Half Life Alyx

Who is this game even for?

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VRfags, isn't that much obvious? Other than that people that liked the tech demo Half Life 2.

Do/did people like alyx that much?

>still no leaks

Not really. She does have a great ass though.

Yeah she's cute I guess
Personality wise she's endearing, but who gives a fuck about that?


same audience as star citizen

Worst part of HL2 for me, she feels like a daycare worker and talks to the player like i'm a toddler but also thinks i'm sexy and she wants to date me. It's weird.

>tech demo
Oh it's you

I don’t care. When is the Artifact relaunch?

Who cares about alyx. Just release the source 2 sdk

As far as female videogame side-kicks go, she was bad. She wasn't over-the-top badass action heroine that might as well be a guy with tits, but also not a generic ugu pure virgin anime waifu.

She's fairly realistic for woman, so naturally Yas Forums hates her.

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>Half-Life 2 wasn't a tech demo
I can't imagine being this stupid and naive.

i am literally going to wipe my OS, install linux+proton, and spend over a thousand fucking dollars to play this
seeing the guy open that car door for cover from a flanking combine soldier and then reach through the shattered window to blow him away was the most absolutely fucking ludo thing i've seen since videogames moved from 2D to 3D

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i am going to do everything in my power to not use the H1B Visa atrocity that is Windows 10 but i might have to do that anyway

Windows 10 is the least adopted in India. Hating on Windows 10 is very Indian.

People who have more money than me and more room for peripherals in their space. Other than that, it doesn't move the plot forward, I couldn't care less


For real gamers. Enthusiasts who are on the bleeding edge on technology helping push gaming into the future. Not brazilian casual console leeches like you OP.

i don't think you know what an H1B Visa is

>She's fairly realistic for woman, so naturally Yas Forums hates her.
That's just nu-Yas Forums though, you have to remember this game is from 2004 when you were still allowed to like things, so she gets grandfathered in and none of the reasons why Yas Forums would usually hate her apply.
>Forced female sidekick
>Brilliant scientist but also a competent fighter
>Her introduction is saving your male ass
>Attempts at humour le zombine xDDD
>Mixed race - black AND Asian
>Outfit doesn't show off her body at all

But hey it was 2004 when Valve could do no wrong so it wasn't a "forced agenda" and therefore it's all fine. And some twat is literally going to respond to this saying that's actually true.

Oh, I forgot
>Modelled off a face scan of a real woman

ngl i'm having a hard time following your point.
what does the verb "grandfathering" mean

Will there be a nude patch so that I can look down on to my boobs? can I look down on me at all? Will I be able to touch myself/Alyx?
How will I be able to look at her butt?

A grandfather clause is an exception to the rule for violations that were in place before the rule was established.

>Brilliant scientist but also a competent fighter
I've never really seen her as a brilliant scientist, that was more Eli and Kleiner's thing.

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definitely not for the poors

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Half life fans and VR users you fucking retard

No you, OP.

It's meant for mentally retarded people who are willing to spent 1000 USD on a peripheral.

Journalists can't play this because they would need someone to give them free VR kits first.

She's less on the theoretical side but she's competent with tech, at any rate.

She has a flat ass

on launch, enthusiasts
as more people enter the vr space it will likely be their first game for years to come

What's your point?

The difference is that, at least back then, Valve wasn't ruled by the jews.
Alyx was biracial by canonical coincidence, and the romance aspect was deliberately left largely ambiguous.
Nowadays she'd be a badass afro-having disco negress who fights against the combine for freedom and frequently calls them fascists.

Thats not great

Which you'll never get to see in VR.

I mean they are fascists...

The cross section between the faggots that have been sucking Valve's cock for over twenty years and the faggots that got suckered into buying VR.

>The difference is that, at least back then, Valve wasn't ruled by the jews.
Yeah? How do you know? It's still the same people in charge, friend.
>Alyx was biracial by canonical coincidence
"Canonical coincidence," are you actually having a giggle with this shit? You know they make the canon? They literally made it all up?

There is LITERALLY zero difference between Alyx and any modern black female character. Literally none at all, except in your head, you fucking schizo.
>she'd be a badass afro-having disco negress
Why do afro haircuts trigger you people so enormously?
>who fights against the combine for freedom
As opposed to what?
>and frequently calls them fascists
Yeah, the whole fascism aspect was pretty ambiguous in HL2, they only show a bunch of jackbooted thugs breaking down a door and beating everyone in a house in the first ten minutes.

Take your anti-psychotics.

Its purpose is two-fold. Serve as a killer app for VR, which Valve has invested heavily into. And ease people back into the idea of Half-Life games being released, since the expectations for 3 are way too high currently.

>Brilliant scientist but also a competent fighter
You're confusing her with Bardock

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You fucking retard, Valve was THE woke company back then and Alyx was THE strong mutt female character who was always meant to take the crown of main protagonist (see Valve interviews.)
Valve kicked off all this shit. But because they're aren't insane and they maintain a libertarian workplace environment, they aren't purity spiraling like all the other companies that let their HR departments dictate company policy aka fire anyone who isn't pure enough.

>HL 3-VR-based-spinoffs-in-a-row
calling it now

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>>Her introduction is saving your male ass
Fucking christ, who cares? She's supposed to be your partner. The game establishes her as a capable and reliable character. Should her introduction have been her getting raped by an officer?

Plays on Oculus and WMR headsets.

Naw it's already been confirmed that the next games we're getting are Artifact VR and Ricochet VR

I always find it funny that Alyx doesn't simply save Gordon, she singlehandedly beats up around 6 shock-baton armed CP officers in the span of seconds and isn't even winded. Some of the worst writing in the series certainly.

