Now that the dust has settled, did virtue signaling pay off for Deus Ex Mankind Divided?

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It wasn't even virtue signaling, they aggressively marketed using a controversial topic which caused more backlash than good. The problem was that the game was fucking unfinished and the pre-launch shit on the steam store was shady as fuck.

It wasn't virtue signaling.
It's coherent within the game universe after the event of Dx HR.
If shitposters played the damn games they'd know.

>It wasn't virtue signaling.
It was. Why else reference that specific movement with that slogan?

>It's coherent within the game universe
Because the event that caused it was as incoherent
The writers didn't GET the original Deus Ex

All it did was annoy both sides of that particular divide.

The illuminati influencing the populace through media manipulation to get them against civilians getting the power to fight back against the illuminati is pretty in-line with the original.

It pissed off both sides without taking a stance itself, which is a feat in itself. The right is angry because they acknowledge BLM's existence and the left is angry because they're equating black people to a group that was proven to be dangerous and who it is therefore reasonable to profile and keep watch on.

Because Dx is based on our current society, it just happened at the same time.

>virtue signaling
Because it was culturally relevant and the devs were hoping to get discussion from it. The game wouldn't play into the
>both sides have issues but have understandable reasons
if it was just virtue signalling.

That's a weak excuse.

It was virtue signalling. They took a minor thing from the previous games and elevated it to the penultimate social problem.

>it was culturally relevant
Not really. It was just an inorganic, media forced crime group that was forgotten the second people stop caring about it. Giving it a benefit of the doubt alone is virtue signaling.

That's not what virtue signalling is you retard.

What irritates me about this is that literally everybody should be for controlling augs or even de-augmenting them if possible. The entire world should be completely fucking traumatized about this shit.

If the Illuminati could make a program that literally controls aug brains why did they use it to create a chimpout?

Play the game and figure it out for yourself user.

Because BLM chimped out IRL so they had to replicate that. Despite it not making any sense.

It literally is. Its seeking good boy points for addressing some social plight. In this case they elevated what was a minor part of the substrata of society to being the penultimate plight of their times. It invalidates the entire thing.
Same way tranny support is just virtue signalling. Trannies don't matter to the function of our society, at all. Pretending they do is stupid. Being convinced to pretend they do is even more stupid.
Aug lives don't matter. If they did they wouldn't have installed dependent augs.

They didn't want civilians to have the tech at all. Their (stated at least) goal is still to maintain order in the world, something even controlled augmentations could disrupt. The chimpout gets the majority of humanity against it in the long term.

who cares when the game is bad

Because they based their augs on BLM solely and BLM is comprised of nothing but low impulse control savage subhumans.
They were a 1:1 proxy for BLM, but somehow wasn't virtue signalling to leftists.

How does the ability to literally control a persons brain not maintain world order? They should want this shit to be installed at birth, then its game over.

>protest slogans are in english

Not when Square Enix ruined their game with microtransactions for a shit mode and then by the looks of it made the devs finish the game earlier than they wanted to.

Yeah, have you seen Ukraine?


just more multi culti virtue signalling even though previous games had the entire global structure fall apart and splinter into insular conclaves already.

More irritating is that everyone should have put two and two together about the events leading up to the incident.
>people's augs start "malfunctioning"
>chinese happen to have a chip that will fix that come get it for free :^)
>a week later anyone with the chinese chip goes on a rampage
The game establishes that if you didn't get the new chip you were uninfected so there had to have been a sizable group of augs that were fine.

I haven't actually, why?

Because their civil war protests where all in english for easier global media attention.

The Illuminati controls the media so I'm fine with them blocking anything that might make people suspicious.


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>meanwhile in the real world everyday people are getting more and more suspicious of the going ons around them even with tighter and tighter control over media than ever before in history

Because as soon as you see the sign you get the point of these marches.
Augs, despite being a minority of the population, obviously come into contact with the police at a very high ratio and probably don't obey simple instructions so they get shot.

It was only really virtue signaling in the marketing material

I honestly forgot that they were aug rights terrorists by the end

How did it virtue signal? Wasn't it the one being virtue signaled at for saying mechanical apartheid?

You quite literally can't discuss this game here on Yas Forums, what a shame and a rotten way to die

Speaking as the elected spokesperson for the right, I was pissed because they referenced the apartheid.
Fucking foreigners not understanding anything as usual. We're on 4 hours on 2 hours off electricity now btw.

