FF7 Remake

How was the demo?

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It's a mediocre piece of shit that will sell 10 million copies because nostalgia pandering is officially easier than making good games.

It's fun, and doomers can stay mad.

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didn't like the low damage output.
Died on the scorpion too (playing normal).
Didn't know what the fuck I was doing with its shield, nevermind piddly your damage is with barret.

Presentation was good though, that surprised me.

I have to wonder how random battles are going to be done though.
I like to grind materia and collect weapons/items, don't want that to be greater chore than it needs to be.

imagine being this mad lol

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>It's fun, and doomers can stay mad.

It really is.

Somehow, the guys behind FFVII and Kingdom Hearts have actually actually looked at these games and acknowledged the core issues with the combat in both of them, and carefully constructed a system that takes the positives of both while fixing exactly what was most broken, with as minimal compromise as possible.

So you have a system where, instead of your party AI running off and doing random shit all the time, either letting you do bugger all or being basically irrelevant, you actually have reasonably tight control over each other and their major attacks and the game expects you to take advantage of each person's abilities. And at the same time, you can't expect to stand around in a line and throw out attacks whenever and do anywhere near as well as when you actually carefully control your movement and timing.

It doesn't play like a pure action game where you can dodge react to everything that happens at the last moment to prevent all damage, nor is is a pure JRPG where you expect to attack, heal and level up your way to victory without paying attention to what your enemies are actually doing in real time.

All this completely pisses off idiots, and it's all the better for it. I look forward to actually playing this on hard.


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Pretty good granted it felt like I was doing something wrong, need to play it a few times before everything clicks.

Those two are going to have one extra-ugly baby

The demo, the DEMO

Gameplay was a fine upgrade to the original, characterization, retcons and the scope of the story are shit.

kind of fun but felt like a chore to play
the scorpion boss is easy if you're not retarded

Production value is amazing, combat feels a bit stiff
I think they should have committed to be a full action game instead of the turn based hybrid thing they're doing, like map special attacks to a customizable shortcut menu like Kingdom Hearts has
Having triangle switch stances for Cloud instead of just being the heavy attack button is also weird

Does anyone have the screenshot of Tifa looking at the screen from the other side of the bar? It was posted here yesterday but I didn’t save it.

your mother already did that

>It was posted here yesterday but I didn’t save it.
if only there was some kind of archive

holy shit it's like you don't even live on the same planet
It's not about gameplay, it's about calling it FF7 when it's the first 6 hours of FF7. Spending 5 years and charging $60 for 4 playable characters.

The game will do well, it will be fun to play, and it will get good reviews. But this is a predatory marketing strategy and there is a 0% chance people finish this game and feel satisfied. You're not appreciating the scale of this scam, it has never been done before

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I have to admit, my brother's no prize winner.

>Thirsty girl wants to smash super bad, but the guy doesn't pick up on any of her signals

Why is that so popular in Japan?

Is Tifa a tomboy or a girly girl when you get down to it?

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demo convinced me to wait for the pc release. ive already played through the original twice so its not like im going to get spoiled. the game is beautiful on consoles but i cannot justify playing something at 20 fps, and its also the starting area with fewer enemies and closed environment mind you.

It's alright. Camera is kind of an issue, dodge feels pretty stiff and it seems preferable to just block. Started getting into a groove with Cloud and Barret as I went a long and I'm looking forward to how the other two part members work.

because they want to think every girl wants to fuck them and they didnt pick up on it as well, but in reality the girls are disgusted by them so its just their cope mechanism

demo was great and people are mad

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this is supposed to be the slums isn't it?

cute af

Hey, fuck you man. I do alright...

I think two of those words have completely different meanings there, Barry

upper plate

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I think you bump into Aeris before you get back on the train to the slums, not 100% on that though.

>downplays the damage Avalanche causes
Can’t have the good guys with blood on their hands huh? Also, how will they whitewash the Turks, specifically Reno?

prude girl dressed like a skank

Learn weaknesses and combos. Just button mashing is like afk auto attacking in an mmo.

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Fixed that awful orange lighting

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>1/3rd of the script
Yea that's not too bad.

playing the demo i felt like a american.
everything is double exposed so you can´t oversee the obvious approach. your emotions are dictaded from others. "you have to run trough lasers but if you touch em it will be bad" *touch laser* loose 1 hp, "wasn´t that bad cloud?". also sterile enviroment.
>but muh demo
yeah it´s a demo of a shitpile but i blame myself for having any expectations at all.
PS: buying a game where it´s uncertain how many parts will be there after release is the biggest red flag of them all, blatant sign for easy cashgrab.

Why wait 10 years to play the complete, albeit gutted, edition of this mess when you can just go for the original?

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That would only concern you if you've not played the original.

Demo was fine but Jessie being a fucking slut was a turnoff. She couldn't shut up for anything

that would make total sense if it was the same exact game

because the original is an ugly ass turn based rpg

she got big pussy energy

I actually enjoyed it, even though I was skeptical since the last Square Enix game I enjoyed was Final Fantasy XII. I don't get why people bash it because 'haha nostalgia', it's a fucking remake. I love the little details, the subtle facial expressions and the voice acting is also a little over the top but I like it in spite of that since FF7 had a sort of goofy nature about it.

The dynamic music is also amazing, the transitions between the reactor themes is well done. My only problems with it are the camera angle is balls and Jessie's sexual thirst. It was better when she had a crush on Cloud, now she's practically throwing herself at him.

But overall, I enjoyed it more than I thought. I'm definitely getting the game when it hits.

>big pussy energy

Developers have already said if they remade the full game as they intended, it would be too big for a single release and they'd have to cut a lot of content. So if you got the 'full' game, you'd still be crying.

The game has already been confirmed to be around the size of FF15, if not bigger. The full experience will be longer than the FF13 trilogy. I don't see the problem.

The demo outright spell it out to you but you still failed to notice... she said that she is actually super nervous and uses her continuous talk to cope.

Not based and not redpilled

>How was the demo?
Looked way too much like RE2

>It's not about gameplay
Yas Forums in a nutshell

>white light in a bar
Way to ruin the ambiance faggot

the menu theme is beautiful

"Drop those Pants Mister!"

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she looks so clean
it's jarring how perfect she is

"Cloud pleeeeeeease"

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Constantly shifting goalposts

>FF7 g-gameplay is b-bad!!!
>Fans who actually know how to play games says it's good

>I-its not about t-the gameplay!! Y-you're g-getting s-scammed!
Go away.

Not fan of the artstyle, it's pretty bland compared to the original.
Dialogues seem dumber too, way worse than before.
Really like the battle system though, good balance between action and strategy. There will be a lot to do with materia according to datamined leaks.

Will play on pc for sure.


coomers need updated graphics of the tits they have nostalgic love for. These losers have acutally been in love with tifa and aeris for 20 years, and now their love is coming to life again.

brainlet zoomers need faster action based combat that is less tactical and more button smashing.