They were grounded enough to realise forcing a female class into TF2 wouldn't work.

no what i mean is the next halflife games are
>HL Alyx
>HL somethingelseVR
>HL anothersomethingVR
we'll get at least some others in between, some ports, some new IPs with nothing to do with halflife at all, please god Stars Of Blood oh my god i've needed that for years
it just seems like the perfect way for them to play around with the HL3 meme by making 3 spinoffs first

Trannies and faggots.

Half life 2 is not a tech demo just because you're in your 20s and you noticed that most games improved on what it did years later.

I don't agree with most of your reasons.

>She mostly a mechanic-type in a cast that is mostly scientists. Only Barney is the only other non-Egghead there, probably why he's liked so much. He's just a regular Joe.
>Female sidekicks have been nothing new for a long time.
>Blasian female. Yeah okay, she is a diversity checklist. I'll give you that.
>HL tone doesn't lend itself to lewdness. It's just way too srs biznizz and grounded.
>The Zombine comment was cute imo.

The reason why she isn't hated is because she doesn't inflate antagonism with strength like so many stronk females. She is also grateful to everybody, especially the player. With that said, I never adored Alyx; she felt too much like a babysitter. I always just tolerated her, but she grew on me by the time Ep2 was over. She's alright, and Valve has room to flesh her out in the future.

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>Should her introduction have been her getting raped by an officer?
Don't be a dumbass, there are ways of introducing a character that isn't "saves you or needs to be saved". Think about how they introduced Barney for example.

Honestly they couldn't have gone the "saves your ass" route in a way that isn't painfully forced like they did in the game. What was wrong with her appearing on scene with a damn gun and shooting them down? Would actually have been good for establishing that the combine were ok to murder.

>back then

That's always your excuse. Shut the fuck up. Forced agendas are not a new thing just because you grew up to have more than a few brain cells.

>It's not a tech demo because I liked it!

He's not wrong, it's just nu/v/'s insistence that tech demos are bad.
Half-Life is a tech demo series, it exists to push tech. They only make a new one when they want to push tech (or something like episodic content creation) HL2 in particular with pushed heavily via tech demo and the entire game really does play as a showcase for all that.

I didn't like it bitch tits. Try again.

Fake gamers.

He is wrong. Because he's in his 20s and has experienced games that are better. None of you seem to know the definition of a tech demo. They made a complete game that took minor risks. That's not a tech demo.

HL2 is a tech demo though, the levels are poorly designed and have rushed art and none of it gives the weapons and high-tech AI room to shine before you've already offed the combine with 5 pistol shots each
it was rushed because they kept going back to the drawing board with levels and combat design and were running out of money because Steam hadn't properly taken off as a publishing platform yet
compared to HL1 it has very little gameplay beyond walking forward, shooting guys who sidestep a little, seeing some top-tier free-player-movement cutscenes and writing, and using your gravity gun or solving a simple physics puzzle
it's just not a good game and i say that as someone who absolutely adores the franchise and also valve despite some serious missteps in their history overall

PC gamers

of course nu-Yas Forums is seething

They literally name their puppet political bodies "councils" and "cooperatives" and are as race-blind as one can be

They are space commies, the canon "report the vort" poster confirms this

>I didn't like it bitch tits. Try again.

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Yeah Barney's introduction was way cooler, saving Gordon via subterfuge instead of chimping out offscreen
Which is kind of funny because Barney is a canon badass and Alyx has only been made weaker and more vulnerable since her introduction.

nu/v/, everyone

>wojak poster
that explains it

Literally none of this is true lmao


Not an argument.

HL2 largely suffers because they crafted every aspect of it around showcasing the tech, rather than story or continuity. Hell even those are crafted around the tech.
It's the single best example I can think of, of a game painstakingly created around demonstrating tech concepts.
FWIW I don't think that's a bad thing, it accomplished a lot. HL2tards aren't worth debating with though, a lot of them were the early 90s equivalent of soijack meme and they haven't aged gracefully.

>early 90s
oops i mean early oughts

>teleport only
>4-5h long
VRfags on suicide watch. IMAGINE PAYING $1000 FOR THIS


b-but it will mark the start of the vr revolution.. surely

No, it also has a shitty locomotion tacked on when they realized teleport is a shit mechanic. The game is still designed around teleportation though, so it's going to be a generic shooting gallery most of the time.

fucking zoomers the lot of them
i started gaming with duke3d and quake and tribes and wc2 and worms, they just think saying Thing Newer Than Prequel Bad makes me an obsequious contrarian and so they get to give themselves a dopamine hit for thinking they called me out
the actual tech in HL2, the rendering and physics and animation and AI, is amazing and i'm glad it exists, but it is simply not fun to play for more than the spectacle of seeing it all through the first time

12 days until you kill yourselves

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Why would they? They didn't waste 1000$ on a toy only for their last best hope to fall flat.

Agreed, its fanboying pure and simple.
Oddly enough though I warmed up to HL2 a lot after I replayed it in VR.

If, and that's a big if, this game is good or even great and VR takes off, I can still just buy a next generation VR headset that will be better and cheaper and play the game then. Buddy, I'm always rooting for games to be good but this just doesn't look like it.

You're delusional.
At most there's going to be one more VR game, and that'll be pushing it.
If they blatantly dance around hl3 for another couple entries then people will get sick of it.

>Still believing Tyler McVicker's reports

He's an autistic faggot that makes a news report every single time someone emails him a rumor.

We really have no idea what the future holds other than Gaben having promised 3 full VR games
Personally I don't think even Valve are entirely sure. Their decisions may largely be hinging on how HL:A is received and where the market heads after that.

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>so upset about a game you can't play that you lie about it on the internet.
The sheer sourness of these grapes gets me rock hard.
Keep going and I might cum.

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