Only just heard they're making another Amnesia. Glad to see Frictional Games is still around, it feels like they're one of the few horror devs left.
Amnesia: Rebirth
Other urls found in this thread:
>Female protag
Faggots should've just made SOMA 2 with more horror and combat like Penumbra: Overture.
There's lots of horror devs wtf you talking about
Penumbra has terribad combat. No thnx
As long as it's not another "a machine for pigs"
I liked SOMA a lot, but I'm not sure where they can physically go with it from here. Unless there's some major time-skip and the machines have set up a new society on the ruins on Earth or something à la Nier Automata.
Where did you find this copy of me?
They should’ve done a new IP.
>it feels like they're one of the few horror devs left.
They don't count. They just make hide and seek simulators Fuck em. I'll pirate and seed this next one with the force of a thousand suns and never play it.
How progressive
Did you play Justine?
Female protags are fine when they're done well.
They are also making a new IP
Like who? I have a few I follow, like Killmonday Games and Red Candle Games (at least before China decided they needed to be shut down over a piece of placeholder art), but most are still just quick indie projects buried across Steam.
Really like frictional, here's hoping they bring out their A game for this one.
Most of you on this board are trannies. You should be happy.
They should’ve focused their resources on a new IP instead of wasting money on a cash grab
I'm excited too.
Red Barrels
Bloober Team
No Code
Just search the Horror tag on Steam, there's tons of stuff.
>Outlast 2
>Resident Evil 3
>Blair Witch game
>Dead By Daylight
Puppet Combo is my favorite horror indie developer and he's made some of the only games to actually make me panic. Stay Out of the House, Power Drill Massacre, Night of the Nun are some of his bigger releases.
I played power drill massacre and it felt like the most empty gamejam game I ever touched. just gray hallways and a thing that chases you. theres less effort in it than baldis basics and that's saying something
>we will never get another Penumbra kino
I personally disagree, but check out Stay Out of the House if you're interested in a more meaty game. It's basically Granny but good, the villain's actually scary. I personally like the guy's games because of how short and simple they are, they focus on the fundamentals instead of bloat. It's like a short story collection or something, like how Stephen King's novels are shit but his short stories are great.
I think Machine for Pigs was okay. It was just lackluster compared to the first because they watered down all the actual mechanics for more of a fun-house style horror show.
The writing's still good, the music and sound design were solid, the environments were alright, etc. The problem was that the studio they handed it off too was more versed in walking sims than puzzle-based horror games, so they cut out most of the things that built up an actual sense of tension.
>hired a dyed hair feminist
>protag is a femoid
Like fucking pottery. Fucking pass, miss me with that pozzed shit.
dogshit walking simulator by a walking simulator company with terrible enemy design and a lackluster story
Happy to see how they'll refine the mechanics from the original Amnesia. The original has a great atmosphere, and it's clear to me why it was so acclaimed when it released - but its mechanics and enemies are archaic and not well designed by today's standards, and basically every horror game it inspired ended up surpassing it.
This fucking website is a bad parody of itself sometimes. Most of the time.
Nah. Rarely play anything with female protags. TR (the real ones) were an exception but generally can't do it.
>Dead By Daylight
>and basically every horror game it inspired ended up surpassing it
Don't know if I'd go that far. There are games that have improved on the formula, but there are also heaps of instakill-hide-and-seek shovelware all over Steam.
you should stop using a tripcode, but hey, i guess sometimes people don't do what they should be doing
How can one person be so wrong?
I keep meaning to give Darkwood another go, but I screwed up my first run and lost motivation to restart.
i knew i wan't the only person who hates outlast
I suppose that's true. Granted, I never played Amnesia when it first came out, I only played it recently - and while it was a good game, I was hung up by a lot of stuff that kept me from acknowledging it as truly great, particularly the enemies and ending sequence.
Observer is objectively horror, and while I can't say Outlast is objectively good, I can say your taste is trash for thinking it's bad.
>female character
His point is Frictional already made an Amnesia game with a female protag, 10 years ago
My point is that I didn't play that either.
>Implying it won't be littered with progressive agendas such as the horrors of rape or slavery.
I should be using a trip code tho and so should you
who are you talking to?
>slavery and rape being bad is a "progressive agenda"
>walk for 2 minutes
>walk for 2 minutes
>chase sequence
>get the thingy
yeah, outlast sure is a good game
See, I think if there's one genre that can get away with being a walking sim, it's horror. The annoying thing about games like Amnesia is, if there is a "fail state," it goes from being scary to annoying around the third or fourth time.
Horror games really need to solve that issue by finding a way to keep you invested in not failing while also being scared shitless of the things chasing after you.
It shouldn't be a binary win/lose, or you'll eventually reach frustrating points where you just give up and let the monster kill you for a fresh start, which isn't scary so much as annoying.
You're right. Despite its flaws I bought and played AMfP on release and did not feel ripped off or whatever.
The Chinese Room also gets a bad rep for walking sims, but Dear Esther and Everybody's Gone to the Rapture were great experiences.
Yes just like Quentin
Don't try to argue with fat incels on this board. They're as bad as muslims.
Literally every game can be simplified the way you just simplified Outlast, you don't look smart.
>walk for 30 minutes
>hear monster growl
>hide behind box, wait a minute
>go get thingy, use thingy
Why can't you criticize games without coming up with real criticism?
Heh, That chick looks like shes walking into a dick
I don't remember a lot of the game honestly, but I genuinely liked the ending. I thought the final monologue was one of the better line-deliveries I've seen in gaming, and it actually explores the mentality of a "the world is bad and thus everyone must die" style villain in a way that I had never seen done before.
I don't know if the rest of Machine for Pigs would be worth recommending based on that alone, but it still stuck with me enough that I didn't regret playing it.
>See, I think if there's one genre that can get away with being a walking sim, it's horror.
Yeah, no. All the best horror games are as far away from being a walking sim as possible.
What examples would you cite? I think there aren't a lot of genuinely good horror games based on the merit of gameplay alone. I enjoy horror games, but more for the spooky atmosphere and tension rather than gameplay.
i'm not simplifying it, that's all there is to it. it's like one of those scary rides theme parks have. i do admit, i'd probably not criticize the game for repeating stuff over and over if it was actually enjoyable, but it's so god damn boring
I don't think it needs to be stapled to one genre honestly.
I've enjoyed horror point-and-clicks, action-horror, stealth games, visual novels, whatever Sunless Sea is, etc.
Horror games are an anomaly because they can defy literally every rule about making an enjoyable, fun, and fulfilling game to play, while still being great horror games. All that matters in a horror game is 1. making the player want to continue playing, and 2. scaring the fuck out of them. Other than that you can do whatever the fuck you want, unlike, say, platformers or RPGs, where there are certain rules of game design you simply must follow or the game falls apart immediately.
I agree with this guy on horror and walking sims, out of every genre horror is the most likely to produce games that, on paper, should be boring, but in reality are great for their genre. That's also why we see so many shitty horror games, I think - every average Joe knows they get a kick out of being spooked and they think they can do it themselves. Not any different from porn.
isn't this game tied to some flash game or something? the fuck is the point?
It's interesting playing Vampire the Masquerade after all these years, and feeling like the Ocean House Hotel plays like a really early concept of Amnesia before Amnesia was a thing.
It's in the same universe as the browser game Fallen London, but it's still its own thing.
It's about taking a ship and leaving London to explore bizarre Lovecraftian societies across the ocean, as opposed to exploring the city of London itself.
>penumbra had terrible combat
that was the point, brainlet
>female protag
I'm pirating it then.