>the future
>faggots who create modern architecture aren't lined up and shot
>moreover they're allowed to build their shit in historic city centre

It's trash anyway.

game was gud, I've no idea why everyone is retarded

game might have actually been good if it was set in moscow, not an irrelevant east euroshit shithole

Paris is even worse.

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I couldnt tell you what happened in the story but the gameplay is actually pretty damn slick

By making them a direct reference to a nigger filled organization and then making their violence be instilled from without in the game it passively attempts to assume that the low impulse control niggers of our society are not in control of their actions.
It isn't their fault they are overly violent, it isn't their fault they are poor and dependent on those around them.

That is why it was virtue signalling. If they didn't make direct reference to a terror cell we know of in the real world none of the social commentary would have been half as abrasive as it was.

I don't need some commies telling me niggers are beyond the control of their own faculties. I don't need to be preached to like that. Present a scenario and let me make my own decision about it. They heavily stacked the deck for a particular outcome, then got buttblasted when people came to the one conclusion the heavily stacked info would lead them to.

It was only one of them who was seething because he couldn't have augs himself


Most people I saw were complaining about the BLM references without realizing MD was unwittingly shitting on BLM and all black people with its clumsy parallel, so I didn't get a feel the mechanical apartheid theme was the biggest problem even if it was stupid too.
>We're on 4 hours on 2 hours off electricity now btw.
What country is that?

Unless there is a subplot involving the superAI illuminati literally covering the earth as its new skin as some sort of new lifeform in gestation there is no reason for this shit.

Pleb tier opinion, in my opinion

No because they did it sloppy as fuck. Muh apartheid metaphor doesn't work when A. Said group weren't born with trait that gets them separated and B. Literally every single person separated has very recently chimped and tried to kill people.

It's a reference to buildings like pic related. Modern art is degenerate and invasive. There to undermine the old cultural heritage of Europe.

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blacks weren't born niggers user. It is an acquired trait they learn.

That's irrelevant. Why support these devs in the first place?

Yeah, what the fuck was the writer thinking about people having riots against people who finally can live normal lives due to limb replacement.
Or people paralysed since birth being able to function as normal people thanks to augs.

Imagine a grey goo nanomachine weapon that just turns all your architecture gay
That's terror

But anglos aren't European

Be quiet, subhuman.

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Fucking Yas Forumscels killed the Deus Ex series for good, thanks faggots.

>become a literal dependency on the rest of society
>demand equal treatment to those that are self sufficient

NEVER reply to tripfags.


>t. Yas Forumscel
If you actually care about the game you could just simply ignore the politics around it and fucking play it.

lmao no, shit tier writing and bad game design killed the deus ex series for good

>This is you globalist future
>Turning what people used to call home into the equivalent of a mini mall crossed between an international airport.

>What country is that?
Not him, but that would be South Africa. The ANC is so corrupt and incompetent, that they took one of the only industrialized nations on the African continent and ran it into the ground so hard that the power grid has degraded to the point where they can no longer keep the lights on for a 1/3 of the day. And yet the retarded niggers keep voting for the ANC and have decided that the solution to their economic decline is to steal land from the last few whites who're propping up the country/

fuck everyone in this thread and on this board. i love this game. played it twice and will play it two more times.

amazing soundtrack, graphics, gameplay, dialogue, everything. the story lacks a bit but i still enjoy it thoroughly. my opinion is right and yours is wrong. cope. dont even respond bc im not staying in this shit thread.

im right youre wrong cry more

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>minor thing
Did you even play the game

>bad game design
You can say anything about nu-deus ex but both games had excellent game and level design but I know you're probably farming for (yous) but whatever.



No and the whole apartied theme was one of the least effective parts of the game. I don't think it was their intent to make it seem like a petty grievance yet they gave a reasonable justification for different treatment of augs and only had it effect the player in an incredibly minor way. Who got offended at being called a clank? Who even noticed a difference between the aug and non-aug lines in the metro stations? How do these things justify bombings and murder?

augs themselves weren't important. They were just the thematic device that allowed the cure to be distribulted to mankind.
Elevating augs to the absolute tip of social need wasn't needed or wanted.

It tanking the entire series is proof enough of that.

because they based their augs on niggers so all reason and accountability for why things are happening goes right out the window.