You have a sub 200ms reaction time, right?

You have a sub 200ms reaction time, right?

Attached: 1573610224761.png (1125x762, 32.69K)

Other urls found in this thread:

yep 120ms average


Not bad for an old man.

29ms, is that any good?

Eh 205 but I'm drinking. I'd guess around 180 - 190 normally.

Expected worse for a boomer lacking sleep

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I don't like it

Attached: waterfox_XECVyr2WHe.png (270x31, 1.52K)

get fucked

Attached: 128.png (603x267, 10.41K)

250 reporting in

Attached: 1579856529583.jpg (385x425, 60.87K)

Does the second try count?
made 203 on my first attempt, but i don't play pvp shit since 3-4 years.

Attached: 669105827465dd633ace04b444d697a2.png (707x456, 14.9K)

I got like 240-250. But I'm like 29 years old and browsing on crappy laptop.

When I went from my 60Hz monitor to a 144Hz monitor my reaction time got better by like 50%. And people say you can't see over 60Hz.

>tfw $80 monitor

Attached: inspect element.jpg (723x485, 27.67K)

>start test
>waiting for signal
>still waiting
>realize i'm colourblind

I got 265. Why am so slow bros?

Reminder that this test fucking sucks, it doesn't take into consideration how the brain actually works.
The brain can work fast as fuck, but the signal going from your brain, to your finger, form the mouse, to the computer, to the screen, to the server can only be so fast.

Attached: Untitled.png (565x418, 14.62K)

Of course.

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but I'm pretty old for v

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>400+ reporting in
Is ok gramps

The monitor is the only real limit in all that, and maybe your mouse but I dunno too much about polling rates for clicks and shit. Signal aint' going back to the server.

It's kind of silly because I'm this user. Yet I can win Tetris 99 sessions and get top 8 in the "pro" ones fairly consistently.

>used to get 170ish consistently on these tests
>30 years old now
>pic related
Father Time is undefeated.

Attached: edge_of_the_abyss.png (587x456, 15.11K)

Often when I get a lower time it feels much longer than the actual longer times. I can't be the only one with this feeling? And no this isn't a gramp post I am at 200.

220ms average

never had good reaction times even when I was young. fuck your shitty QTE games.

lmao grandpa's

Attached: 30.png (612x324, 11.51K)

Impressive average
I get 170 avg and find it hard to go lower unless I hit a lucky 50ms or something

you must also be retarded since it also tells you to click in text

Attached: 72 year old GAMER.png (679x485, 22.48K)

Things feel slower when you're in the zone.

In fact i am, sorry =(

I just got my 49 yr old mum to do it and she got 165 wtf

Thanks, i'm pretty sure monitor plays a part though. If you aren't using a 120hz monitor, you're probably getting worse times than if you were. I get slower times on my 60hz personally.

>34 year old boomer here
Still pretty respectable, I think. Wonder how good they were during my peak Quakefag days.

Attached: 1574066000276.png (989x765, 32.07K)

AIDS, maybe.

>he doesnt have a 240 mhz monitor

Attached: Untitled.png (514x295, 7.58K)

Should I just kill myself?

this one is better

Attached: japan flag.jpg (460x468, 5.11K)

i didt the instructions?

Attached: Goinfast.jpg (873x540, 17.83K)

>28 years old
>365ms average

All I want is to be a professional Tekken player guys...

Attached: killbane has no friends.gif (500x275, 432.87K)

Anyone else blink every time they click it?

>Tried the test
>241ms average
>Realize I forgot to take my ADHD meds today
>150ms average
I feel like a retarded subhuman without those pills.

144hz monitor unironically helps a lot

Click to keep going

this happened to me too

all those 60hz fags have no clue what they're missing


Attached: Screenshot_20200311-141534_Firefox.jpg (1080x1385, 161.06K)

That's a local application

Oh shit, this one gives me an idea. Someone should make one of those with a jumpscare.


I got 170 on a 60hz one. Wonder how much better I'd do.

desu any fighting game is anticipation more than anything

everyone gets fucked 5050

>implying vrt matters
looks like another mad cuz bad thread that tries to blame it on something else

I've seen this posted over the year and never managed to get a sub 200

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>stealth monitor thread

I'm only 24, lads..... This can't be happening already...

Attached: NOOOO.png (616x342, 13.86K)

Diagnose me doc, how bad is it?

It's amazing how I can have 68ms one click and 202ms the next. The obvious answer is one is a lucky preemptive nerve fire off and the other is a slightly laggier but more realistic reaction time. My average over a dozen shots was around 180ms.

tekken is slow and it's not possible to react to hellsweeps.
But you won't be anyway because you're on Yas Forums shitposting instead of labbing or playing.

Tips to improving your score if it's over 200ms:

>Get closer to the screen
>240Hz monitor with low input lag
>Mouse with a high poll rate

Don't feel bad, the average score is 250ms. You're still better than average. Comparing yourself to a bunch of kids who play games all day isn't the best metric. 150ms is professional boxer tier.

Dude, just wait longer before you click. Getting OVER 200 is easy as fuck.