What does it taste like?
What does it taste like?
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Pocari Sweat
obviously sunny d
orange juice
Warm cider
Overly citric and kind of tart
full of vitamin D
Estus means fire, OP
It's Quins cum.
Toasted marshmallows and gasoline
Got it
Hot ginger Tea and lemon
It's sunny fucking d, next question
gamer girl pee
>drinking hot sauce to heal yourself
sounds like a pretty cool superpower
this most likely
How many dicks did you suck today?
Any ""male"" that drinks this shit is a fucking pussy. This garbage tastes like ass with sweetener. Drink some fucking Bulleit or Buffalo Trace if you have any balls
Also OP, it tastes like firekeeper pee because it is
Coins and milk
It's the only thing I could think of that gets the idea right in my head. I always think estus has a spicy taste to it, like cinnamon, or spiced peaches. That's the look it gives. I don't care about your taste in alcohol you manlet.
Cooca Coola with ice
cheap plastic and regret
dont get me wrong, cinnamon whiskey is fucking great - i just hate how fireball became the only brand people know. fireball fucking tastes like shit, has a medicine like after taste, and a poor consistency. There are so many other cinnamon whiskeys that taste so much better at the same price point or even cheaper.
also everyone knows estus is firekeeper piss
It's because it's super cheap for white trash people to get easily drunk off of.
Gwynewere's breast milk
Hot sick
Estrus lol
Better to go hollow.
I want to swin in Emerald Herald's hot piss
why do Americans always seem to value quantity over quality?
>accidentally drinking from the estrus flask
Because consumerism.
We tend to live in the moment.
Why do you confuse trailer trash with all Americans?
this stuff makes me hork
Mango juice
Imagine gatekeeping fireballs lmao
I knew it! it was gamer girl pee all along!
Apple cider, citrus, cinnamon and hot sauce.
>be undead
>be weak to fire and sunlight or similar
>yo bro just drink this hot stuff it will heal you
its more because marketing and people are retarded. evan williams is cheaper than fireball and infinately better in both taste and texture. Fuck, ive had a lot of cinnimon whiskeys and fireball is close to if not the worst of them.
Like this
boiling honey
Gamer girl pee
"Tastes like pussyjuice" - Matthewmatosis
Any ""male"" that drinks is chemically castrating himself and just working to slowly develop his more feminine features by reducing his test and raising his estrogen
Taste I'm not quite not sure but probably smells like shit
>drinking upper bottom shelf garbage
what the fuck is cooca coola
the cooler cola
begone, thot
like health
it tastes ridiculously good. so good that I'm addicted to it. I drink 4 or five flasks of this shit every day. I'm thinking on going to rehab.
How nanny times must we have this thread? Get an original thought for once in your lives
Boiled piss.
There's nothing to confuse user, all americans are trailer trash at least mentaly.
Like very bitter beer. Cold at first gulp but you can feel it heating up when drank.
>not having a bonfire nearby so you can infinitely respawn your estus and drink as much as you want
Apparently like orange and hot like tequila or something
There it is.
Medicine and orange flavoring also REALLY HOT
any "male" who throws a faggy tantrum over one of brand of swill while fellating another is surely a nanodick specimen.
>why yes, I exclusively drink water, how could you tell?
americans are all trailer trash. if you don't live in a trailer it's because america itself is your trailer.
if you weren't retarded you'd realise I was saying drink what you want faggot. just shut up about it.
for some reason i always imagined it tasting like warm milk with a tint of ash
Agreed wine is way better then beer
yeah don't talk about things on this discussion board