. There is actual skills and magic this time around. you are allowed to control multiple characters from the start instead of waiting 1-2 years for a update and DLC to do that.
Short cuts to skills, spells, and items.
None of that teleporting crap or cinematic dual attack shit.

Fuck off, reddit.

Not at all. XV's combat was intentionally made to be passive and brain-dead as possible. You hold one button and then dodge is also holding a button. It works ok if you just approach it as a very very casual FF game. 7R combat is made by KH veterans and has way more mechanics going on. Just the Spider Tank boss in 7R Demo is a more complicated fight than most anything in XV.

Woah... sparkly...

I bet it took dozens of technical artists thousands of man hours to make something so visually nauseating.

It's similar in some ways but with a lot of improvements. ATB is already a good idea because it limits healing and one of the stupidest things in XV was you could never die by just spamming your 99 potions, it would even slow down when you were going to die so you could save yourself. They removed the teleporting all over the place which was what 99 percent of what XV was when it wasn't just holding down attack. That's another important change, there are actual spells and skills where as all magic in XV was an aoe grenade that hit your allies too so you never used them except to cheese with OP ones. This game is also being designed with character swapping from the outset meaning more enemeies and bosses can actually require it. I hated XV even though I wanted to like it. This shows more promise so long as it actually get more challenging than the demo as the game goes on.

So you need a bunch of flashy shit to capture attention? I'm gonna go ahead and assume autism

The demo boss honestly pushed my shit harder than any XV boss.

gladio is playable in main game

fighting noctis in ep ignis is the hardest boss fight in any ff

in xv even having to use items is because you're always at 0hp and you played like shit and got wrecked that you even needed to use items, the consequence is costing time just to use items at all in XV which completely detracts from real time action game flow

Attached: glad43.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

Two button combo. Controller prices will never fall.

I think I pinned down why I dislike modern FF combat.
Too many superfluous animations.
It's not as clicky/snappy as it could be because they were too obsessed with making it look and feel smooth.
FF15 has it, and the FF7R demo had it (in my opinion).
The games just don't feel as good to play as some other modern JRPGs.

Attached: 1579489645866.jpg (1080x1080, 107.12K)

It's classic ATB with XV-like action being just a minor background noise while you bars are charging.

I can't tell what the fuck is going on with all of those particle effects.

get out 5homo

You know what I hate about FF15? Half of its lore and story is locked in additional shit like an anime and a literal movie. Just tell a full story dammit

7r is trash while xv is good

7R has no jump
XV has jump

7R has no directional inputs
XV has directional inputs

Cloud has 5 hit attack string and 1 weapon type total
noct has 5 hit attack string on just 1 weapon type out of 15, some with more and even up to 10 hits
Each weapon type has a unique action which is over 15 unique weapon actions for noct alone
cloud only gets 6 different greatsword with 1 unique action each but the same attack string on each

XV has character switch and weapon switching, 7R only has character switch

XV has dodge roll with iframes
7R dodge roll has no iframes making it useless
XV has manual shield block with block stuns from perfect timing
7R is just hold to block with no cost

15+ weapon types in XV, over 6 weapons in the broadsword, lance, dagger, gun, machine, greatsword, shield categories with their own unique paasive abilities and many with active action abilities, like laser beam on one machine or graviga on another machine

Character switch in XV is more varied too
TPS manual aim SMG and bazooka on Prompto with respawnable grenades and lots of agile movement
Magic and buff elemental focussed combat of Ignis with his different elemental daggers for different enemy types, dragoon jump, party buffs
Full features ground and aerial combat based on weapon switching, warps and warpstrikes, aerial combat, timing based dodges and blocks, counters, directional inputs, 15+ weapons, techrolls, manual finishers, holy counter, armiger, with extremely high mobility

Compared to Cloud who literally has less to him than Gladio combat, Barret who only autoshoots, tifa who uses a worse version of Eight from Type-0 combat and Aerith who does less damage than any magic or buff in XV, all with no jumping, no directional inputs and manual finishers, no weapon switching etc

Even big summons in 7R are RNG and only usable against bosses, while in XV can be used in any fight if you meet certain conditions

Attached: ff7r shit camera.webm (960x540, 2.64M)

i fucking hate this retarded anime shit



>It's classic ATB
You realise ATB wasn't a special bar, right?

This. It's an unreadable mess

dumb faggot

It's worse than XV in every way and requires no buttons at all

Attached: FF7R don't even press anything to win.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

It's less floaty Kingdom Hearts but with an ATB bar
And different characters play a bit differently, Barret especially since he's basically just a turret



Attached: 1556383838317.gif (265x207, 1.17M)

stupid out of touch weeb. no one respects you


>Goes to menu
>Presses triangle

2bras lol

Attached: 2134634124.jpg (1280x720, 110.85K)

except xv has blink cancels, shield blocks, phase, free warp, plus tech rolls and aerial dodge and airsteps that make it snappy and fast as fuck

7r has no attack cancels into dodge, has no sidesteps, has no directional inputs, has no jump button, has no parries or parry counters, has no charge attacks on cloud, has less abilities and actions than ANYTHING in XV


Attached: dantevergil.webm (700x404, 2.87M)

7R dumpsters XV.

Attached: Aeris Healing Wind FF7 Remake.webm (1366x768, 3M)

if all of you know who it is and responding to him at all eggs him on why do you not let his threads die of inactivity, stop giving an attention whore what he wants

>That's another important change, there are actual spells and skills where as all magic in XV was an aoe grenade that hit your allies too so you never used them except to cheese with OP ones.
I completely forgot about this until reading it and remembering also making the EXP grenades for power leveling.

Damn. It really was a bare bones game.