Ori was just released and NO THREADS?

Ori was just released and NO THREADS?

time for some Ori thread

How are you guys liking it so far?

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Other urls found in this thread:


works on w7/8.1?

Just launched it.
Works on Windows 7 BTW, despite the store saying 10 is required.

Is it good to play this game first or just start with the first game?
What is the difference between the first game and this game in terms of gameplay?

I didn't want to make a thread until I could make up a new way of pitting HK and Ori fans against each other, back and forth shitposting is starting to feel dull.

I'm thinking feigned harassment against devs, but I'm not sure how to get started on that.

Start with the first. You have no reason to not play it.

are these games a metroidvania or just a platformer?

Well, I'm not really giving a dogs dick about the first game. How's the second in comparison?

more of the same no reason to get it if you dont care about the first.

Ah right, thanks for the heads up. I heard they improved upon the first and learned a lot of lessons, but if it's just more of the same I'll give it a miss.

You'd rather do than playing the game? Stop with the 'le 14 year old troll'' mentality man, grow up a little.
A little bit of both, more emphasis on the platformer side. Also they got the AM2R dev onboard so things should be interesting.
If you didn't like the first don't bother with the second. It's basically a much more polished, more abilities version of the 1st, with some new interesting gimmicks, but very much alike.

So far I'm having a blast on this game.I was a bit worried about the combat sucking ass but it's actually satisfying. The soundtrack is gorgeous too, can't wait to se emore from this game.

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yea, Microsoft probably had some hand in the 'REQUIRES WIN10 BTW'' bit.
runs fine

So does Ori get an evade/backstep/dodge ability? right now using the sword is cool but when it's hard to "back off" mid combo or between strikes, like all I can do is just jump away

Just beat the spider and my lord the combat got so dull so fast. I just want to platform all day, and honestly you could do that, but every time I give the combat and a different weapon a chance it just reminds me of how phoned in it is.

>If you didn't like the first don't bother with the second. It's basically a much more polished, more abilities version of the 1st, with some new interesting gimmicks, but very much alike.
Thanks for the heads up. Is combat still the same boring 1 button?

first is like 5 hours, its very linear. the game literally marks a spot on the map where you have to go next kinda like in metroid fusion

The hammer is OP as fuck
I pity everyone who didn't take it as the first skill

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fuck slow weapons i never used them in castlevania games either

I feel like after HK's release, they tried to ape too much of the shit that game was doing and as a result some bits of Ori 2 got a bit watered down. It's my experience so far but the combat and all these charms and even the way the healing works just doesn't mesh well with what Ori was actually about.

Like I don't know.

does ms not care about pirates anymore? shits already on torrents, day 1

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>destroys projectiles
>interrupts and knocks back enemies
>deals tons of damage
>opens up paths
>sends a huge shockwave when upgraded
it's too good to pass up

they are giving the game away for 1 dollar my man

So it's the opposite of the Blind Forest and the studio caved in to the mouth breathing retards who couldn't explore shit.

based and hammerpilled

>opens up paths
wait what? do you need specific weapons for certain areas/collectibles? or is it just upgrades and abilities again?

is there an actual challenge to the game this time around?

getting tired of hearing people rate platformers 10/10 just because the story made them cry

>A little bit of both, more emphasis on the platformer side.
Can you elaborate on that? In my mind a game is either a straight up linear platformer with minimal backtracking or a metroidvania with a lot of backtracking, I can't imagine something in between.

the inclusion of this combat system is definitely going to be the mixed bag people talk about with this game

fucking jews

gameranx review said that the game is harder this time around because of it actually having combat but i havent played myself yet
i think he means more emphasis on platforming than combat. that has nothing to do with backtracking

5 hours in, doesn't seem difficult so far on hard

i wait for cpy or fitgirl

illiterate mouth breather

>cpy or fitgirl
enjoy shortening your CPU lifespan

I see, that makes sense. Guess I'll try the first one and see how I like it then.

Saw someone here earlier beat it with 96% after not even 9 hours. Seems kinda short


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The only reason there were threads is because Microsoft employees were spamming threads hourly.

Pretty fun up until the underground, pitch black spider maze.

I'm not kidding. Instantly dying because you didn't stay in the light is bullshit. And adding spikes to 80% of a zone in which you are completely blind, but also need to double jump + dash to navigate, is PLATINUM BULLSHIT. Thank fuck for that one light upgrade or I might've killed myself.

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like mentioned above, the first one is very linear and you can beat the game without backtracking at all i think. the only time you‘d backtrack is if you wanna get collectibles that you couldnt reach before. the second is apparently a lot more nonlinear and some reviews have mentioned getting lost which is normal in metroidvanias. i personally loved the platforming in the first and the bash mechanic

is the game hard so far compared to the first
kek how long did this take you

I love metroidvanias but why are they all so short? Hollow Knight is the only metroidvania I've played that's longer than like 10 hours.

is this legit our are you hyperbolizing?
git gud
but yea, not a fan of insta-death mechanics too. but at least Ori has a savestate mechanic imbued into the game

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anyone else has no sound?
if it's anything like the first, playing with no sound is basically shooting yourself in the foot, the soundtrack is one of the high points

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I am getting pleb filtered by the big wolf at the begining

Hard crashes my Xbone every time I try to start the game.

That fight was for some reason harder than any other fight in the game

5 minutes on photoshop. 8 with the coronavirus paranoia.

how sad and pathetic would be if the last thing I did on photoshop was a basedjak edit

>say the ori 2 was three times bigfer than the original
>it's still short as fuck

What did they mean by this? I feel like the devs or whoever the spokesperson was for the studio hyped this shit up way too much.

you‘re fine if you are young

I am literally getting destroyed by the first real enemy

I'm loving it. The platforming feels amazing

The hammer also allows you to reach higher places that you might need an ability for

I think all the horizontal smashable floors require the hammer. Maybe other weapons work as well.

>s there an actual challenge to the game this time around?
>Guess I'll try the first one and see how I like it then.
So you complain about the challenge of the first game without actually playing it?

Am I the only one having issue with the Spirit Trail thing? I can't get Ori to move when it starts. All I can do is go to the menu and select end race.

How does it feel to be so bad at video games?

I couldn't care less about me dude. The bullet would meet my head a long time ago If I were trully alone.

My sis has a heart condition, she's 15. If she dies I won't be able to take it.

You have to stay close to him and bait his attacks that are easy to avoid. If you go too far he'll do the rampaging attack which is essentially guaranteed damage

wtf bro

Ending the race and restarting it fixed it for me.

Devs on Resetera said the in game timer was broken

I'm not even talking about the wolf lmao, I'm talking about the agile guy guarding the sticks
I am pretty bad at platformers yes, perhaps hard mode was a bad idea, but I want my first playthrough to be as long and grueling as possible

it's a sad truth, their repack will fucking kill your CPU if you don't have a very well setup cooling.
just stick with unpacked torrents

FPS fucking nosedives at times, particularly during the stormy tutorial section.
Also, I really am not feeling how they changed upgrades. Feels like change for the sake of change.

I got bored part way through the first game. Should I replay it if so or just jump to the new Ori?

Platforming is still absolute gold but the combat is a bit of a sorespot for me desu.

I don't know what to fully feel about it.

I don't know about the savfefile timer, but there's an NPC in the game that tells you how much time you "spent alive". Meaning it resets at the checkpoint when you respawn.

thinking about it, my parents probably wouldnt make it if they got it