Nintendo Direct

Nintendo Direct for Indies happening next week

Nintendo Direct happening next week after the Indie ones

What are you hoping for?

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Other urls found in this thread:

games would be nice

Nintendies can go fuck themselves

>Release date for Xenoblade remastered
>Something about Zelda botw 2
>Artoria in smash pass 2


>Literally says rumor in the title
This is fucking pathetic

>indie shit before the main direct.
Jesus fuck I hate this company.

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This month's issue of Corocoro is teasing a new game. Maybe it'll be shown off at this direct

Venturebeat and GameXplain confirmed with their own sources that it's definitely happening by the end of March and Nintendo must show their stuff to investors because their fiscal year is ending in March

silksong and axiom verge 2 news

Oh they've got anonymous sources? I'm now convinced.

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>Indie Direct first
>actual Direct that people have been waiting for ages the next week after
Who the fuck cares about indie shit

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GameXplain and Venture Beat have reliable sources, not to mention that Sabi revealed an indie Direct for mid March

who gives a fuck, it's going to be more wii u ports and mario spinoffs

and to think I fell for the consolidated development teams meme, this is a worse output than during the 3DS and Wii U days

Hope not. I don't mind indie games but I really hate the directs focused on them. They are so boring. I've never enjoyed any that I've watched.

Guesses with a loophole, as evidenced by every fucking SSBU "leak". Sometimes they get lucky, most of the time they withdraw and make excuses.

Ok, keep in denial, see you next week for the indie showcase direct

Minecraft Steve for SSBU, am I right?

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Xenoblade Chronicles
Monster Hunter XXX (Triple cross), now with 33% sexier monsters
Paper mario color splash 2
Bayonetta 3 coming to PS4
BotW 2 DLC pass
Bandana dee in smash

Yeah, see you next week, smashtard

Silksong release date

>twitter tranny said something is happening at an unspecified point in time
IT'S HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!! MARIO 2 CONFIRMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SWITCH BROS NEVER STOP WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>hey these guys have been waiting for have a year but let’s give em a Nindies presentation before the actual thing!
Fuck you. E3 is cancelled so Nintendo doesn’t even have to announce shit in June now. Fuck you.

Unironically, have coitus.

I can't imagine anything worth caring about will be shown. The eShop is so bloated with garbage indie games already.

new game pls

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Silksong/Deltarune news, anything new or cool
Botw2, new 3d mario, mp4, 2d metroid, pikmin 4, bayo 3, smt
Probably none of those will be shown though and we'll get timeslots for pokemon dlc and smash dlc

The limit is pretty low desu. BotW has framerate drops in towns, as does FE3H have in the Monastery.

Exactly what I want as well, mainly Xenoblade DE and Saber for fighters pass.

I'm honestly just hoping it comes man, I'm enjoying my backlog (started playing Axiom Verge and that's pretty good) but I'm excited to see more into the future

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>what i'm hoping for
bayo 3, prime 4, botw 2, new donkey kong country, no more heroes 3, new IP
>what we'll get
kirby game, yoshi game, new super mario bros switch, smash DLC fighter # 6 revealed, silksong and some other old ports/indies.

can't wait to play devil's third deluxe for the modest price of 90 dollarydoos (covers the cost of the new funky mode addition)

Hehe so funny

With how they reacted when the grinch leak happened, I’m more willing to believe that Gamexplain actually have insider sources and whenever they say talking about a rumor I’m more inclined to believe them.
Sabi is still a fag.

I miss Sabi

>What are you hoping for?
niggers said more remakes/ports, so more remakes/ports. maybe metroid 5.

Not gonna happen & you know why. (Your spoiler)

That's why it comes first.

It's time for his Smash reveal!

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god just shut the fuck up

Grand Theft Auto Classic Collection
Bioshock Collection
Xcom Collection
Mega Neptunia Dimension VII
Mortal Kombat Kollection Online
Catherine Full Body

These are the games ported to Switch confirmed so far


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That non VR version of FNAF:HW



Who do you think is developing the mystery Gematsu game about fighting giant monsters in cities? It's not Ninjala, it's supposed to be new.

Maybe PlatinumGames?

Here's hoping for a new mario party that does away with all th BS of super mario party, and is more like mario party 1-7.
>no character dice making characters objectively better
>no dice limited to 1-6
>boards that aren't balanced around 1-6 dice making small and boring boards
>more boards
>more characters
>less animations making the game go faster, making games longer than 30 turns again, and having it not last 4 hours
>no motion control
>no high fiving after minigames for extra coins
>no allies
>bring back trap placing orb items
>bring back bowser spaces

Do all this and the game will be 100x better. I would even settle for a mario party collection of previous titles

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I don't think GG is anywhere close to release. CoroCoro says this is due out in 2020.

If the indie direct doesn't have Silksong news then what's the fucking point

I guess it makes sense they'd save the real direct for after Animal Crossing's release. They don't wanna overshadow it.

Rumor from the guy who accurately predicted the coral pink Switch Lite and the ACNH direct.

Fucking this.

This gens e-shop is appallingly bad and I can't believe Nintendo allowed it to get as bad as it did.

That said nothing on this direct would be worth while save for Silk Song.

>Hosting a Nintendo Direct
>During the fucking apocalypse?

W-Why? Nintendo isn't going to have any employees alive by the end of the second fighter pass.

How would Artoria grab on to ledges?


Good lord, take a chill pill user. A fucking outbreak in a new strain of a type of virus we already knew existed isn't going to be the end of the world in current year. We live in modern times, not the fucking dark ages. Turn off the TV and do some actual research.

If no TWEWY 2 next direct, I officially give up and accept that Final Remix bombed so hard Neku will never live again.


the end times are here

No, we aren't, and no they aren't. And no amount of you panicking is going to make it true.

It might be for the better, user.

The person that got Smash reveals wrong 5 times in a row?

I understand that you're scared, but this is literal coping right now. It's not healthy.

No sane person thinks this is going to be a nonissue.

BotW was never optimized for the Switch. The core of Three Houses is an engine that was written for the damn 3DS by Koei Tecmo of all things.

I'm not saying it's a nonissue. I'm saying it's really not going to be as bad as everyone thinks it will be.
>I understand you're scared
Project harder.

Bayo 3 has better chance at PC and Xbox

Which ones?

Oh, are you doing that faggoty George Carlin thing? "Oh the planet's gonna be fine! HUMANITY IS FUCKED LOLOLOLOL XDDDD"

I don't want to fucking die. I didn't prepare in time. I'm going to fucking die. Look at how it's ravaging Italy.

B-But Fate/extra series is on Switch too and Fate/Stay night got censored through Realta nua version

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Mario pc port announcement.

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Why the fuck would I bait about this, retard?


>Xenoblade DE info and release date
>Kid Icarus Uprising HD
>Maybe a tease for Fighter Pass 6, hopefully someone better than Byleth but that's a low bar to cross
>New Mario 3D platformer
>No More Heroes 1 and 2

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I mean, all the posts about "it's the fucking apocalypse" are obviously weak bait, I don't know how the other user didn't catch up on it.

You don't dredge up a decade old game with a dubious port, kill the protagonist, then do nothing with the series.
It's the rudest thing possible.

Did they really fucking kill him again in the extra day?