Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

Who is your favorite monster to hunt?
For me it's Goldian

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Glavenus. I don't even use or like his armor or weapons, he's just fun to fight. Glavenus is just a pretty cool guy just in general.

Acidic or regular?

Both. Even Hellblade too.

Savage Jho.

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What's the gimmick of hellblade? More fire attacks?


this post must be ironic

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I thought the whole idea of glavenus is that he uses his tail like a weapon type, that sounds just lazy

Probably Clifford and Namielle, without including returning monsters.
If we count old gen monsters, I'd count Rajang, Garuga and Glavenus.
I really like Clifford though.

Shame he probably won't be back for a while

He still does, but instead of heating his tail blade to sharpen it, he coats it in blast powder instead because the organ that produces fire ended up mutating to make blast powder.
So it's still the usual Glavenus stuff but now his bites and tail swipes produce blast powder, and his explosions are a lot bigger.

He still does, he just uses blastblight alongside fire.
If his tail is coated in blast powder he can also do a double tail spin

based monkey bro is best monster

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*makes your weapons eorthless*

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too much time between updates, hire another person crapcom

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Bring back Yian Kut-ku!

All of your equipment is ugleh as shit, Safi, I couldn't care less about the meta.

Hellblade is a variant, not a subspecies, so it just builds on the original rather than being a significantly different monster.

Who is this sassy guild lassy?

seething bazel
a beast that has a pseudonuke attack? love it

Ashley. Irene's research assistant and victim.

This desu, that one poor intern working on updates alone is way too fucking slow.

and he was near death too, fuck 1 faint investigations

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oh makes sense

Odogaron is probably the monster I've hunted the most just for fun.

specially with that megaman event

Odo's really good.

Teostra is fun to bully, solo or in a group.

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Base game was odogaron. Of the new iceborne monsters, velkhana is great to fight. Also, ebony odogaron is a boring concept. I would have preferred ice odogaron that slips and slides around than an odogaron that vomits out code red mountain dew. Also, instead of hyper aids and fungal infection vaal hazak, I was more curious to see a completely cured vaal hazak that doesn't rely on effluvia to kill.

Hazak without effluvia bullshit is probably the whimpiest ED. No wonder they all look beat up and sick.

How do you rate them as flagships?

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That's a pretty hard question, probably Nargacuga, just love dancing around it with a fast weapon, avoiding most attacks, such a shame it's been one of the weaker flagships ever since P3rd, i have a similar problem with both Odogarons, i have a lot of fun with them but due to the hitboxes i pretty much never get hit or feel any pressure, Tempered Tobi is legit more threatening than Tempered Odogaron/Ebony

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Nerg is boring to fight, has a shitty design and is wanked on way too much, shitty music too.
Velcunny is okay, I guess, it's a good fight but doesn't really click with me, I really like the gear though, even though most weapons look like Mattel toys.

I think they're both fine as monsters but as flagships they're not that great.

Gore Magala

There both good in their respective ways. Negi breaks the dragon mold of having fantastical weather or elemental control and is just full on bruiser. Velk is an intelligent swords man that not only uses ice breath on you but molds the battle field with it defensively.

I need to rekindle my love for HH. Help, post me some juicy HH hunts.

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I just don't like fungal vaal since it's implied that he's no longer in control and a couple of shrooms are in control now. And regular vaal has to put with his own skin rotting and shit. I just want him to stop suffering without having to kill him. Though he wouldn't have much of a moveset without effluvia I guess.

>smash bros are all unga bunga-ing in perfect harmony
>b*wfag is aimlessly running with his baby blanket (which he brought for fucking Pukei)


Vaal's skin isn't rotting. He's wearing rotting skin bloated with effluvia bacteria in order to constantly have it around him.

>I just want him to stop suffering without having to kill him.
>it's an ED

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>A neet who hangs out in his room needs to die even though the whole effluvia thing is independent of them

Seems like they have no idea how to improve Vaal as a monster.
Fighting him is easy and boring

Just carted twice and left the quest, felt so guilty, never done that because

I hope they completed the quest without me

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I miss old Lavasioth

I quadruple carted, including the insurance as the highest HR player in an AT xeno quest before.

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Nigga Vaal's skin isn't rotting, he sleeps under a pile of corpses.
Likewise, Blackveil isn't controlled by fungus, his meat coat just got moldy from the hot, dank jungle.

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I just beat him. What a fucking shit fight, what were they thinking?

>800+ HR
>People who don’t know better assume I’m good at the game
Where’s the option to hide this shit

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no idea but i went from liking legiana to wanting to eradicate them all from the face of this gay earth.
At least I got crit draw from it's armor

>Nerg is a boring fight
He was my favorite Elder to fight though. Lots of personality.
Maybe I'm just a pleb, but shit like Teostra aren't that fun. Too much bullshit that keeps you paranoid about getting close.

It's a fair assumption to make, if you play something so long that you reach HR800 you are going to get better

Lunastra, however, can suck a bit fat dick.

Glavenus and Zinogre, though I prefer regular over Acidic. Is Stygian any fun?

Yeah but I’m not speedrunner-tier. Let me cart to Paolumu without being judged, okay?

I like to turn off MHW and player a better game like MHGU and hunt Valstrax
>inb4 cucokld snoy boys reply bing bing because they lack any arguement and sbolutely SEETH at people who prefer quality games over their shite

Just saw someone using a defender lance in blackveil vaal hazak fight

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Naked vaal fight WHEN ?
>gets new attacks
>less effluvia
>way faster

Jyuratodus is probably the weakest monster in the game. He has almost no offensive capabilities. Utilizing his body mass to crush you seems alien to him as all his physical blows do pitiful damage.

I've seen defender weapon being used until way late into MR, I make it a principle to not join any SOS with someone using one after barioth.

ED are only for repealing and slaying, nothing else.

>when a dumb little joke about your favourite toy makes you seethe so hard you have to preemt it