Do you reverse the axis?

Do you reverse the axis?

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in 3rd person games yes

For controllers? yes.

>Stick to the left
>Head tilts rather than turning
Flawed model.

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>Look mum I'm an airplane now

No, i don't

lol so random and quirky!!

this poster has a small penis


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The y axis should always be reversed.

Same for me

>press forward
>guy looks up
why would your character to move in the different direction than the way your character moves when you push the stick forward? isnt that how the airplanes move where the movement is inverted?

I've heard that argument before but for the motion of the butt of the gun.

Still dumb as all hell

I don't hold my controller horizontal though.

I invert both x- and y-axis with controllers, but a lot of games I play have aiming always switch back to uninverted and there's often not separate options for inverting camera and aiming controls. Makes things very disorienting. Using BotW's gyro for aiming was great but this issue left me unable to ever truly get used to it due to the constant initial confusion.

that pic has to be the most retarded cope to justify reverse controls.

Why the fuck would I do that
All it does is make switching to a controller from a mouse even less intuitive

>playing shooters with a controller

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>reverse axis
>unintuitive for me, mess up about 50% of the time
>welp let's try normal
>unintuitive for me, mess up about 50% of the time
I'll stick to kb+m

Tfw i also invert my mouse controls

>game has a flying section
>reverses one axis but not the other
>takes 10 tries just to adjust to the illogical controls

no I don't play shooters with a controller you fucking pleb

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Up is up and down is down. It's really that simple. You're controlling a viewpoint not a skull because this is why the explanation of OP never accounts for and that's why it's so arbitrary.


inverted Y axis for third person and normal for first person
a good example is the yakuza game im playing now
i roam with inverted but when i zoom in to first person with the right stick it's normal

>shooters with a controller
You some kind of retard?

i play RE2 remake on PC with a controller
for resident evil it just feels right
i also invert the Y axis

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I used to from late 80's to about a few years ago. But since it's literally the same either way, and most games default to normal as opposed to reversed, and some rare indie or lazy ass console ports actually had fucked up control schemes where even if enabled, some things would be reversed while others wouldn't... well, I got with the program and changed to normal.

These days, reverse axis is literally just extra effort so it's not worth it. Only takes a few days to get completely used to the reverse anyway so it's not a real problem.

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>imagine being a controller shitter in a FPS game

I'm not gay


>haha us boomers amirite :sips gatorade: ahhhh quake 3 arena those were the days, I never played it but I'll pretend I did because that is so KEWL to do! *sips while figuratively mowing down grass in his room*

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Kill yourself retard, I am not even a boomer.

You must be really glad crossplay FPS isn't really a thing. You'd have ragequit life by now.

>kbm is boomer shit

Do these people move their bodies in real life with flight sticks or something?

3rd person yes.
1st person yes on a stick, no on mouse.
Moving a cursor with a stick no, some games actually fuck that up when you invert the stick.

Which one, Yas Forums?

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If the gun model moves up you definitely control the body and not the eyes.

Please kys but not before giving me the sauce.

I played Quake 3 on PS2 with a controller

>Do you reverse the axis?
You know that this is literally made for people with disabilities, right?

>inverse axis is an accessibility feature
Gonna need a source on that one, user.


Still as sensible as the first one

how so?

This and
Hi there 0 - 999 K/D noob.

Fucking no, aiming reticle goes up when you press up and goes down when you press down.
Fucking simple, when you look up you press up, you reverse axis retards should all be trown in to hell

You mean like with Halo Reach, where all the KB+M users were getting destroyed by controller users?

This is retarded, the reason you don't invert the controls is because your frame of reference is the crosshair or whatever, not the character itself. Down stick to move it down, up stick to move it up, I don't give a shit what movement the character performs, I only give a shit what I am aiming the camera at.

Factually incorrect statement.

no, i can confirm that i do not have brain damage

FPS, up on the stick is the same as pushing the mouse up, making the screen look up.

3rd person, I think I push forward to look down.

>Rewriting history

Why are you playing FPS on console

Pointing out bullshit isn't rewriting history, user. Don't delude yourself into some moral highground.

Having to control the camera as if you were pushing an actual head around shows a severe lack of ability to abstract.

>Barry Bonds destroyed his opponents haha all other baseball players suck
Yeah any decent player can dominate if they can just cheat with abandon


I use double inverted camera controls on a controller whenever possible and I hate it when only one of the two can be flipped.
Like why even fucking bother including just one?

I made it to Champion Division with a fucking XIM4. You are categorically full of shit and deluding yourself if you think controller players stand a chance against anyone who isn't total shit at shooters on the PC without aim-assist. Get fucking real, it's a fact of life. I did the same thing in Destiny. Controllers are objectively ass for aiming in shooters.

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> the ONLY REASON to like mouse aim is if you're a bitter boomer

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up = up
down = down

don't complicate things