Just as if it couldn't get any worse, this kike joined in. The absolute state of blizzard.

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oh fuck

its over bros

get ready for transgender crash bandicoot and non-binary operatives in COD

Lmao their so desperate they went to giga pedo jew oh dear
New cod sucks

Now the real kikery begins

>every story will change to be about letting evil into your ranks and abolishing all presumption of self governance.

He has less than 1% of their market cap

Based Soros saw the terrible state of company and decided to save it. He always looked like widowmaker main to me.

That's how it starts tho.

How does he live so long?

The rich get access to way better healthcare, simple as that.

Didn't he died?

He doesn't even know what videogames are

He eats goyim souls. Now that he has an in to Activision he can now microdose himself 24/7.
The irony is that every soul Activision has on tap is deeply flawed, possibly broken already, so we will see how much it helps in the long run.

You can't kill THE Jew.

After all this time, i never know what exactly he's after in life. What is his end goal?

>Lmao their so desperate they went to giga pedo jew oh dear
>New cod sucks

Implying that most of gaming company owners are not already jews... they just taking money from one of they 'uncles'

For what purpose?

no they dont, they get the same quack pharmaceutical shills as everyone else. a kike like him though could probably pay someone off to get first in line access to organs and such though.

Presumably he's trying to get a return on investment.

The Activision CEO was also on the flight log for Epstein's "Lolita Express" child sex plane

>no they dont, they get the same quack pharmaceutical shills as everyone else.

King Kike Rockefeller had like a dozen heart surgeries by the time he finally croaked, what the fuck are you smoking.

Kinda based. He's bored so now he plays videogames

Rich old fucks like Soros basically live like vampires and get so many organ transplants from young and healthy people that their whole body might as well be a Frankenstein monster of different """donors""".

>What is his end goal?
To cause chaos and suffering. He's the devil incarnate. He has the power to crash entire nation's economies (and he has).

based soros.
I want to be like him and BTFO Incels all around the world so they come up with conspiracy theories.

Top-tier healthcare only the richest of the rich can avoid.
He probably also enjoys experimental age treatment not available to the public yet like injecting infant blood to repair cells.

45M isn't even the budget for one AAA game.

>no they don't
god almighty youve got shit for brains

What's so bad about this guy?

>no one gets heart surgeries except rich people
literally everyone in america is getting heart surgery and treated for heart disease, its the #1 disease in the west

For what purpose do jews invest on things? First, to get richer; Second, to subvert western civilization in their favor.

These two objectives are usually interchanjable, but when they aren't jews will prioritize the later. That's why we keep seeing things going woke and wenting broke, they will take all the risks if that means keep the agenda going.

He's real life supervillain

He funds antifa, trans movements and pro migration NGOs


He's the first boss.

>another old white male shitting on video games


I wouldn't know, I don't keep up with low test Yas Forums tier topics, but we've become a containment board for the issues of other so this thread will probably hit the bump limit

Doesn't that make him a hero?

Stay mad Yas Forums

What's that like 1% of the company

A rare example of a billionaire that gives his token political donations to the left instead of the right.
Therefore he's the mastermind of literally every aspect of modern progressivism and is an evil cultist trying to destroy civilization.

yes it does, all the nazi cis male incels should just die already.

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Kikes ain't white.
Feck off jew.

looks like he had enough of gamers and bought actionvision stocks from the chinks

fuck u talkin bout?
its activision for a while now, blizz died long ago

based pol bogeyman

Actiblizz is shit but Soros is based as fuck. Will have to see how this turns out if it turns out in any way.

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He has a clear agenda of only pushing it in the west, because the moment any of those organisations try to establish in Israel he instantly cuts funding.

My favorite thing about him was when he talked about how much he loved his dad selling out his fellow jews to the nazis
What a good lad

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imagine being so desperate to be contrarian that you start shouting HURR SOROS IS BASED every 5 minutes

This, but unironically. They're fucking evil

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Priority one and two are now inversed user. A jew will happily ruin his life and take one for the tribe if it would irreparably ruin some Goys life.

Wtf this guy isn't dead?

There are plenty of more promising game companies.

>funds antifa, trans movements and pro migration NGOs
And this is bad why?

If you yourself are an evil person yeah it would make him a hero.
To all morally adjusted people he is a pox on mankind.

wtf I love soros now

Americans love him.

seeing him tear up as he mentions rounding up his fellow countrymen was the happiest moments of his life was fucking weird.

Virgin's blood and roasted americhub foreskins

Literally so rich and vile that he fucked with the economy of Russia, China and several others to try and take a hold of them. This is why he is considered enemy number 1 in Russia.

If you are opposed to things that fundamentally exist to improve peoples' lives then you are not morally adjusted.

send a link or smth

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Nevermind I was thinking of david rockfeller

so was he improving people's lives while turning them into the gestapo so him and his father could liquidate their assets?

Nigga you're retarded.
You don't know half the evil shit he's pulled and countries he's fucked.

Maybe he's a Warcraft fan and he wants to return it to redo Reforged.....

Any stock owners here? Been opening a bottle to celebrate.

Antifa is a dangerous, borderline terrorist organization that physically assaults anyone they disagree with.

Is that what he did to his own people? That's fucked up lmao, top tier jewry.

If you don't know, why bother answering?


t. Alex Jones

neither do you.

>they get the same quack pharmaceutical shills as everyone else
Except they can afford to pay competent, medically literate people to seperate the wheat from the quacks. Plus, a second opinion for them doesn't mean shelling out over half their next paycheck just to most likely be told the same shit all over again.

>Invests a month before the new CoD BR gets announced.

Yeah, alright. Guess he just got lucky timing with this one haha

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preach it sister, death to and right wing FUCKS.

He literally devalues currencies in virtually all countries he has business relations in.

Yeah, that is how he got the initial capital to do what he is doing now.

question for Yas Forumstards: why would "the jews" outbreed hard working whites and flood every country with violent niggers?
unironically what would they gain from that? i asked that on Yas Forums multiple times and NEVER got any answer besides "lol jews dumb".

>A rare example of a billionaire that gives his token political donations to the left instead of the right

Most billionaires are jewish and most jews are politically-left.

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shut up racist pig

How will they ever recover?

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I got you schlomo

Christians are the enemy of the jews.

HOTS was the only good game Blizzard has EVER made. Many will disagree. All of them are wrong.

All they had to do was keep working hard, filling the game with increasingly questionable coomer content, with a new map here and there.

Yet they couldn't even be assed to do that.
Failure of a company. Entirely from start to finish. Abject failures.

Unironically, how do we stop the mostly jewish 1%? Have they become to powerful? Too big to fail?
The death of the 1% is a

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Nothing. He tends to find organizations that are sorta liberal and anti-totalitarianist so Yas Forums seethes out of their skin every time he gets on the headlines. He manipulated some economies, but compared to Yas Forums’s ”kill all bankers”-tier ideas, it’s pretty fucking hypocritical to call him out on something minor as that.

>a slav jew that invests against nazis and stalinists
Oh no, how dare he?!?

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But niggers and muslims are not?